"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Aphøløo | Apollo | 阿波羅
Bytøo | Amitabha | 彌陀
Bøo su putjip sampøftien | I need to see you; I have a favor to ask of you. (Lit.- Don't enter the emperor's office unless you have official business.) | 不事不登三寶殿
Ciah koefcie bøo paix chiuxthaau | ungrateful to the benefactors | 吃果子無拜樹頭; 忘本
Efnghøo | a place in Taiwan | 永和
Guthaau bøo tuix befzhuix | not to the point; unconnected; incongruous (Lit. The head of an ox does not match the mouth of a horse.) | 牛頭無對馬嘴; 文不對題
Guu bøo hiafmzhao bøe puii | If a person doesn't encounter difficulties in his life he won't be a success. (Lit. If a cow doesn't eat coarse grass it won't get fat.) | 牛無吃險草不肥。
Gyn'aflaang u hvi bøo zhuix | A child should be seen and not heard | 小孩子有耳無嘴; 囝仔人有耳無嘴
Hoatøo zaesex | Hua Tou has come back again (used on complimentary scrolls; etc. given to doctors) | 華陀再世
Hoatøo | Hua Tou; a legendary surgeon at the end of the Han Dynasty | 華陀
Hofkopøo | aunt tiger - a fable character | 虎姑婆
Honghøo | the Yellow River | 黃河
Høo | surname He; Ho | 何
Jiedhøo | Jehol province | 熱河
Khailøo | Cairo | 開羅
Khailøo-soangieen | Cairo Declaration signed by China; great Britain and the United States in 1944 | 開羅宣言
Kiarmkiøo | Cambridge; England | 劍橋
Kioxnghøo-tofng'oaan | Republican | 共和黨員
Laiyn-høo | Rhine river | 來茵河
Løo | surname Luo; Lo | 羅
Mafzofpøo | goddess of the sea much worshiped in Taiwan and the southern China coast | 媽祖婆
Mitøo | a city in Kaohsiung County; Buddhist term for Buddha; Amida; Amitabha | 彌陀
Mytøo | Amitabha Buddha, the immeasurable (used as an incantation or exclamation, something like "For God's sake!", "Goodness me!") | 彌陀
Nghøo | Yellow River | 黃河
Niløhøo | Nile River | 尼羅河; (非洲第一大河)
Panafmar uxnhøo | Panama Canal | 巴拿馬運河
Panafmar-uxnhøo | the Panama Canal | 巴拿馬運河; 運河
Pangkiøo | a city in Taipei County | 板橋
Peqhøo | a city in Tainan County | 白河
Pøfløo | Paul (Protestant) | 保羅
Sailee toaxkiøo | Silo Bridge; the longest highway bridge in Taiwan | 西螺大橋
Sexng Pøfløo | St. Paul (Protestant) | 聖保羅
Siogmih bøo høfhøex | Cheap articles are no good Penny wise and pound foolish | 價賤無好貨。
Soisu uxnhøo | Suez Canal | 蘇伊士運河
Tailøo | a Taiwanese writing system published by Taiwan Edu. Dept. | 台羅
Tanghøo | a city in Taitung County | 東河
Tangløo | a city in Miaoli County | 銅鑼
Tangsvoahøo | Yilan County river | 冬山河
Thienhøo | Milky Way | 天河
Tionghøo | a city in Taipei County | 中和
Tongsanhøo | a river in the east coast of Taiwan | 東山河
Tøo | surname Tao; T'ao (Tao) | 陶
Zhvekongkao ciah-bøo sae | things done in a hurry cannot be done well; fail in goal by being hasty (Lit. If a dog eats to fast there is nothing to turn to excrement.) | 欲速則無達。
Zøo | surname Cao; Ts'ao (Tsao) | 曹
ae'iøo | sorry! too bad! | 噯喲
aehøo | Love-River in Kaohsiung | 愛河
aekhaux bøo bagsae | find it hard to bring up a matter | 欲哭無目屎; 有口難言
afbøo | if not; otherwise | 仔無; 要無然
angkiøo | eggplant | 紅茄
angpøo | old couple | 翁婆
angthøo | red peach | 紅桃; 壽桃紅桃
anhøo-logli | peaceful and happy | 安和樂利
apøo | elderly lady; Madam; term of respect for an old woman | 阿婆
armsøsøo | very dark | 暗趖趖; 黑漆漆
bafnthøo | steamed roll; steamed bun; steamed bread; steamed bun | 饅頭
baithiøo khofkaxn | work with full effort while ignoring other people's criticisms (Lit. bury one's head in a book) | 埋頭苦幹
baithiøo | put one's head down; duck | 埋頭
befbøo | not to have bought because it was not on sale or not on the market; no place to buy | 買無; 買無到
befzøo | manger; manger; crib | 馬槽
bengløo | strike a gong; strike the gong | 鳴鑼
bexhøo | be uncongenial; not in agreement; disunion; unprofitable; cannot make both ends meet | 未和; 無和睦; 不划算
biauthiøo | early beginning; clues; some visible results | 苗頭
bidpøo | bat | 蝙蝠; 密婆
biedbøo | perish totally; ruin totally; destroy totally | 滅無; 毀滅
binzhngpøo | bed goddess | 眠床婆
biøo | trace a copy on transparent or thin paper | 描
boafnlieen bøo zuo | three greatest misfortunes in youth to lose one's father; in middle age to lose one's wife; in old age to have no son | 三無幸; 少年喪父; 中年喪妻; 晚年無子
boehbøo | otherwise; or else; or; otherwise | 要無; 否則; 要無然
boeq khaux bøo bagsae | You want to cry but there are no tears. There's just no way out | 欲哭無目屎
boeq`bøo | want or not? | 要無; 要麼
bofnggøo | turn; move in a circle | 打轉
bofngsøo | walk slowly and casually; walk slowly and informally; walk about | 罔趖; 無事走動
bogzøo | a trough | 木槽
bong'viuu pofløo | shut the stable door when the steed is stolen- to take precaution when too late | 亡羊補牢
bukhøfnaixhøo | helpless | 無可奈何
bukhør naixhøo | having no alternative; have to; powerless | 無可奈何
bukhør-naixhøo | a helpless situation | 無可奈何
bunaixhøo | innocence; innocent | 無奈何
bunhøo | a well-known write; eminent writer; a great man of letters | 文豪
bupøo | witch | 巫婆
byløo | shallow open baskets without handles or covers for drying rice and beans; a flat bamboo tray for winnowing rice | 米籮; 米篩子
bøehbøo | yes or no? | 欲無; 否則; 要無要
bøeq`bøo | want or not | 要麼
bølun juhøo | in any case; at all events | 無論如何
bønaixhøo | act against one's will; have no alternative but; can not help but | 無奈何; 無得已
bøo aix | don’t want | 無愛
bøo bagte | discriminate against; to despise; to look down upon | 無目地看無起; 有眼無珠
bøo bengkhag | vague | 無明確
bøo bin thafng kvix laang | feeling ashamed to see others because of some awkward; inconvenient; or shameful state of matters | 無臉見人
bøo bogteg | aimless; without objective; at random | 無目的
bøo bogtek | pointless | 無目的
bøo buxntøee | no problem | 無問題
bøo cidear | a little while | 無一下子
bøo cidtex tiøh | always wrong | 一無是處; 無一塊對
bøo ciekhix | lacking self-respect, spiritless | 無志氣
bøo cietzex | without self-control | 無節制
bøo cviuxsngx | unfit for anything; no good; useless | 無上算; 無值取
bøo gigo | unexpectedly before one is aware or has any thought of it | 無疑悟; 意料之外
bøo gixniu | nothing to do; nonsense | 無藝量; 無事做; 無聊
bøo goanzeg | unprincipled | 無原則
bøo goanzoe sythay | Immaculate Conception of Mary; conceived without sin (catholic term) | 無原罪始胎
bøo guu sae bea | use the means at hand; make an adjustment (Lit. If there is no ox; then use a horse.) | 無牛駛馬; 事出無奈
bøo habseg | not fitting, improper | 無合適
bøo habsid | not fitting, improper | 無合適
bøo hagbun | not educated, without learning | 無學問
bøo hangzeeng | have no market price | 無行情; 沒有市價
bøo haqsii | unseasonable; out-of-date | 無合時
bøo haqun | doesn't rhyme | 無合韻
bøo hexløh | not to the point; whereabouts is unknown | 無下落
bøo hexthorng | unclassified; without system; disorder; unsystematic; uncontrolled | 無系統
bøo hoatto | no help for it; lawless (Lit. no plan) | 無法度; 沒辦法
bøo hogcioong | recalcitrant | 無服從
bøo huozhoarn | unable to catch breath | 無赴喘
bøo i'oar | has not depended upon; friendless and helpless | 無依偎; 無所依偎; 無依無靠
bøo iaokirn | unimportant; not serious; it doesn't matter; never mind | 無要緊
bøo iegi | without significance , meaningless | 無意義
bøo ieseg | unconsciousness; unintentional; involuntary | 無意識
bøo iesux | no idea or concept; not interesting; no indication or hint | 無意思; 沒意思
bøo ihoad | unable to handle; incapable; unable to deal with him or her | 無伊法; 拿他沒辦法; 拿他沒轍
bøo insixn | does not have the messages | 無音信
bøo intvoaf | out of blue; no reasons | 無因端
bøo itteng | may not; not necessarily; can't say for sure; maybe | 無一定
bøo ixgi | without dissenting voice; unanimous | 無異議
bøo iøh thafng kiux | incurable; beyond hope; incorrigible | 無藥可救
bøo jintø | inhumane; contrary to humanity | 無人道
bøo joaxkuo | not too long | 無多久
bøo kaang | different; distinctive; unlike | 無同
bøo kafmkag | insensible, unfeeling | 無感覺
bøo kah'ix | unsuit one's fancy; not agreeable to a person or thing | 無合意
bøo kang | not alike, quite different | 無仝
bøo kangge | nothng to do | 無工藝
bøo karsi | has not educated | 無教示; 沒教養
bøo keatat | valueless | 無價值
bøo khaksit | unreliable, uncertain, unsure | 無確實
bøo khehkhix | is impolite | 無客氣
bøo khielek | without energy or strength | 無氣力
bøo khix | missing, to disappear | 無去
bøo khvikhip | unable to hold on to (like a big; round slippery thing); no collateral; to have no family; relatives; property on which a creditor can have a hold as security | 無鉗吸; 無可依據; 無牽連
bøo khøfleeng | impossible | 無可能
bøo kie'tii | forgetful, absent-minded | 無記持
bøo kiemiaa tauphiøx | secret ballot | 無記名投票
bøo kietkør | without result, in vain | 無結果
bøo koanhe | have nothing to do with; regardless of; it matters little | 無關係
bøo kongpvee | not fair | 無公平
bøo kongpvii | unfair | 無公平
bøo kongtø | not fair | 無公道
bøo kuie jidzeeng | not many days ago. | 前幾天
bøo kuikie | ill-mannered, no discipline | 不規矩
bøo kuilut | undisciplined, disorderly | 無規律
bøo kuisym | not with one's whole heart | 無歸心; 無專心
bøo kunkux | groundless, unfounded, ungrounded | 無根據
bøo kuyjit-cieen | not many days ago | 無幾天前
bøo kviar mia | be fated to have no child | 無囝命; 命中無後
bøo kwnchiøx | not joking | 無滾笑; 無是開玩笑
bøo laau ite | put a man too much to shame; as by severe scolding before others | 無留餘地
bøo lang'ieen | unpopular | 無人緣
bøo langbin | without friends or helpers | 無人面; 無人事關係
bøo langseg | without friends or helpers | 無人色; 無人事關係
bøo larngtng | incessantly; unceasingly | 無曠斷; 沒有間斷
bøo lefmau | rude | 無禮貌
bøo lefsox | impolite, rude, not according to social rule | 無禮數
bøo lenglek | without method, unsable, incapable, without capacity | 無能力
bøo lengsviax | be ineffective; in vain; to pray to god or a saint in vain | 無靈聖
bøo liamthie | shameless; devoid of honor | 無廉恥
bøo lie ee taixcix | It's none of your business | 無你的代誌; 少管閒事
bøo liongsym | conscienceless | 無良心
bøo lisy | little; almost none | 無釐絲; 沒一點兒
bøo lo | there is no road or no means; have a poor appetite; don't like to eat | 無路; 沒胃口
bøo loaxkuo | not for long | 無多久
bøo loxeng | no use; no good; unfit for anything; useless; not of any help; not valid; ineffective | 無路用
bøo loxiong | useless | 無路用
bøo loxsae | useless | 無路駛; 沒用
bøo lykhix | contrary to common sense | 無理氣
bøo mxtiøh | right, no error, unmistakably, no wrong | 無毋對
bøo naixsym | fretfully impatient | 無耐心
bøo oafnkiexn | to lack foresight | 無遠見
bøo oe korng kalør | chat | 無話講家惱; 閒話家常; 閑談
bøo oe thafng korng | having nothing to say; unable to say anything | 無話可講
bøo pawhøo | unsaturated | 無飽和
bøo phahsngx | not expect; unexpectedly; coincidentally | 無打算; 沒想要
bøo phiensym | impartial | 無偏心
bøo piernliern | out of tricks | 無變輾; 無知變通
bøo piernpo | impossible to execute; has no good way to do | 無變步; 沒有好方法; 無法可施
bøo piernthofng | stubborn | 沒變通; 無變通
bøo pvoaree cvii | not a red cent | 無半的錢; 一毛錢也沒有
bøo pvoarji | not a word | 無半字
bøo pvoarphied | do not have a single skill or merit | 無半撇; 一無所長
bøo pvoarpo | useless | 無半步; 一點辦法都沒有
bøo pvoarsud | to have nothing; dispossessed | 無半屑; 什麼都沒有
bøo pvoarsy | not the least bit | 無半絲
bøo pøfliuu | unreserved | 無保留
bøo sektoxng | ineptness | 無適當
bøo seng'ix | insincere | 無誠意
bøo siafsix | shameless | 無賒勢; 丟臉
bøo simcviaa | be reluctant to do; absent minded | 沒心情
bøo simkvoaf | absent-minded | 沒心肝; 沒良心; 無心肝
bøo siongkafn | irrelevant; have nothing to do with | 無相干
bøo siøfsym | carelessly | 無小心
bøo siøkaang | different; distinctive; unlike | 無相仝; 無相同
bøo siøkauzhab | no mutual concern; not at all involved in his affairs | 無相交插; 無相往來
bøo siøphvef | equal; even; fifty and fifty; half and half | 無相摒; 互無佔便宜
bøo siøtaang | not identical; not the same | 無相同
bøo sngx | don't count; leave out of the reckoning; not including | 無算
bøo sofkuy | homeless; no place to go | 無所歸
bøo sofui | It does not matter | 無所謂
bøo su'iaux | unnecessary, no need | 無需要
bøo sun | not smooth | 無順
bøo suviaa | tie; draw; come out even | 無輸贏; 平手; 無分輸贏
bøo suxsae | not valid; ineffective; in vain | 沒有用; 無事使(駛)
bøo svakaang | is dissimilar | 無相共; 無一樣
bøo svataang | is not same | 無相同
bøo sviafmih | not any; not too; nothing; it doesn't matter; never mind | 沒什麼; 無什麼
bøo sviu kaux | did not consider so far | 沒想到
bøo symmih | nothing | 無什麼
bøo søeaji | carelessly; by accident | 無細膩; 無小心; 不經意
bøo taixcix | have nothing to do; never mind | 無代誌; 沒事做; 無要緊
bøo tekkhag | uncertainty, not necessarily, unsure | 無的確
bøo texngheeng | amorphous; formless | 無定形
bøo texngsexng | flighty; very fickle and of unsettled purpose; wavering | 無定性
bøo thafng ciah | having nothing to eat | 無得吃
bøo thak`tiøh | have never read it | 沒有讀過
bøo tharncvii | no profit; too small a profit | 無賺錢
bøo thaunao | stupid (Lit. no brains) | 沒頭腦; 愚笨
bøo thausiin | absent-minded | 無頭神; 記性差
bøo thaux | no way through | 無透
bøo thienlioong | have no conscience | 無天良
bøo thvilie | unreasonable | 無天理
bøo ti`teq | not be in; be out | 無在咧
bøo tiaukvia | unconditional; without conditions | 無條件
bøo tiedsu | disorder; irregularity; want of method; anomaly | 無秩序
bøo tixtai | irrelevant | 無相干; 無佇代
bøo tofngphaix | non-partisan | 無黨派
bøo toxliong | narrow minded | 無度量
bøo tvafkirn | unimportant; not serious; never mind | 無打緊
bøo tviaxtiøh | uncertain, indefinite | 無定著
bøo tviutii | no attention; suddenly; unexpectedly; unaware of | 無張持; 突然; 霍然
bøo twhør | not just right, carelessly | 無拄好
bøo tycie | bottomless pit; without limits | 無致止; 沒法停止
bøo tøxteg | immoral; unethical | 無道德
bøo un | very unlucky person | 無運; 運氣無佳
bøo viafciaq | not true; disappear; traceless; trackless; vanish | 無影蹤; 無影跡
bøo wnteng`ee | precarious | 無穩定的
bøo y | incurable | 醫無好; 無醫
bøo zaixlai | not included | 無在內
bøo zeng'ix | cold and unfriendly | 無情意
bøo zenggi | inhumane and unjust | 無爭議
bøo zengsiin | inattentive, unobservant | 無精神
bøo zerngsioong | abnormal; unusual; uncommon | 無正常; 異常
bøo zhaykafng | wasted effort, in vain | 徒勞
bøo zhengzhør | did not see clearly | 無清楚
bøo zhunpan | without any previous thought about it; as something coming unexpectedly | 無打算
bøo zoansym | not with one's whole heart | 無專心
bøo zongzeg | disappear; traceless; trackless; vanish | 無蹤跡
bøo zuo'ix | careless, carelessly, not attentively, pay no attention, without taking notice | 無注意
bøo zwix | careless, carelessly | 不注意的
bøo zwkiexn | indecisive; cannot make up one's mind about anything | 無主見
bøo | no; have not; had not; did not; unsuccessfully; without | 無; 沒有
bøo-gigo | unexpectedly | 意想不到
bøo-hoatto | no way, unable to manage | 無法度
bøo-itteng | uncertain, unassuredly, uncertainly | 無一定
bøo-lang'ieen | repulsive, not very liked | 無人緣
bøo-lefsox | impolite, rude, not according to social rule | 沒禮數
bøo-lenglek | without method, unable, incapable, without capacity | 無能力
bøo-loxeng | useless | 無路用
bøo-loxiong | useless | 不中用; 沒有用
bøo-mxtiøh | that's right; no error, unmistakenly, no wrong | 無毋著
bøo-seng'ix | insincere | 無誠意
bøo-siøkang | different; distinctive; unlike | 無相仝; 無相同
bøo-su'iaux | unnecessary, no need | 無需要
bøo-symmih | nothing particular, not particularly, not very | 沒什麼
bøo-tekkhag | uncertainly, not necessarily, unsure | 無的確
bøo-tiaukvia | unconditional, unreserved | 無條件
bøo-tixtai | not of one's business, does not concern one | 無底代
bøo-tvafkirn | without too much importance | 無打緊
bøo-tviaxtiøh | uncertain, indefinite | 無定著
bøo-twhør | not just right, carelessly | 無拄好
bøo-zafmzøeh | indecisive | 無斬截
bøo-zeng'ix | cold and unfriendly | 無情義
bøo-zenggi | inhumane and unjust | 無情意
bøo-zengsiin | inattentive, unobservant | 無精神
bøo`khix | disappear; none; didn't go | 無去; 消失; 沒了
bøo`khix`aq | gone; dead, died | 沒去了
chiagchiagtiøo | palpitate; to jump up and down noisily | 蹦蹦跳
chiaubøo | look but not find; to search without result | 搜無; 找無到
chiefnthøo-seg | light peach | 淺桃色
chienthiøo baxnsu | very complicated or confused problem or task; a thousand and one things to attend to; extremely complicated and difficult thing to unravel | 千頭萬緒
chienthiøo-baxnsu | thousands of strands and loose ends; very complicated | 千頭萬緒
chinhøo | kind; friendly | 親和
chinhøo-lek | affinity | 親和力
chiokløo | to grapple | 觸搏; 捉牢
chitthøo | play; have fun; doing for pleasure and amusement | 玩耍; 𨑨迌; 拭桃
chitthøo-gyn'ar | playboy | 拭桃囝仔; 𨑨迌囡仔
chitthøo-laang | playboy | 拭桃人; 𨑨迌人; 遊盪人
chitthøo-zabor | loose woman, prostitute | 拭桃查某; 𨑨迌查某; 玩女人
chiuhøo | subtle | 秋毫
chiuo bøo zhurnthiq | totally unarmed (Lit. Hand does have an inch of iron.) | 手無寸鐵
chiøtiøo | vigorous; active; lively; spirited | 慾投; 活潑; 好動; 有活力
chiøx piin bøo chiøx chiofng | look down on the poor and look up to the rich no matter where their money come from | 笑貧無笑娼
chvimfpøo | mother-in-law | 親姆婆
chvimr-pøo | in-laws grandmother | 親姆婆
chviphiøo | an aquatic herb; duckweed | 青萍; 青浮萍
ciah-liao bøo twhør | stomach upset | 吃了無適好; 吃壞了肚子
ciah-thitthøo | eat munchies | 吃拭桃; 吃零食
ciamtøo | to abscond; flee secretly; slip away; abscond | 潛逃
ciapsvepøo | midwife | 接生婆; 產婆
ciaqiøh bøo tuielo | taking improper medicine | 沒吃對藥; 吃藥無對路
ciengøo | to torment | 煎熬
ciernhøo | a trench; an entrenchment | 戰壕
cixnthiøo | end | 盡頭
ciøqkiøo | stone bridge | 石橋
ciøqkøo | lit. snake cage; stones rapped in a metal web on the bank of a river to keep the soil from washing away | 蛇籠
cviabøo | badly, unluckily | 很無; 誠無
cviax-tiexnhøo | positive charge, positive electric charge | 正電載
cvibøo | deny strongly | 諍無; 一直否認
cvii bøo nngxee poah-be taan | Both parties share equally the blame for a quarrel. (Lit. A single copper coin cannot produce a jingling sound.) | 錢無兩個跋未鳴; 一個銅板拍無響
cympøo | great aunt (grandfather's younger brother's wife); wife of paternal grandfather's younger brother | 嬸婆; 嬸奶奶; 叔祖母
cyphiøo | violet duckweed | 紫萍
egzøo | bathtub | 浴槽; 浴盆
engthøo | cherry; cherry (fruit) | 櫻桃
gausøo | lagging; always procrastinating; slow in action | 會趖; 很會摸魚; 慢吞吞 (做事; 走路)
gefngzøo | groove for grinding medician | 研槽
geqthøo | alpinia | 月桃
gezøo puxlaang | pyorrhea | 牙床化膿; 牙槽孵膿
gezøo | lower jaw; lower jawbone | 牙槽; 下牙床; 牙床
giamløo | Yama; King of Hades; King of Hell | 閻羅
giamløo-oong | Yama; King of Hades; King of Hell | 閻羅王
ginhøo | the Milky Way | 銀河; 天河
gixhøo | negotiate for peace; negotiate peace | 議和
giøo | pinworm | 蟯; 蛤
giøo`ee | of same name | 蟯的; 同名的
goaxløo | foreign labor | 外勞
goaxpøo | maternal grandmother | 外婆; 外祖母
goxngjip bøo goxngzhud | careful and detailed calculation of how to make money but doesn't like to spend it | 精打細算; 只收入無支出; 憨入無憨出
gviauqgviauqsøo | describes a person's movements like squirming like a worm | 蟯蟯趖
gvoløo | very hunger fellow | 饑囉
gøeqthøo | a kind of alpinia | 月桃; 玉桃
gøgøo`leq | whirl, revolve, go round in circle | 轉轉咧; 遨遨咧
gøo | goose (in general) | 鵝; 遨
habhøo | united; together; become reconciled | 一致; 和協; 合和; 和好
hauxgiøo | similar | 相同
hauxløo | render voluntary service; offer assistance; to render service | 效勞
haygøo | penguin; Swan Goose | 海鵝; 海蛾
heafkøo | bamboo basket for catching shrimp with a funneled mouth which allows the shrimp entrance and prevents escape | 捕蝦籠; 蝦仔籠
henghøo | Ganges | 恆河
hengzøo | chest or breast | 胸部; 胸槽; 胸部中央之凹部
hiabhøo | mediate; harmonize; cooperation; Concorde; harmony | 協和
hiafngløo | strike loud of a gong | 響鑼
hiaxiøo | a kiln for making bricks; kiln for firing tiles | 瓦窯; 磚瓦窯
hieløo | consumption; TB | 肺病; 肺癆
hienhøo | speak gribly | 懸河
hienkiøo | a suspension bridge | 懸橋
hiløo | tired; weary | 疲勞; 虛勞
hiongzøo | a soap | 香皂
hmlangpøo | a match maker; professional female matchmaker (sometimes used with a slightly derogatory connotation) | 媒人婆; 媒婆
hoafnløo | turn turbid | 反濁
hoanpøo | aborigine women | 番女; 番婆
hoanzøo | repair the roof | 翻槽; 屋頂翻修
hoe'iøo | lime kiln | 灰窯; 石灰窯
hoeabøo | depose | 廢掉; 廢棄; 廢無
hoef-lyløo | confusion; chaos; (idiom) in a mess | 花哩囉; 混亂; 亂七八糟
hoefiøo | kiln | 火窯
hoeiøo | lime kiln | 灰窯
hoekøkøo | at sixes and seven; in a mess; muddle | 花黏黏; 亂七八糟
hoeq løo | blood impurity (INCL. cholesterol) | 血混濁; 血濃
honggøo | a windmill | 風遨; 風車
honghøo-jidle | The wind is mild; the sun is bright | 風和日麗
hongkhofng-høo | a ditch serveing as air-raid or bomb shelter | 防空壕
hongkhonghøo | ditch serving as air raid shelter | 防空壕
hongløo | tuberculosis prevention; TB control | 防癆
hophiøo | duckweed; harvest duckweed with a strainer | 浮萍; 撈浮萍
hor-kopøo | the tiger-lady | 虎姑婆
hoxzøo | row of roof tiles | 雨槽
hudthøo | walnut | 核桃; 胡桃
hudthøo-jiin | walnut kernel | 核桃仁
huhøo | to follow, to echo | 符和
hui'afiøo | porcelain pit | 磁仔窯
hui'iøo | kiln; pottery works; porcelain pit | 瓷窯
huigøo | a moth | 飛蛾
huihuizøo | soap powder | 非肥皂
huihøo | to wield one's writing brush | 揮毫
huiiøo | pottery kiln | 瓷窯; 陶器窯
huizøo | soap | 肥皂
hunhøo | the minutest matter; an iota of; modicum; bit; trifle; whit | 分毫
huntøo | aromatize; affect | 薰陶
huohøo | assentation; chime in; go along; agree without conviction; repeat what others say; be a yes man | 附和; 富豪
huxhøo | to bear burden | 負荷
hvixzøo | ink stable | 硯槽
hvoaihvoai'køo | act unreasonably | 橫橫來; 亂來
hvoaikøkøo | cross; unreasonable; overbearing | 橫黏黏; 橫分無講理
hwn'giøo | clam | 粉蟯
hwngiøo | clam | 粉蟯; 文蛤
hwngøo | hard clam | 粉蛤
høe'iøo | lime kilm | 灰窯; 石灰窰; 灰窰,
høeiøo | pit; limekiln | 灰窯
høo | one tenth of the weight [[sy]]; 0.375 mg; and; sum; summation; river; harmony | 何; 毫; 唬; 河; 和; 濠; 荷
hør`bøo | is it OK; is it good | 好否
iahbøo | in that case, then | 亦無; 抑無; 那麼
iar-hudthøo | wild walnut | 野核桃
iauløo | starving man; half beggar half thief; bandit's follower | 嘍囉; 餓鬼; 飢囉
iaxpøo | bat (animal) | 蝙蝠; 夜婆
ienhøo | along the river | 沿河
imbiøo | controversy | 陰謀
inhøo | why | 因何; 因何?; 為何
ioong-tiexnhøo | positive electrical load | 陽電荷
ipøo | grandaunt; grandmother's sister | 姨婆; 姨奶奶; 姨婆,姨祖母
itchioxng-it'høo | One echoes the other. (said of two persons on the same side of an argument) | 一唱一和
itchioxng-pek'høo | One person proposes and a hundred others agree | 一唱百和
itløo-efng'ek | make a great effort to accomplish something once for all to save future trouble | 一勞永逸
iøiøo paypae | swagger; swaggeringly | 搖搖擺擺
iøkøo | iøqpaanor swing | 搖籠; 搖笱; 搖籃
iøo bea | shaking tail | 搖尾
iøo boea | shaking tail | 搖尾
iøo khazhnghoef | swing one's hips from side to side in walking | 扭屁股花
iøo syn itpiexn | change one's form with one shake of the body | 搖身一變
iøo tauar | shake the dice | 搖骰仔
iøo taukao | shake the dice | 搖骰子
iøo | shake (the head); to toss; to wave (flags); to sway | 搖; 窯
iøqzøo | medicated soap | 藥皂
jihøo | how | 如何
jinhøo | popularity or harmony with the people; colleagues; constituents; harmony between people | 人和
jiuhøo | soft; gentle; amiable; tender | 柔和
jixmhøo | any; whatever | 任何
jixmløo | to bear fatigue | 任勞
jixnhøo | any; whatever | 任何
jucy-naixhøo | helpless | 如之奈何
juhøo | how (can we deal with…?) What do you think of it: How about it? | 如何
kafmbøo | don't (you) have it? | 豈無; 感無
kafnghøo | negotiate peace | 講和
kalylienløo | beginning gong for a puppet show - imply the beginning | 咖哩嗹囉
kanghøo | rivers | 江河
karmløo | a prison, a jail | 監勞; 監牢
kaycied kihøo | analytical geometry | 解析幾何
kayseg-kihøo | analytical geometry | 解析幾何
kefng-kiøo | hydrogen bridge (chemistry) | 氫橋
keg-khøkhøo | unwilling to share | 激怐怐
kepøo | nosy; officious person; meddlesome | 加婆; 好管閒事
keqkøo | unpleasant feeling | 逆膏; 不習慣
khaløo | fetter; shackles | 腳鐐
khangløo | futile efforts | 空勞; 徒勞
khef`nih bøo kharmkoax | Good for nothing. Useless lout! (Lit. The river has no cover ─ so it's easy for you to go throw yourself in.) | 溪裡無蓋蓋; (比喻人沒用可跳河死)
khexngkiøo | rainbow bridge | 虹橋
khiamhøo | meekly; modest and good-natured; mild; meek | 謙和
khiaxgøo | penguin | 豎鵝
khiecid-ciamtøo | desert one's post and take flight | 棄職潛逃
khiefnmar cy løo | labor of a dog or a horse (literally) ─ one's own work; I have merely rendered you the services of a dog or of a horse (depreciatory phrase) | 犬馬之勞
khiegøo | penguin; rookery | 企鵝
khimseg-tiauhøo | lutes are in harmony ─ felicity of husband and wife | 琴瑟調和
khinløo | industry; hard-working; labor sedulously; to toil | 勤勞
khitciaqpøo | woman beggar | 乞食婆; 女乞丐
khngrhøo | to offer services for reconciliation; urge reconciliation | 勸和
khoarnhøo | to advise to stop the fight; urge reconciliation | 勸和; 勸人和好
khofbøo | eager to accomplish something or something happens | 苦無
khofløo | labor | 苦勞
khofthøo | bitter peach | 苦桃
khorng'iøo | a pit formed by digging for clay in making pottery | 炕窯; 去土石造窯積
khuiløo | (in Chinese opera) to begin performance | 開鑼
khuphiøo | tiny water fern | 昆瓢; 滿江紅
khutkiøo | arch bridge | 屈橋; 拱橋
khvoarbøo bagte | despise | 看無目地; 看無起
khvoarbøo | unable to see; unseen; look down upon; despise; ignore; disregard; turn a blind eye to; contempt; contemptuous; despise; scorn; scornful; (v) loathe | 看無; 看無到; 看輕
khvoarlangbøo | look down | 看人無
khvoaru-ciaqbøo kantvaf giexn | dreaming impossible dreams (Lit. You see it; but can't have; you just yearn for it.) | 看有吃無只有癮
khvoax-bøo | cannot find; look but not see (sometimes has the meaning of not know how to) | 看無; 看無懂; 看不到
khyzøo | alveolus | 齒槽
khøkhøo | proud; arrogant; pride | 傲慢; 驕傲; 躊躊
khøo | pround; arrogancy; abrupt; blunt; brusque | 躊; 傲慢; 擺架子
kiafmbøo | Don't you have...? | 豈無
kiernlip kongløo | achievement of great meritorious acts | 建立功勞
kihøo | geometry | 幾何
kiofngkiøo | an arched bridge | 拱橋
kioxnghøo | a republic; the republican form of government | 共和
kioxnghøo-kog | republic | 共和國
kioxnghøo-zerngthea | republican form of government | 共和政體
kioxnghøo-zerngti | republican government | 共和政治
kioxnghøo-zwgi | republicanism | 共和主義
kiuhøo | sue for peace; propose negotiation of peace | 求和
kix-bøo zhengzhør | have no clear recollection; did not remember clearly | 記無清楚
kixmpøo | aunt's mother; wife of maternal grandmother's brother | 妗婆; 舅婆; 舅奶奶
kiøo køex koayar ciu parngtiau | be ungrateful; forgetful of benefits received | 橋過柺仔就放掉; 過河拆橋
kiøo | bridge; eggplant | 橋; 茄
koafnkef-pøo | a housekeeper | 管家婆; 婆婆媽媽
koafnkepøo | house keeper | 管家婆
koafntøo | (esp. said of a married woman or an employee) to clear up everything and run away; to abscond | 捲逃
koanthiøo | a crucial moment | 關頭
koeahøo thiahkiøo | show no gratitude for past favors | 過河拆橋
koeakiøo | go across a bridge | 過橋
koealøo | overwork; fatigue with too much labor; over-exert oneself | 過勞
kofnghøo | negotiate peace | 講和
kofngthonghøo | collude secretly with each other | 講通和
kongløo | contribution; merit; services; merits; meritorious deeds; recompense | 功勞
kongpøo | parents of one's husband | 公婆
kopøo | grand aunt; maiden lady; paternal grandfather's sister or any old woman of same clan and same genealogical rank; respectful address to old woman of same surname; a dedicated church woman similar to a Sister | 姑婆
korhøo | to make peace | 媾和
korngløo | to beat a gong | 摃鑼
kox zeeng bøo kox au | Take care of what is in front of you but not what is behind you. ─ Not to consider consequences | 顧前無顧後
kox zhuix bøo kox syn | care only about food; careless about one's dress (appearance) | 只顧吃的; 無顧穿的
kudhøo | to entrench, to dig a trench | 掘壕
kuikøo | in a bunch, in a cluster | 整個
kukhaf søo`zhutlaai | reveal one's true form; character; leave loopholes in one's story; said of a matter becoming known | 龜跤趖出來; 露出馬腳
kunzøo | sergeant, noncom, non-commissioned officer | 軍曹
kut'høo | to entrench, to dig a trench | 屈和
kvaløo | prison; jail | 監牢
kvar bøo | I think there is none | 敢無; 大概沒有
kviaf cidtiøo | be frightened | 驚一跳; 嚇一跳
kviløo | drum beaten by watch-man | 更鑼
kyhøo | geometry | 幾何
kyhøo-hak | theory of geometry | 幾何學
kythiøo | raise one's head | 舉頭
køeakiøo | cross the bridge | 過橋
køealøo | laboring excessively | 過勞; 過度操勞
køhhøo | be reconciled | 擱和; 復合; 再和解
køkøo | sticky | 黏黏
køo | adhering; whirl; stir about | 黏; 敲取; 笱; 轉; 黃鼻涕
køo`tiøh | touched | 沾到
køq bøo kuyjit | not many days from now | 擱無幾日; 過無幾日
laaokopøo | old lady | 老姑婆
lahsaplyløo | filthy | 垃圾哩囉
lahsapsyløo | dirty | 垃圾死濁
lai'inhøo | Rhine | 萊茵河
laixhøo | inland river | 內河
lam'afkøo | cylindrical basket made of bamboo or wire which contains rocks to dam up the stream or to protect the dike | 擋水籠; 蛇籠
lantøo | impossible to escape; cannot escape | 難逃
larngsii bøo larngjit | coming very frequently | 閬日無閬日; 不間斷
lau-thaepøo | (n) old woman (often not polite); (n) term to refer to wife | 老太婆
lauxapøo | old woman; respectful address for an old woman (a complete stranger) | 老阿婆; 老婆婆
lauxkepøo | meddlesome woman; officiously intrusive woman | 老加婆; 喜歡管閒事的婦人
lauxkopøo | old aunty | 老姑婆
lauxpøo | wife; amah; maidservant | 老婆; 老傭婦 (太太自嘆)
lauxthaepøo | old woman | 老太婆
leeng`ciar tøløo | capable are usually the busy ones (compliment to a busy person) | 能者多勞
liamløo | sticky, adhesive | 濃濁
liaqbøo | caught nothing | 掠無
liaqhøo | conciliatory; become reconciled | 仲裁; 從中說合
libthea kyhøo | solid geometry; geometry of space; stereometry | 立體幾何
lidpwnpøo | Japanes women | 日本婆
limbøo | drinked nothing | 啉無
linhøo | harmony | 人和
liogkiøo | land bridge | 陸橋
lixmhøo | any | 任何
liøo | to provoke; to stir up; slice horizontally; skim; draw off (foam); fish up; drag out of the water | 撩; 撇; 剮
loafnhøo | warm, warmly | 暖和
loaq zøo | pigs are sick and don't take to their feed | 豬無食慾
loaqloaqsøo | aimlessly walking to and fro | 賴賴趖; 漫步; 慢吞吞; 遛蕩
loaxloaxsøo | aimlessly walking to | 賴賴趖; 四處徘徊
loexhøo | inland rivers | 內河
lofngbøo | there isn't any at all | 都沒
logkiøo | bridge over street | 陸橋
logtøo | camel; idler; lead an idle life; idle one's time away; loaf around | 駱駝; 遛蕩; 偷懶; 駝駱; 摸魚
logtøo-mngg | camel hair | 駱駝毛; 駝駱毛
loløo | pawn | 嘍囉
lomoapøo | female gangster | 鱸鰻婆
luhøo | how | 如何
luixhøo | a river of tears – very sad; deep sorrow | 淚河
løløo | (adj) muddy; turbid; dirty | 濁濁; 混濁
løløo-søsøf | troublesome; annoying with repeated and useless talk; beg for something persistently | 囉囉嗦嗦
løo jii buu kofng | toil in vain; fruitless attempt | 勞而無功
løo | labor; a surname; an instrument; muddy; toil; labor; suffer; trouble one; ill; exertion; merit; worthy action; services the state; careworn; burdened; wearied; fatigued | 勞; 騾; 羅; 濁; 鑼
løo-jii-bukofng | work hard but no reward | 勞而無功
løo-thithy | sticky, very involved | 囉黐黐; 囉囉嗦嗦
løor'løløo | extremely muddy | 濁濁濁
me bøo hiøhkhuxn | curse without ceasing | 罵個無停
mfpøo | grandaunt(wife of father's older brother); the wife of grandfather's older brother; grand aunt | 姆婆; 伯祖母; 伯奶奶
mixthøo | imitation peaches made of sweetened flour (use in the worship of idols) | 麵桃
mngxbøo | no answer | 問無
moelangpøo | professional female matchmaker | 媒人婆
moepøo | professional female matchmaker | 媒婆
muipøo | a female marriage broker; a female go-between of marriage; female matchmaker | 媒婆
mxbøo | otherwise; or else; or; otherwise; if not; or else | 毋無; 否則; 那未; 要不然
na bøo | if not; if there is not; if not so | 若無; 若沒有; 要不然
nafu-nafbøo | faintly discernible | 若有若無
naixhøkiøo | bridge over which all deceased have to pass to face judgment before giam-lo-ong; king of the underworld | 奈何橋; 到地府必經的橋
naixhøo | So what; how; do something to somebody; Why? For what reason? | 奈何
naixløo | endurance; able to endure | 耐勞
nar u nar bøo | vague; shapeless; intangible | 若有若無
naxbøo | but for; if not | 若非
ngkimhøo | golden river | 黃金河
niafbøo | got nothing | 領無
niøo | measure; grains | 量; 樑; 糧
nngfkøkøo | extremely soft | 軟膏膏
nngfsiøsiøo | extremely soft | 軟荍荍
nngfsøsøo | no energy | 軟趖趖; 有氣無力
oaikøo | crooked | 歪轉
oankongkiøo | round column bridge | 圓栱橋
oarnsvef bøo oarnsie | after a person is dead; forget about past differences (Lit. You can dispute or fight about something with a living person but not with a dead person.) | 怨生無怨死
oaxnhøo | to appease; pacify; moderate; allay; relax; ease up; mitigate | 緩和
ofbøo | dig nothing | 挖無
osøsøo | darkened | 烏趖趖
othøo | spade; a walnut | 黑桃; 胡桃
ozut'ar ciah-køeahøo | A pawn goes forth to capture the king.--A small fry tries a reckless invasion | 黑卒仔食過河; 非份的侵佔
paixbøo | come to total ruin | 敗無; 一敗塗地
paizuyzøo | drainage channels | 排水槽
pauløo baxnsiong | all embracing; inclusive of everything | 包羅萬象
paw lie bøo taixcix | guarantee your immunity; guarantee that there will be no trouble | 保證你沒事
pawhøo | saturation; be saturated | 飽和
paxng bøo khvoax`kvix | pretend not to see; let it go | 假裝看無見
paxng bøo thviaf`kvix | pretend not to hear | 假裝聽無到
pegthiøo | white hair | 白頭
pekløo | shrike (bird) | 伯勞
pekzheg kanthiøo | at the top of a hundred foot pole ─ at the highest point | 百尺竿頭
pengbin kyhøo | plane geometry | 平面幾何
pengbin-kyhøo | plane geometry | 平面幾何
penghøo sitai | glacial period; ice age | 冰河時代
penghøo | gentle; glacier; peace, harmony, peaceful, mild, harmonious, mildly | 平和; 冰河
peqkiøo | white eggplant | 白茄
perngbøo | to have no (complaint), nothing (good or bad) | 並無; ...
pethiøo kailør | grow old together; (of a married couple) to stick to each other till old age | 白首偕老
pexngbøo | there is really no...; not anything; no; not so; never | 並無
phahbøo | lost | 打無
phahbøo`khix | lose, let be lost | 打無去; 拍無去; 遺失; 掉了,
phahløo | to hit a gong; strike a gong; beat a gong | 打鑼
phakzøo | head down | 俯嘈
phangzøo | perfumed soap | 香皂
phaq bøo`khix | lose; make something vanish | 失無去; 遺失
philøo | tired; exhausted; utterly weary in body and spirits; exhaustion; fatigue; weariness | 疲勞
phiqphogtiøo | nervously jumping | 咇噗趒
phiøo | a ladle made from a dried gourd; great duckweed; duckweed; spirodela polyrhiza | 瓢; 萍,; 青萍; 水萍; 滿江紅; 紫萍,
phogphogtiøo | dance with emotion (rage or delight); palpitate | 蹦蹦跳
phokiøo | pave a bridge; make a wooden bridge | 鋪橋; 造橋
phukiøo | pontoon bridge | 浮橋
phuphiøo | duckweed | 浮萍; 浮薸
phutphuttiøo | jump chiuo up and down with happiness or anger; leap about (in rage or like child urgently asking something) | 怫怫趒; 雀躍
phutøo | grapes | 葡萄
phutøo-kvoaf | raisins | 葡萄干; 葡萄乾
phutøo-tngg | glucose | 葡萄糖
phvixøo | nasal mucus; snivel | 鼻蚝; 鼻涕
phøløo | pineapple | 波羅
phøtøo | grapes | 葡萄
piexn bøo liern | no way | 沒辦法使
pinpøo | noble bottle-tree, ping-pong | 屏婆; 鳳眼果
piupøo | a fooling around teen age girl | 彪婆; 游手好閒少女
pngfsiong bøo miaa | fail in an examination | 榜上無名
pngxsigøo | spoon goose | 飯匙鵝
poadhøo | tug-o-war | 拔河
poah-chitthøo | play a game of chance for amusement or for very small stakes | 賭拭桃
poghøo | mint; peppermint | 薄荷
poghøo-iuu | peppermint oil | 薄荷油
put'høo | discord; trouble; strife; be at strife with; be on bad terms with; be in discord with; have a quarrel with; fall out with; become estranged from; not on good terms; at loggerheads | 不和
putløo jitid | obtained without labor | 不勞而得
pvebin kyhøo | plane geometry | 平面幾何
pviebøo | ran out of tricks | 變無
pvykøo | flat and twisted | 壓歪
pvythøo-svoax | tonsil | 扁桃腺
pøhøo | mint | 薄荷
pøo | old woman | 婆
pøqhøo | mint; peppermint | 薄荷
sabøo | without a clue | 捎無
saelabhøo | | 塞納河
safnpøo | midwife | 產婆; 接生婆
sailekiøo | a bridge on top of the longest river in Taiwan | 西螺橋
samcikiøo | three bridges | 三之橋
samthiøo-liogpix | resourceful person | 三頭六臂
sanhøo | mountain and river | 山河
se'engkhexngkiøo | | 西瀛虹橋
sefbixnzøo | wash basin | 洗面槽
sehøo | west river | 西河
senghøo | milk way | 星河
sengkhw bøo pvoarsiern | I have not a bit of a cash on me | 身上一毛錢也沒有。
sengsuo koanthiøo | life and death crisis | 生死關頭
si`bøo | Are you? Aren't you? Is it? Isn't it? etc | 是無; 是不是; 對無對
siafbøo | nothing written | 寫無
siangthaau bøo cidgvauq | equally incapable of either; both proposals coming to nothing; ran after two hares and caught neither | 雙頭空
siawpøo | crazy lady | 痟婆
siaxngbøo | at least | 上無
siekeasøo | fooling around everywhere | 四界趖
siekex søo | wander about | 到處蹓躂
siekex tøo | wander about; run about trying to escape | 到處流蕩; 到處逃
siekoeasøo | fooling around everywhere | 四界趖
sienthøo | peaches of immortality; divine peach | 仙桃
sihøo bøzhøx | exactly right; no mistake at all | 絲毫無錯
sihøo | tiniest or least bit | 絲毫; 絲亳
simløo-baxnsiong | all things in the universe; the (whole) universe | 森羅萬象
simzøo | unease; noisy | 心嘈
sinløo | travail; great care or effort; pains; exertions | 辛勞; 夥計
sionghøo | peaceful | 祥和
sioxngbøo | at the least | 上無
sipkøo-sipkøo | careless; casual; negligent | 拭黏拭黏; 無關緊要的樣子
sit'høo | discord; dissension; be on bad terms | 失和
siukiøo poflo | Lit. repair or build bridges and mend roads ─ works of merit | 修橋補路
siuløo | remunerate; reward | 酬勞
siuxthøo | Chinese hamburger looks like a peach (to celebrate one's; longevity peaches; made of flour in the shape of a peach and presented to another on his birthday | 壽桃
sixbøo | yes or not? | 是無
siøfhøo | a stream, a brook | 小河
siøfkhapøo | small feet old lady | 小跤婆
siøiøo | kilm | 燒窯
siøo | often | 常
siøsiøo | dilatorily, indolently | 相趖; 懶散; 懶洋洋地
siøsym bøo siqpurn | be careful; you can't be too careful | 小心無蝕本; 小心不吃虧
sngrbexhøo | not worthy | 算袂和
sngrboexhøo | not worthy | 算袂和
sngrexhøo | worthy | 算會和
soahøo | shahe | 沙河
soløo | to call together, to collect | 唆使; 搜羅
sorbiøo | sketch | 素描
suihøo | amiable; obliging | 隨和
suithiøo | be crestfallen; to be greatly discouraged or disappointed | 垂頭
sunløo | patrol; patrol; make the inspection rounds | 巡邏; 巡警
sunløo-therng | a patrol craft, a patrol ship | 巡邏艇
sunløo-tui | a patrol team | 巡邏隊
svahuohøo | agree upon | 相附和
svahøo | be in harmony, be reconciled | 相合; 相和; 和(好)
sviahøo | city trench | 城濠
sviuxbøo | cannot figure out | 想無
svoaf-phutøo | porcelain ampelopsis, wildgrape | 山葡萄
svoahøo | mountain and river | 山河
svoaphutøo | mountain grapes | 山葡萄
sybøo | death | 死無; 死亡
syhøo | the river of death, the Styx | 死河; 冥河
sym peeng khix høo | be in a calm mood | 心平氣和
sysøo | dull and inactive | 死趖; 不鋈潑
sysøsysøo | dead slow | 死趖死趖
søløo | thoreau | 梭羅
søo | crawl; move slowly; sluggish; creep; to crawl; slowly go walking about | 緩; 行; 趖; 爬; 慢吞吞; 遛蕩
søpøo | Saha | 娑婆
søsøo | sluggish | 趖趖; 拖拖的
taang-gezøo | bronze jaw, a person refuses to admit mistake | 銅牙槽; 槓頭
tadbøo | worthless | 值無
tafnbøo | wait for nothing | 等無
tahkiøo | step over the bridge | 踏橋
taixløo | do somethig for someone; do something for another; to labor on behalf of another; lend a hand | 代勞
taixsox lantøo | one cannot escape from fated death | 大數難逃
tanggezøo | falsely and doggedly refusing to admit a fault; stubborn | 同蚜嘈; 頑固無化; 嘴硬
tangløo | copper gong | 銅鑼
tarnbøo | throw nothing | 擲無
tauhøo | throw into a river; drown oneself in the river | 投河
taux-bøo høfsex | parts of an instrument or machine) not fitting well together | 沒接好; 沒套好
taxmzuyhøo | Tamsui river | 淡水河
tenggøo | any moth of the tiger moth family | 燈蛾
texløo | dungeon | 地牢
textoxngsan'iøo | earthquake | 地動山搖
thagbøo | unable to read | 讀無
thaithiøo | to raise one's head | 抬頭
thak-bøo zheq | not making progress in study | 讀無成冊
tharnbøo | earned nothing | 趁無
thaxn-bøo ciah | not making a living; not making ends meet | 趁沒食; 無法謀生
thaxn-bøo ho | take advantage of a lull in the rain to do something | 趁沒有下雨
thaykønoaxløo | filthy | 癩哥爛癆
thiamhøo | to fill up a stream | 添河
thiaohøo | jump into the river and drown oneself | 跳河
thiaozøo | to abandon one occupation; get a new job | 跳槽
thien'gøo | wild swan | 天鵝
thiengøo | swan; wild swan | 天鵝; 鵠
thienhøo | the Milky Way | 天河; 銀河
thienkiøo | an overhead bridge; elevated passage; viaduct | 天橋
thienløo texborng | nets in the air and on the ground ─ heaven and earth are a net which wicked men cannot escape; their wickedness will surely be punished | 天羅地網
thienløo | imperial prison | 天牢
thihkhie tanggezøo | literally, iron teeth copper jawbone ─ obstinately refusing to admit a fault or error and doggedly telling lies in defense | 鐵齒銅牙槽
thihkhie taxnggezøo | literally; iron teeth copper jawbone ─ obstinately refusing to admit a fault or error and doggedly telling lies in defense | 倔強頑固; 死無認錯
thihkiøo | an iron bridge | 鐵橋
thitthøo | play; have fun; have a pleasant time; have illicit sexual intercourse with a woman; do solely for amusement or pleasure; play; recreate; pleasure; amusement; fun | 拭桃; 𨑨迌; 玩耍
thitthøo-laang | playboy | 拭桃人
thitthøo-mih | plaything | 𨑨迌物
thitthøo-zabor | commit fornication | 拭桃查某
thiubøo | extract none | 抽無
thiøo | head; the top; the first; beginning; the chief; the boss; the leader; the two ends (of anything); an auxiliary; as suffix | 頭
thoanløo | beating a gong on giving information | 傳鑼; 鳴鑼
thoattøo | to escape from; withdraw or run away | 脫逃
thoatzuyzøo | dewatering tank | 脫水槽
thofhøo | a local despot, a local tyrant | 土壕; 土豪
thoiøo | kiln | 塗窯
thongbøo | conspire | 通謀
thonghøo | reconcile with each other | 通和
thviabøo | listen; but find that there is nothing to be heard or that nothing is heard; could not understand | 聽無
thvite bøo pøx | Heaven and Earth allowing wickedness to go unpunished | 天地無報
thvoariøo | charcoal kiln | 炭窯
thvy bøo bagciw | Heaven has no eyes (said when great criminals go unpunished and prosper all the more by their crimes) | 皇天無眼
thvy bøo zoadjiin cy lo | unexpectedly rescued from a desperate situation | 天無絕人之路
thøo | peach; peach tree; peach | 桃
thør kongløo | to claim reward or praise | 討功勞; 邀功
tiaokiøo | a suspension bridge; a drawbridge over the moat; suspension bridge; draw bridge | 吊橋
tiauhøo | mix; to blend; harmonize; bring into agreement; adjust; harmonious | 調和
tid jinhøo | be greet; welcome by people | 得人和; 得到人家喜愛
tiexnhøo | electrical charge | 電荷
tionghøo | justice and peace; neutralization; neutralize | 中和
tizøo | pig's trough | 豬槽
tiøo | tide; damp; moist; wet | 潮; 趒; 跳
tiøqbøo | no | 著無
tngkhexngkiøo | | 長虹橋
tngkiøo | long bridge | 長橋
toaxcympøo | big aunty | 大嬸婆
toaxkhapøo | bigfoot lady | 大跤婆
toaxkiexnsøo | sluggish, irritatingly slow (of walk) | 走路慢吞吞的
toaxkiøo | big bridge | 大橋
toaxløo | big gong | 大鑼
toaxphiøo | water hyacinth | 大瓢; 布袋蓮
togbogkiøo | single plank bridge | 獨木橋
toløo bueg | toil in vain | 徒勞無益
toløo bukofng | work without achieving anything; to labor without success; vain efforts | 徒勞無功
toløo | labor in vain, waste | 多勞; 徒勞
toxhøo | to cross a river | 渡河
toxkiøo | ferry bridge | 渡橋
tuzøo | pig food groove | 豬槽
tvafløo | to salvage, to refloat | 打羅; 打撈
tvex-bøo khvoax`kvix | pretend not to see | 假裝沒有看到
tvex-bøo thviaf`tiøh | pretend not to hear | 假裝沒有聽見
tviafpvisøo | a southern Taiwanese dish | 鼎邊趖
tvithøo | sweet peach | 甜桃
tviuxmfpøo | mother-in-law | 丈姆婆
twbøo | just have nothing | 抵無; 剛無
tøf bøo | not... at all | 就是沒有; 都沒有
tøhøo | Dalmatian pelican | 淘河; 斑點鵜鶘
tøo cy iauiaw | escape without leaving a single trace behind | 逃之夭夭
tøo | to flee; to run away; run away; flee; to escape; abscond; evade; avoid | 逃; 馱
tøo`khix | ran away | 逃去
tøo`zhutkhix | escape out of a place; flee away | 逃出去
u hør bøo bae | totally good; very good | 只有好處; 沒有壞處
u kef bøo kiarm | increase steadily; get steadily worse or serious | 有增無減
u`bøo | have no not, did or not | 有無
u`ebøo`ee | irrelevant things | 有的無的
u`ee-bøo`ee | stuff | 有的無的
uieløo | giving recognition to someone for the service rendered; to console the laborers; acknowledgment for services rendered; entertain and cheer (sometimes by means of material gifts) | 慰勞
uixhøo | What for? Why? | 為何
uixhøo? | Why? How come? | 為何
unhøo | gentle (person); mild (weather); gentle; mild; temperate | 溫和
urn-bøo | surely there is none | 穩無; 一定沒有
uxengbøo | are you available? | 有閒無
uxhauxbøo | useful? | 有效無
uxnhøo | canal; a water way; canal; the Grand Canal | 運河
uxviar`bøo | is that true? | 有影無
viuthøo | carambola; star-fruit; gear fruit | 楊桃; 五歛子
viutøo | carambola tree; star fruit tree | 楊桃; 五歛子
voa thngf bøo voa iøh | change form but not content (essence) | 換湯無換藥
voa thngf bøo voa liap | change form but not content (essence) | 換湯無換粒; 換湯無換藥
wnkukiøo | hidden bridge | 隱痀橋
yiet-taixløo | wait in comfort for an exhausted enemy; conserve strength while the enemy tires himself through a long march | 以逸代勞
ym-tiexnhøo | negative electrical load | 陰電荷
zabliaxmpøo | critical woman | 雜唸婆; 發牢騷的女人
zaiviafbøo | understand ? | 知影無
zawbøo | go without | 走無
zawbøo`khix | unable to leave | 走無去
zefngkøo kaohoe | whole church | 整個教會
zefngkøo siaxhoe | whole society | 整個社會
zefngkøo | whole of something; the whole world | 整個
zeg-kongløo | accumulate credit | 積功勞
zekløo sengcit | fall sick from persistent overwork | 積勞成疾
zekløo | overwork to ill | 積濁; 積勞
zengjinkiøo | lover bridge | 情人橋
zexløo | be imprisoned | 坐牢
zhadpøo | a woman thief; female thief | 賊婆; 女賊
zhafbøo-loaxze | there isn't much difference | 差不多
zhakiøo | wooden bridge | 柴橋; 木橋
zhaophiøo | tiny water fern | 臭薸; 慢江紅
zhauløo koeato | be excessively loaded with cares | 操勞過度
zhauløo | over work to become tired; be under the weight of cares; be loaded with cares | 操勞
zhazøo | a trough | 柴槽
zhefnghøo | ask for truce and negotiate for peace | 請和
zhexbøo | unable to find it | 揣無
zhoahcidtiøo | frightened | 掣一趒
zhoaxbøo | unable to find one to get married | 娶無
zhoexbøo | look for but not find | 揣未; 揣無到
zhunthøo | spring peach | 春桃
zhutthiøo | person superior to others in excellence or in skill | 出頭; 出人頭地
zhutthoatbøo | outstanding yet? | 出脫無
zhvehøhøo | greenish | 青荷荷
zhvemfpøo | mother-in-law | 親姆婆
zhwhøo | reconciliation; mediation | 處和; 調停
zhøe-bøo | cannot find | 揣無
zng'afiøo | brick kiln | 磚仔窯
zng'ar-iøo | brick kiln | 磚仔窯; 磚窯
zng'iøo | brick kiln | 磚窯
zoafnløo | a converter | 轉羅
zoafthaau-zoafbøea bøo lie ee miaa | Your name is not on the paper | 紙頭紙尾沒你的名字; 無法證明是你的權
zoanløo | romaziation | 全羅
zoex-kopøo | be an aunt | 做姑婆
zofngbøo | none | 那有; 難道
zofnghøo | summation; sum total; total; grand total | 總和; 總共
zofpøo | grand grand mom | 祖婆
zoxsafnpøo | midwife | 助產士
zuhøo | mutually friendly and kind | 慈和
zuxhøo | glory; feel proud about …; to pride oneself on… | 自豪
zuybidthøo | succulent peach; Lisan or Wushe peach; Mountain peach | 水蜜桃
zuykiøo | water bridge | 水橋
zuyløo | ,muddy water; water jail | 水濁; 水牢
zuyphiøo | floating weed like duckweed (eaten by ducks) | 水薸; 水萍
zuyphuphiøo | floating weed like duck weed (eaten by ducks) | 水浮薸
zuytea løo goat | grasp the moon in the water vain and ineffectual effort | 水底撈月
zuyzøo | water tank; trough; gutter (at the eaves) | 水槽
zuøo | pearl Oyster | 珠蚵; 珠蠔; 珍珠貝
zwpngxpøo | cook lady | 煮飯婆
zøexguu tah-bøo puxn | Many bulls don't make any dung to step in; If there are too many workers nothing gets done | 濟牛踏無糞; 人濟反而成事難
zøo | trough, a groove, manger rain pipe | 嘈; 槽
zøo`laang | disturbing | 嘈人
zøo`sie | restless dead | 嘈死
zørbøo | did nothing | 做無
zøxkiøo | build a bridge | 造橋
ørgiøo | Ficus pumila awkeotsang; jelly fig | 薁蕘; 薜; 愛玉; 愛玉子

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