"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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ab bextiaau | unable to command or exercise control over a group of people because of a lack of prestige or personal ability; (Lit. not enough pressure to hold down a compressed object which is resilient) | 壓無住
ab | repress; compel; floodgate; press; oppress; pressure; repress; crush; close in; hold a document without taking action; surpass others in ability | 壓; 押; 閘
ab'afpviar | Taiwanese engagement pastry | 盒仔餅
ab'ar | casket; little box | 盒仔; 盒子
ab`løqkhix | to subdue, to suppress | 壓落去
abør | mother; mama | 阿母; 媽媽
ap'ab | feel pressed | 壓壓; 壓下
bagkviax ab'ar | eye glass box or case | 目鏡盒仔; 眼鏡盒子
ciafng'ab | to control | 掌握
ciam'ab'ar | small needle case | 針盒仔
gafn'ab | intraocular pressure | 眼壓
hiet'ab | blood pressure | 血壓
hiet'ab-kex | sphygmomanometer | 血壓計
hoeh'ab | blood pressure | 血壓
hoeh'ab-kex | sphygmomanometer | 血壓計
huih'ab | blood pressure | 血壓
huih'ab-kex | sphygmomanometer | 血壓計
hun'ab | separate pressure | 分壓
hun'ab'ar | tobacco box; cigarette case | 煙盒仔; 香煙盒
hwn'ab'ar | compact | 粉盒仔; 粉鏡盒
irnsek'ab'ar | small box holding the ink for seals | 印色盒仔; 印泥盒子
ka'ab | increase the pressure | 加壓
ke-hiet'ab | low blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure | 低血壓
khi'ab | oppress; oppression; cheat and oppress | 欺壓
khie'ab | atmospheric pressure | 氣壓
kiong'ab | to to press forcibly; to crush forcibly; oppress; bear down on | 強壓
koaan-hiet'ab | high blood pressure, systolic blood pressure | 高血壓
køab | high-handed; high voltage | 高壓
køab-chiwtvoa | high-handed measure; tyrannical measure | 高壓手段
køab-zerngzheg | high-handed policy | 高壓政策
køf-hiet'ab | high blood pressure, hypertension | 高血壓
køhiet'ab | high blood pressure; hypertension | 高血壓
køhoeh'ab | high blood pressure | 高血壓
køhuih'ab | high blood pressure | 高血壓
køkhie'ab | high atmospheric pressure | 高氣壓
o'ab'ar | airplane black box | 黑盒仔
piexntong'ab'ar | bento box | 便當盒仔
si'ab | pressure | 施壓
taixkhie'ab | atmospheric pressure | 大氣壓
tan'ab | dragoon | 彈壓; 鎮壓
tiexn'ab | electric pressure; voltage | 電壓
tin'ab | keep in subjection, suppress | 沉壓; 鎮壓
tioxng'ab | great pressure; heavy load | 重壓
tirn'ab | suppress; to put down; suppression | 鎮壓
tong'ab | isopiestic (same pressure) | 同壓; 等壓
zea'ab | enslave; oppress; tyrannize; subdue; repress; oppression | 壓制; 制壓
zek'ab | backlogging; in arrears; neglect handling official papers; legal cases | 積壓
zha'ab'ar | small wooden case or box | 柴盒仔

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