"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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`aq | that's so (action completed) | 矣
angbixn'aq | Taiwanese red-tailed fish | 紅面鴨
aq | ah!; with `aq that's so (action completed); duck; drake; | 啊; 押; 鴨; 鴨子; 抑制; 壓
bao`sie`aq | windfalls | 卯死矣
bøo`khix`aq | gone; dead, died | 沒去了
chiam'aq | to take somebody into custody | 簽押
cit'aq | assign something as security under an arrangement; to mortgage | 質押
hai`aq | alas! What a mess! | 害了; 糟了
hoan'aq | duck; imported duck; ducks lay less egg yet stronger type; wild duck | 番鴨
hvaa`aq | hang | 懸矣
kafkhao'aq | provisional seizure (in law) | 假扣押
karm'aq | keep (a person) in custody | 監押
kefkhao'aq | provisional seizure (in law) | 假扣押
khao'aq | detain; imprison; confine; keep in custody | 扣押; 羈押
khu'aq | to take into custody; to put under arrest | 拘押
kiarm'aq | sword scabbard or container | 劍法; 劍鞘
kiong'aq | make effort to escort; to detain or imprison forcibly; to hold at hand or to keep forcibly; to prohibit and violent | 強押; 強迫
kirm'aq | to forbid and detain or imprison | 禁押
kvoai'aq | to take into custody | 關啊; 關押
køe'aq | poultry; domestic fowl | 雞鴨; 家禽
lai'aq | come | 來矣
lai'ofng'aq | contact | 來往矣
lang'aq | human | 人矣
lauhoeh'aq | bleeding | 流血矣
lauxkhokkhok'aq | very old | 老硞硞矣
lefngkhix`aq | already cold | 冷去啊
leng'aq | eastern scaup duck | 靈鴨; 鈴鴨
liawliaw'aq | lost | 了了矣
m`aq | decidedly not! | 無矣; 不要
moafix`aq | satisfaction | 滿意矣
oanseng'aq | completed | 完成矣
pafn'aq | salted duck pressed and stretched like a plate (a specialty in Nanjing) | 板鴨
panzhuix-aq | eastern spot-billed duck | 斑喙鴨
parngchiuo`aq | let go | 放手啦
peqbaai-aq | garganey teal, Anas querquedula | 白眉鴨
phvae`aq | rottone | 歹矣
phvaykhix`aq | went bad; rotten | 歹去矣
pitkhui'aq | cracked | 裂開矣
pørkøx`aq | reported | 報告矣
siafkoex`aq | have written | 寫過矣
siar`aq | have written | 寫矣
siawniau'aq | crazy cat | 痟貓啊
sie`aq | dead | 死矣
sinsien'aq | fairy | 神仙啊
siusiukhylai'aq | collect | 收收起來矣
siuxkhix`aq | got angry | 受氣矣
siuxsiofng`aq | injured | 受傷矣
siø'aq | roasted duck | 燒鴨
siøfzuy'aq | green-winged teal (duck) | 小水鴨
suie'aq | pretty | 媠矣
sviafmih'aq | What is it? | 啥物啊
sviafmih`aq | What is it? | 啥物啊
sviafmihhoex`aq | What is it? What do you want? | 啥物貨啊
sviux`aq | thought about it | 想矣
sylang'aq | dead person | 死人啊
sysim'aq | give up | 死心矣
tah'erng'aq | promised | 答應矣
taosvakaxng'aq | sorting and grouping | 鬥相共矣
thagzheh'aq | study | 讀冊矣
thautheqkhix`aq | stole | 偷提去矣
thefthofng'aq | system | 體統啊
thiafm'aq | tired | 忝矣
thiau'aq | green-winged teal | 柱仔; 小水鴨
tiafm'aq | ordered (food) | 點矣
tiaxmkhix`aq | shut up | 恬去矣
tngr`laikhix`aq | going home | 轉來去矣
toaxzhut'aq | big grow | 大出矣
tongkui'aq | dish of duck seasoned with ligusticum | 當歸鴨
torngsoarn`aq | elected | 當選矣
ty'aq | mortgage, pledge | 抵押
ty'aq-phirn | article given as security | 抵押品
tøqkhylai'aq | the fire blazed up | 著起來矣
tør`aq | fell; failed | 倒矣
tørtngflai'aq | back home | 倒轉來矣
tøsia`aq | thanks | 多謝啊
uxhoex`aq | has some ages- old | 有歲矣
uxsyn`aq | pregnant | 有身矣
voax`aq | it's late | 晚矣
zah'aq | tie up | 紮矣
zai'aq | known | 知矣
zao`aq | ran away | 走矣
zawzhutlai'aq | came out | 走出來矣
zef`aq | this | 這啊
zeng'aq | former | 前啊
zengsin'aq | spirit | 精神矣
zex`aq | plenty | 濟矣
zhae'aq | imitation duck made of vegetable; ducks | 素鴨; 菜鴨
zhan'aq | Ta Duck | 田鴨
zharm`aq | Goodness! Heaven! | 慘啊
zhe'aq | place under attachment | 查封
zheaphøe'aq | roasted Peking duck | 脆皮鴨
zhengzhør`aq | understood | 清楚矣
zhutlai'aq | out already | 出來矣
zhvea`aq | awake | 醒矣
zuo`aq | cooked | 煮矣
zuy'aq | wild duck, teal | 水鴨
zvoafviu`aq | what's wrong? | 怎樣啊
zøx`aq | did it | 做矣

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