"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Baxn'afn | a place in Chiayi county | 萬安
Boxng'afn | a city in Penghu County | 望安
Efng'afn | a place in Taiwan | 永安
Kiet'afn | a city in Hualien County | 吉安
Thae'afn | a city in Miaoli County | 泰安
aarn'an'afn | absolutely safe | 安安安
afn kikoafn | set a trap | 安機關; 設機關
afn | peace; press; ammonia; ammonium; saddle; still; quiet; calm; peaceful; silent; comfortable; safe; easy in mind; set at rest; make orderly arrangement | 安; 按; 從; 鍍; 銨; 安置; 氨; 鞍
an'afn wn'urn | secure and stable | 安安穩穩
an'afn zexngzeng | peaceful and serene | 安安靜靜
an'afn | peaceful, safe | 安安; 平安
baxng'afn | a city in Penghu County | 望安
boafn'afn | good night!; good evening!; Good evening! Good night! | 晚安
buxn'afn | send greetings; give best regards; give greeting; ask about health | 問安
chymsit put'afn | restless due to deep worries | 寢食不安
efng'afn | eternal peace | 永安
he peng'afn | pray for peace | 求平安
itlo-peng'afn | May you enjoy peace all the way! Bon voyage | 一路平安
khiarm'afn | unease; indisposed; be in poor health (a polite expression) | 欠安; 微恙
khiofnghoong-put'afn | suspicious and uneasy | 恐惶不安
khong'afn | health and peace | 康安; 安康
kokthaix bin'afn | country is prosperous and people live in peace | 國泰民安
kokthaix-bin'afn | the country is prosperous and at peace; and the people live in happiness | 國泰民安
kong'afn | public security; public safety | 公安
kun'afn | May you enjoy peace (a form of complimentary closse in a letter to a superior); safeness | 鈞安
lexngjiin put'afn | cause people to feel uncomfortable | 令人不安
libthofui'afn | RIP | 入土為安
liusng'afn | ammonium sulfate | 硫酸銨
parngphuix afn kawsym | make empty promises; offer empty consolation | 說假話以安撫之; 空虛的許諾
peng'afn busu | perfect tranquility; in peace; freedom from anxiety; safe and without any mishaps | 平安無事
peng'afn toxjit | lead a peaceful life | 平安度日
peng'afn | peaceful; peace; a greeting | 平安
peng'afn-huo | in peace | 平安撫
peng'afn-zex | peace offering | 平安祭
pengpeng'an'afn | safe and sound | 平平安安
put'afn uu seg | having extramarital affairs (a woman) | 不安於室
put'afn | anxious; insecure; unease | 不安
pvepeng'an'afn | peaceful | 平平安安
pørpeng'afn | report safety | 報平安
siaxpeng'afn | thanksgiving | 謝平安
sim'afn lyteg | have achieved a perfect peace of mind; feel no qualm | 心安理得
sim'afn | peace of mind; calmness of emotions; carefree | 心安
siong'afn-busu | at peace with each other | 相安無事
uie'afn | comfort, console | 慰安; 安慰
zhefng'afn | inquire after a person's health; give regards to; pay one's respect to | 請安
zoafn'guii ui'afn | turn a perilous situation into a safe one; advert a danger or peril | 轉危為安

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