"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: ao

ao | fold; vomit; hit; obstinate; stubborn; to bend; fold; hem; to oppress violently | 拗; 使曲; 摺; 摺疊; 折; 嘔; 詏
ao'ao'aux | sticking, fishy | 拗拗拗
ao'aux | smell rotten | 拗拗; 漚漚; 腐腐
ao'ud | oppressive; depressed | 懊鬱; 漚鬱; 悶熱; 心慌意亂
aw'ao`leq | fold up | 拗拗咧
chip'ao | stubborn, pigheaded, wilful | 緝拗
ciet'ao | to fold together (in the middle) | 折拗
cip'ao | stubborn | 執拗
ciq zøx sva'ao | fold into three | 摺成三摺
kan'ao | vomit but nothing comes out | 乾嘔; 想吐但吐無出來 [*]
kiong'ao | to obstinate forcibly; stubborn and violent; resort to sophistry | 強拗; 硬要歪曲; 強詞奪理
o'ao | black and withered (of vegetables stored for a long time; or prepared for pickling); black and withered (as leaves or decaying fruit); black and blue (as when beaten) | 烏黑; 烏拗; 燜爛; 陰霾; 烏爛; 烏漚
siang'ao | fold twice; two times; twice as much | 雙倍; 一物折為兩折
ta'ao | vomit but nothing comes out | 乾拗; 想吐但吐無出來
tuie'ao | fold in half | 折半
ut'ao | gloomy | 鬱拗

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