"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Boeq ar m | Do you want it or not? Will you take it or not? Will you accept it or not? | 要無要
Ciøqkng'ar | a village in Taichung County | 石岡仔
Iawsiu'ar | scolding with scornful manner; cursing someone to die young | 夭壽仔
Khoahthau'ar | sampan | 闊頭仔; 舢舨
Tekkog moa'ar | rubella; German measles | 德國麻仔; 麻疹
Zha'iuo'ar | small pieces of wood; chips; fine pieces of firewood | 柴幼仔; 碎木片
ab'ar | casket; little box | 盒仔; 盒子
aegiog'ar | kind of vine whose seeds can make a jelly | 愛玉仔
aejin'ar | lover | 愛人仔
aelin'ar | lover | 愛人仔
ah'ar | duck | 鴨仔
ahbi'ar | ducking | 鴨咪仔
ahheng'ar | little male duck | 鴨雄仔
akiong`ar | (abbreviation for) Chinese communist (party; regime; etc.) | 阿共仔
akioxng'ar | (abbreviation for) Chinese communist (party; regime; etc.) | 阿共仔
ang'ar | puppet | 尪仔; 玩偶; 娃娃
ang'ar-bor | husband and wife | 尪仔某; 翁仔某; 夫妻
ang'ar-mih | toys | 尪仔物; 玩具
ang'ar-thaau | head of a puppet, girl's face, postage stamp | 尪仔頭; 郵票
ang'ar-too | picture for illustration | 尪仔圖; 圖畫
ang'ar-zheq | picture book | 尪仔冊; 圖畫書
ang've'ar | baby | 紅嬰仔; 小嬰兒; 嬰兒
ang'vi'ar | infant; a baby | 紅嬰仔; 嬰兒
angbø'ar | red-cap, porter | 紅帽仔; 紅帽子; 行李夫
angbøar | red-cap, porter | 紅帽子; 行李夫
angkiok'ar | red daisy | 紅菊仔
angkongpøar | aged couple | 翁公婆仔; 老夫妻; 老伴
angthiap'ar | | 紅帖仔
angzng'ar | red bricks | 紅磚仔
ar goar | and I | 而我
ar iawkuo | and also | 而又
ar | and; interfix placed between two nouns to show the relationship between the two objects: ang'ar-bor - husband and wife; pe'afkviar - father and child; affix to nouns: e.g.: pad'ar; zhad'ar | 仔; 名詞中綴。用於並列名詞之間,表示兩者的關係。
armkeng'ar | unlicensed brothel | 暗間仔; 私娼寮
armte'ar | inside pocket | 暗袋仔
armthau'ar | nightfall | 暗頭仔; 傍晚
arng'ar | urn; earthen jar; small earthen jar | 甕仔
at'ar | strip of wood nailed on or tied to a larger object to hold objects in place like tiles or straw roofing to prevent slippage | 折仔; 楬仔; 用以固定他物之器材; 木條
atok'ar | a foreigner (American or European); foreigner; hooknose | 阿啄仔; 洋人; 大鼻子
au'ar | tea-cup; small cup | 甌仔; 小茶杯; 杯子
axmmoe'ar | tadpole | 蝌蚪仔; 𧌄梅仔
axmse'ar | bib | 頸紗仔; 頷垂仔; 圍兜; 涎布
azek'ar | younger uncle on the daddy’s side | 阿叔仔
ba'ar | a foxlike animal; mountain cat; fruit fox | 貍仔; 山貓; 果貍
bafng'ar texng gukag | doesn't feel it; only slightly affected; remains unperturbed (Lit. a mosquito to stings a bull's horn) | 蚊仔螫牛角; 無在乎
bafng'ar | mosquito; mosquito | 蚊仔; 蠓仔; 蚊子
bafng'ar-hviw | mosquito coil | 蚊仔香
bafng'ar-hwn | mosquito-repellent incense | 蚊仔燻; 蠓仔薰; 蚊香
bafng'ar-zuie | mosquito spray | 蚊仔水; 蠓仔水; 殺蟲液
bafngsut'ar | flapper for hitting mosquitoes | 蚊拂仔
bagciu'ang'ar | pupil of the eye | 目睭尪仔; 瞳孔
bagkviax ab'ar | eye glass box or case | 目鏡盒仔; 眼鏡盒子
bagnih'ar | in a blink of eye; an instant | 目𥍉仔
bah'oan'ar | meatball | 肉丸仔
bahcit'ar | pomfret | 肉鯽仔
bahhi'ar | pomfret | 肉魚仔
bahsvi'ar | minced meat | 肉生仔; 肉豉仔; 碎肉
ban'ar | youngest kid in a family | 屘仔
bang'ar | net | 網仔
bang'ar-thafng | window-screen | 網仔窗
bangbang'ar | very small (as rain) | 濛濛仔; 細小
baxnban'ar | slowly | 慢慢仔
baxng'ar | net | 網仔
baxng'ar-pox | net clothes | 網仔布
beh'arm'ar | sunset | 欲暗仔; 黃昏
beni'ar | veneera; veneer | 單板仔
bibi'ar chiøx | smile; a smile | 微微仔笑
bibi'ar hofng | soft wind; light breeze; very gentle breeze | 微微仔風
bibi'ar | slightly; few; lightly; gentle | 微微仔
bin'ar auxjit | tomorrow or the day after tomorrow | 明仔後日
bin'ar expof | tomorrow afternoon | 明天下午
bin'ar zafkhie | tomorrow morning 'var [bin5-a2-chai2-khi2]' | 明早
bin'ar-expof | tomorrow afternoon | 明仔下埔; 明仔下晡; 明天下午
bin'ar-zaekhie | tomorrow morning | 明仔早上; 明仔載起; 明早
bin'ar-zafkhie | tomorrow morning | 明仔早上; 明仔早起; 明早
biqki'ar | thin bamboo slice; thin bamboo strip | 蔑枝仔; 竹片
bixnbo'ar | face | 面模仔
biø'ar | temple | 廟仔
biøar | smal temple | 廟仔
bo'ar | mold | 模仔
boa'ar | grinder | 磨仔; 磨子
boeh'arm'ar | dusk; evening; nightfall; dusk; toward dark; evening | 要暗仔; 傍晚; 黃昏
boeq tao'ar | from about 10:00 to 11:30 | 會晝仔; 將近中午
bofngbofng'ar | barely adequate; not too bad | 罔罔仔; 還可以
bong'ar-haghau | school for the blind and dumb | 盲啞學校
buo`ar | mother | 母仔
but'ar-hii | minute edible fishesthe little silverfish ; | 物仔魚; 魩仔魚; 魩子魚
byarng'ar | rice jar | 米甕仔
byn'ar | brush; scrub; brush | 抿仔; 刷子; 小刷子
bø'ar | bonnet, cap, hatcgrain grinder | 帽仔; 帽子
bø'ar-kex | a hat stand | 帽仔架; 帽架
bø'ar-siofng | a hatter | 帽仔商
bø'ar-tiaxm | a hat-shop | 帽仔店
bøahbøef'ar | toward the end | 尾尾仔
bøar | mill; millstone | 磨仔; 石磨; 磑仔
bøeh'arm'ar | sunset | 欲暗仔; 黃昏
bømng'ar | almost bald, with little hair | 無毛仔; 禿頭
chi'ar | market; market | 市仔
chia'ar | small carriage for baby; sewing machine | 車仔; 縫紉機
chia'ar-svoax | cuts the sewing thread; reel | 車仔線; 裁縫線
chiafm'ar | fork; fork | 叉仔; 攕仔; 叉子
chiah'ar | shovel | 刺仔; 土鑿; 鏟子
chiahkhasien'ar | uneducated; second rate doctor; quack doctor | 赤腳先仔; 庸醫
chiam'ar | a slip of bamboo engraved with signs to be used in gambling or divination | 籤仔; 簽仔
chiang'ar twtiøh khong'ar | fortuitously; by a happy chance; by coincidence meeting someone unexpectedly (Lit. cripple meets a cripple) | 悾仔; 湊巧
chiapai'ar | bus stop | 車牌仔; 公車招呼站
chiaq bang'ar | make a net | 刺網仔; 編網子
chiawchiaw'ar | a little bit | 悄悄仔; 點點仔
chid-tøh'ar | to wipe the table | 拭桌仔
chie'ar | a splinter | 刺仔
chie'ar-hoef | acacia flower | 刺仔花; 洋紫茉莉
chie'ar-pof | brier patch | 刺仔埔; 荊棘之地
chiefnthoa'ar | slippers without heels | 拖鞋仔
chiek liab'ar laang | press the matter from a boil | 搾瘡膿
chiekoe'ar | cucumber | 刺瓜仔; 大黃瓜
chim'ar | cymbal | 鐃仔; 鐃鈸
chirn'ar | a Chinese steelyard; steelyard; weighing scale | 秤仔; 秤
chit'ar | eraser | 七仔; 拭仔; 板擦; 橡皮
chitji'ar | Taiwanese drama tune with 7 words | 七字仔
chitli'ar | Taiwanese drama tune with 7 words | 七字仔
chitthø'ar | playboy; man of pleasure | 拭桃仔; 流氓
chitthømih'ar | toys | 𨑨迌物仔
chitthøo-gyn'ar | playboy | 拭桃囝仔; 𨑨迌囡仔
chiu'ar | a tree | 樹仔
chiuu søh'ar | haul in a rope | 揪索仔; 曳繩子
chiuxlefng chit'ar | eraser | 樹乳拭仔; 橡皮擦子
chiuxlefng phiag'ar | slingshot | 樹乳甓仔; 彈弓
chiuxlefng sok'ar | rubber band | 樹乳束仔; 橡皮圈
chiwbag'ar | the protuberance at the wrist joint | 手目仔; 腕關節骨
chiwcie pho'ar | small notebook; memo book | 手指簿仔; 小筆記本
chiwcihpho'ar | bank passbook | 手摺簿仔
chiwhvoa'ar | handle | 手扞仔
chiwki'ar | cellular phone; mobile phone | 手機仔; 大哥大
chiwkin'ar | handkerchief | 手巾仔; 手帕
chiwkun'ar | handkerchief | 手巾仔
chiwlok'ar | gloves | 手橐仔
chiwsirn'ar | small gift | 手信仔; 小禮物
chiwtien'ar | flashlight, electric torch | 手電仔
chiwzhexng-gyn'ar | a mischievous body | 手槍囝仔; 調皮鬼
chiøh'ar | ruler | 尺仔
chvi'ar | indigo plant, betel-nut palm | 青仔; 菁仔; 木藍
chvi'ar-chiu | areca | 青仔樹; 檳榔樹
chvi'ar-zaang | palm-tree, romping girl, flapper | 青仔叢; 菁仔欉
chvilin'ar | smooth sardine, golden sardine | 青麟仔; 黃砂䰳
chviti'ar | small bird | 青苔仔
chviu'ar | wall; fence | 牆仔; 尖翅燕魚
chviu'ar-khaf | foot of a wall | 牆仔跤
chviu'ar-piaq | wall of fence | 牆仔壁
chviuthau'ar | wall around the house | 牆頭仔; 圍牆
chvizhaw'ar | medical herbs | 青草仔; 草藥
ciam'ab'ar | small needle case | 針盒仔
ciam'ar | hairpins; lady's ornamental hair pin | 簪仔; 簪子
ciamzhuiegveh'ar | sharp plier | 尖喙夾仔
ciaqpng tøh'ar | dining room table | 吃飯桌仔; 餐桌
ciawlai'ar | wild pear | 鳥梨仔; 梨的一種
ciawlam'ar | cage for birds | 鳥籠仔
ciawphiag'ar | slingshot | 鳥擗仔
ciaxmciam'ar | gradually | 漸漸仔
cidbagnih'ar | just a little while | 一目瞬仔; 一會兒
cide'ar | in one breath, at a blow, all at once | 一下仔
cidkhuie'ar | very short time | 一氣仔; 一下子; 一會兒
cidkhurn'ar | in a little while | 一睡仔; 一下子
cidli'ar | a small amount | 一哩仔
cidmi'ar | a handful | 一咪仔; 一小撮
cidphvie'ar | small piece | 一片仔; 一小片
cidsi'ar | a small amount | 一些仔; 一絲仔; 一點點
cidsut'ar | a bit; a little | 一屑仔; 一點點; 一些兒
cidtea'ar | a small piece | 一塊仔; 一些兒
cidtiaau khuiesi'ar | just a little breath left | 一條氣絲仔; 氣息如絲
cidtiafm'ar | a dab of; a bit of | 一點仔
cidtiafmtiafm'ar | a little bit | 一點點仔
cidtiap'ar | a short while, a moment | 一會仔
cidtiap'ar-kuo | in a little while | 一會仔久
cidtih'ar | a small drop | 一滴仔; 一點兒
cidzam'ar | a short time | 一陣仔; 一小段時間
cidzat'ar | a section | 一節仔
cidzhok'ar | a small piece; a bunch | 一撮仔; 一小片
cidzhurn'ar | an inch | 一寸仔
cie`ar | elder sistere | 姊仔
ciefn'ar | a clothes moth; shears; clippers | 蟫仔; 蛀蟲; 剪髮器; 剪子
ciefnliw'ar | pickpocket | 剪鈕仔; 剪綹仔; 扒手
cim'ar | crabs | 蟳仔; 螃蟹
cit'ar | a crucian carp | 鯽仔; 鯽魚
cit'ar-hii | golden carp | 鯽仔魚; 鯽魚
citjiah'ar | in the vicinity | 這跡仔; 這附近
cittiafm'ar | a bit, a little | 這點仔
cittiap'ar-kuo | this long | 這摺仔久
citzun'ar | right now; at this time; at this moment; right now | 這陣仔; 此時
ciwkanthat'ar | cork | 酒矸窒仔
ciwkhui'ar | corkscrew; can opener | 酒開仔; 開瓶器
ciwkhut'ar | dimple | 酒窩仔
ciwlau'ar | funnel | 守漏仔; 酒漏仔; 酒漏斗; 漏斗
ciøf hoe'ar | gather members to form a private mutual lending association | 招會仔
ciøqgafm'ar | stone steps | 石坎仔; 石階
ciøqthau'ar | pebble, gravel | 石頭仔; 小石頭; 小石子
ciøqthiao'ar | mudskipper, jumping fish | 石跳仔; 彈塗魚
cvitang'ar | bamboo till for storing coins | 錢筒仔
cvite'ar | wallet | 錢袋仔
cvitøh'ar | little bank | 錢桌仔
cviu'ar | camphor | 樟仔
cym'ar | aunt (father's younger brother's wife) | 嬸仔; 小嬸
cymbog'ar | railroad ties | 枕木仔
e'ar | small earthen or metal cooking pot | 鍋仔
ebyn'ar | shoe brush | 鞋刷仔
ef hien'ar | play a Chinese fiddle | 拉弦仔; 拉胡琴
efng tøar chied | to slice with a knife. | 用刀切
egkeng'ar | bathroom | 浴間仔
eng'ar | eagle; falcon; a hawk | 鷹仔
engkeng'ar | empty room | 閒間仔; 空房間
erngkong'ar | unowned ashes | 應公仔
exthvea'ar | younger generation | 幼撐仔; 傳衣缽的人
ezu'ar | shoe-pad | 鞋墊仔
geg'ar | sampan; gem (usually Jade | 玉仔; 舢舨
gia'ar | goose | 鵝仔
giab'ar | spring clip | 夾仔; 夾子
giam'ar | temple | 岩仔; 巖; 寺院
giang'ar | little bell; tiny little bell | 鈃仔; 手搖鈴; 手鈴; 鈴鐺; 小鈴
giap'ar | plier; clip | 夾仔; 髮夾; 鑷子
giet'ar | scorpion | 蠍仔; 蠍子
gim'ar | long broad stone step-like base running along one or more sides of a house | 簷仔; 砛仔; 門階; 石階
ginkak'ar | coins | 銀角仔; 銅幣; 硬幣; 輔幣; 銅板
ginte'ar | silver purse; silver wallet; purse or wallet | 銀袋仔; 錢袋
giøar | clam | 蟯仔
goaxlo'ar | extra money | 外路仔
goaxløar | extra income; kickbacks | 外勞仔
goeqthiah'ar | month calendar | 月拆仔; 月曆
goexsefng-ar | nephew (sister's son) | 外甥仔
goexseng'ar | the sons of a sister | 外甥仔
gong-gyn'ar | dumbbell | 傻囝仔; 憨孩子
gu'ar | calf | 牛仔; 牛犢
gukang'ar | young bulls; young male cattle | 牛公仔; 小公牛
gulengkoarn'ar | baby's (nursing) bottle | 牛乳罐仔; 奶瓶
gulengzhuie'ar | pacifier; nipple | 牛乳嘴仔; 奶嘴
gunkak'ar | coins | 銀角仔
gunte'ar | a purse | 銀袋仔
gusut'ar | a whip to encourage a cow to move | 牛鞭仔
guthun'ar | younger bull or heifer | 犢牛仔
guzefng'ar | young bulls; young male cattle | 牛種仔; 小牡牛; 小牝牛
gveh'ar | clip; cramp; haix, pincers,claws; | 鍥仔; 夾仔; 鉗子; 鋏仔; 挾子
gviao thihteng'ar | pull out a nail with pincers or nail puller | 掏鐵釘仔; 拔鐵釘
gvoeh'ar | clip; cramp; haix, pincers,claws; | 鍥仔; 鉗子; 挾子; 鋏仔
gvøeh'ar | clip; cramp; haix, pincers,claws; | 鍥仔; 夾仔; 鉗子; 鋏仔; 挾子
gyn'ar | child | 囝仔; 囡仔; 小孩
gyn'ar-chiaf | baby carriage; stroller | 囡仔車; 童車; 兒車
gyn'ar-hix | children's play; child's play | 囡仔戲; 童戲; 兒戲
gyn'ar-khoarn | childishness; childish fun | 囡仔款; 孩子氣
gyn'ar-koaf | children's songs; children's folk song | 囡仔歌; 童歌; 兒歌; 童謠
gyn'ar-kviar | little children; young child or children | 囡仔囝; 小小孩; 幼兒
gyn'ar-laang | children | 囡仔人; 小孩子
gyn'ar-miaa | pet name, nickname | 囡仔名; 乳名
gyn'ar-mih | toys | 囡仔物; 玩具
gyn'ar-phvoa | a companion or friend of a child | 囡仔伴; 玩伴; 童伴; 兒伴
gyn'ar-thuun | adolescent boy; boy just about reaching manhood, about fourteen or fifteen years old | 囡仔豚; 青少年
gyn'ar-torng | a gang of children | 囡仔黨; 孩子群
gø'ar | goose | 鵝仔
gøar | a goose | 鵝仔
hab'ar-thaxn | profitable in all | 合仔賺; 倍賺
hafm'ar | hammer | 槌仔
hafnhafn'ar | once in a long while | 罕罕仔; 偶而
hag'ar | outhouse; outdoor privy | 礐仔; 茅坑; 簡陋廁所
hai'ar | bad guy | 害仔; 小流氓
ham'ar | clam | 蚶仔; 文蛤
hamlong'ar | small bell | 銜鈴仔; 小鈴
hang'ar | lane; an ally | 巷仔; 巷子
hang'ar-bøea | the end of a lane or alley | 巷仔尾
hang'ar-khao | entrance to a lane | 巷仔口; 巷口
hang'ar-thaau | beginning of a lane | 巷仔頭
hauxkhat'ar | soup ladle | 鱟𣁳仔
haykat'ar | well cut of hair | 海結仔; 西裝頭
hayliog'ar | Marines | 海陸仔; 海軍陸戰隊
hayzhang'ar | a kind of sedge | 海蔥仔
he'ar | shrimp; prawn | 蝦仔; 蟹仔; 蝦子; 螃蟹
he'ar-bang | shrimp net | 蝦仔網; 蝦網
hefkhiet'ar | cigarette lighter | 火塞仔; 打火機
hekophiag'ar | fam shrimp | 蝦蛄擗仔
hi'ar | fish | 魚仔; 小魚
hi-pe'ar | ear cleaning rod, earpick | 耳把仔; 耳扒仔; 耳杓
hia'ar | scooping ladle | 瓠仔; 瓢勺
hiahnih'ar | so | 遐爾仔
hiamciø'ar | red peppers; capsicums | 辣椒仔
hiamciøar | red peppers, capsicums | 薟椒仔
hiaxphea'ar | broken tiles | 瓦杮仔
hiaxphoea'ar | broken tiles | 瓦杮仔
hie'ar | an actor; actress | 戲仔
hien'ar | Erhu; Chinese-string fiddle; alto fiddle; Chinese fiddle | 絃仔; 胡琴; 弦; 二胡
hiepan'ar | an actor, an actress | 戲班仔
hihoarn'ar | fishmonger | 魚販仔
hikeh'ar | fish stall | 魚格仔; 魚攤子
hilanzhea'ar | skin disease caused fish scales | 魚鱗𤺅仔
hit'e'ar | that one | 那下仔
hitsi'ar | that littles | 那絲仔; 那一點點
hittiab'ar | at those time | 那陣仔
hitzun'ar | (tw) at that time | 那陣仔
hixarng'ar | eustachian tube | 耳甕仔
hm'ar | cogongrass | 茅仔; 白茅草
ho'ar | a light rain | 雨仔
ho-sap'ar | drizzling, light rain | 雨屑仔; 雨霎仔; 細雨
hoahhi'ar | fish auction | 喝魚仔
hoan'ar | chief mourner's flag | 番仔; 幡仔; 番人; 旛; 土人; 生蕃
hoan'ar-phiaq | quick tempered; quick temper | 番仔癖; 急性子
hoanciah'ar | kind of sparrows; sparrow | 番雀仔
hoanciøar | bell pepper | 番椒仔; 青辣椒
hoankviu'ar | red pepper, chili pepper | 番薑仔; 番椒仔; 辣椒
hoarn'ar | peddler | 販仔; 小販
hoe'ar | a private money saving established for a limited period by small group people; a small co-operative bank established for a limited period by small group people | 會仔
hoebi'ar | thrush | 花眉仔; 畫眉鳥
hoefzhuie'ar | spark plug | 火嘴仔; 火星塞
hoehoe'ar | flowery; unclearly; with many variations and patterned | 花花仔
hoesi'ar | bon tools | 灰匙仔
hoesin'ar | spotted fish | 花身仔
hofthaugveh'ar | plier | 虎頭夾仔
holo'ar | a bottle gourd made by squash | 葫蘆仔
honghunchi'ar | night market for unsold stock | 黃昏市仔
honghwn-chi'ar | evening market | 黃昏市仔
hongsi'ar | slight breezes; zephyrs | 風絲仔
hongzu'ar | pump (for bicycle or basketball) | 風苴仔; 打氣筒
horhe'ar | no opportunity for something to continue; to overthrow (Lit. shrimp caught in a net) | 撈蝦仔; 把事情弄糟了; 把水抽乾而捉蝦
hosinphah'ar | fly swatter | 胡蠅拍仔
hoxmng'ar | drizzle | 雨毛仔; 小雨
hoxsap'ar | drizzling rain | 雨屑仔; 毛毛雨
hoxtiafm'ar | small drop of rain | 雨點仔
hu'ar | spell; incantation; written Taoist charm | 符仔
hui'ar | pottery; earthenware | 磁仔; 瓷仔; 陶器
hui'oe'ar | small earthen cooking pot | 瓷鍋仔
hulanzhea'ar | fish scales | 魚鱗𤺅仔
hun'ab'ar | tobacco box; cigarette case | 煙盒仔; 香煙盒
hun'ar | tobacco leaf | 熏仔
hunhun'ar | a tiny amount | 分分仔
huxnhoe'ar | participate in a mutual money loaning group | 混會仔; 搭會
hvaethau'ar | rice liqueur | 幌頭仔; 米酒
hvi'ar phakphag | ears standing out so much as almost to cover the opening (like a pig's) | 耳仔趴趴; 垂耳
hvi'ar toaxtuix | ears very large--sign of good luck in making money (physiognomy) | 耳仔大對
hvi'ar | ear; handle | 耳仔; 耳朵
hvi'ar-tuun | ear lobe | 耳仔唇; 耳垂
hvi-pe'ar | ear cleaning rod, ear pick | 耳扒仔; 耳杓
hviuab'ar | incense box or container; incense boat | 香盒仔
hviuvii koe'ar | fruit of the citron tree | 香櫞瓜仔; 佛手瓜
hviw-koe'ar | fruit of the citron tree | 香瓜仔; 佛手瓜
hvixarng'ar | eeating undercooked taro, radish, etc. | 耳甕仔
hvixhong'ar | rumor heard | 耳風仔; 風聲
hvixpe'ar | ear probes | 耳扒仔; 耳杓
hw'ar | an eraser | 拊仔
hwn'ab'ar | compact | 粉盒仔; 粉鏡盒
hwntng'ar | pig duodenum | 粉腸仔
høe'ar | small fresh-water crab | 蟹仔; 螃蟹; 會仔
høfhviati'ar | good friends; euphemistic name for the ghosts for whom the living prepare a feast on the 15th of the 7th month | 好兄弟仔; 無主孤魂
i'ar | wife's sister; younger sisters of one's wife | 姨仔; 小姨子; 姨妹
ia ng'ar | sowing rice seeds | 掖秧仔
iafkøe'ar | streetwalker; an unlicensed prostitute | 野雞仔; 阻街女郎; 流鶯
iam'arng'ar | salt urn | 鹽甕仔
iamsng'ar | mulberry fruit | 桑葚仔; 鹽桑仔; 小葉桑
iaxchi'ar | evening market; night market | 夜市仔; 夜市
irmkoe'ar | salted cucumber; pickled melon | 蔭瓜仔; 醬瓜
irmsvi'ar | salted soy beans | 蔭鼓仔
irn'ar | personal seal; private chop | 印仔; 圖章; 私章
irnsek'ab'ar | small box holding the ink for seals | 印色盒仔; 印泥盒子
it'høe'ar | soon, a while, a few moments | 一會仔; 一回仔; 一會兒
iu'ar | round pomelo, shaddock | 柚仔; 柚子
iulau'ar | funnel | 油漏仔; 漏斗
iuo'ar | bit, crumb, chip, fragment | 幼仔; 屑兒
iuove'ar | infant; small child | 幼嬰仔; 幼小的孩子
iutang'ar | oil jar | 油筒仔
iøf gyn'ar | nurse a child | 養育孩仔
jiaope'ar | a stool pigeon; a person who helps enemy to harm own people; an informer; cat's paw; running dog; dupe; to work for the interest of an opposing group at the expense of one's own | 抓耙仔; 吃裡扒外
jidthiah'ar | calendar | 日拆仔; 日曆
jiedkat'ar | small boils | 熱結仔; 小瘡疔
jiedkiet'ar | small boils | 熱結仔; 小瘡疔
jinkezhuo'ar | residence | 人家厝仔
jiog'ar | mat, mattress, cushion | 墊仔; 褥仔
jit-hoe'ar | soft beams of sunlight | 日花仔; 暖陽
jit`si'ar | daytime | 日時仔
jixpoxchid`ar | exceptional skill | 二步七仔; 有一手者
jiøxphea'ar | diapers | 尿帕仔
joa'ar | so much | 若仔; 多麼
kacie'ar | coarse straw bag | 迦至仔; 用蒲草編成之簡陋籃子仔
kaciefn'ar | moth that eats books and clothes | 鉸剪仔
kafle'ar-hofng | tornado; cyclone; twister | 絞螺仔風; 龍捲風
kafm'ar | shallow bamboo | 篚仔; 𥴊仔; 大竹盤; 淺竹筐
kafm'ar-tiaxm | general grocery store | 篚仔店; 雜貨店
kafzhek'ar kekhix | thrashing machine | 絞粟仔
kah'ar | vest; waistcoat; sleeveless jacket | 蓋仔; 䘥仔; 背心
kak'ar | pieces of lumber that are square like 4x4's orx2's | 角仔; 方形口徑之木材
kalak'ar | pulley (as at a well); a windlass | 加轆仔; 滑車; 轆轤
kalefang'ar | puppet | 傀儡尪仔
kalo'ar | head grunt, spotted pomadas id (fish) | 加蘆仔; 星雞魚
kam'ar | tangerine | 柑仔; 橘子
kam'ar-seg | orange color | 橘仔色; 柑仔色; 橘黃色
kan'ar | vial; pyxis; bottle | 矸仔; 瓶子
kang'ar | worker; worker | 工仔; 工人
kankan'ar | barely; only; merely; only (this and nothing more); in vain; for nothing | 干干仔; 無端的; 白白的
kap'ar | small land frog | 蛤仔; 田雞; 青蛙
kaq thafn'ar | cover oneself with blankets | 蓋毯仔
kau'ar | drain | 溝仔; 鉤仔; 水溝; 鉤子
kaugyn'ar | children; troublesome child | 猴囝仔; 小孩子
kauhvi'ar | one of the radicals | 交耳仔; 耳朵旁; (漢字部首之一)
kausafn`ar | monky | 猴山仔
kausan'ar | monkey | 猴山仔; 猴子
kausygyn'ar | bad kids | 猴死囡仔
kaw'ar | puppy | 狗仔; 小狗
kawgam'ar | freshwater fish near rocks | 狗𩸶仔
kax sai'ar | teach apprentices | 教師仔; 教徒弟
kazuo'ar | coarse grass bag; [[kacie'ar]] | 粗草仔; 加薦仔; 粗草袋
ke'ar | downtown; a small town with shops on both sides of the street | 街仔; 小鎮
kea'ar | shelf; small frame; set of shelves | 架仔
keana'ar | kale | 芥藍仔
keh'ar | stall or booth (especially a fixed one in a market) | 格仔; 攤位; 格子
keh'ar-zoar | paper with squares | 格仔紙; 方格紙
kekak'ar | small cock | 雞角仔; 小公雞
kekui'ar | balloon (because its shape is like a balloon) | 雞規仔; 氣球
keng'ar | coil spring in machine | 弓仔; 彈簧
kenoa'ar | pullet | 雞攔仔; 小母雞
kethun'ar | middle-aged chicken; not yet fully grown | 雞豚仔; 未成熟的中雞
kethøar | chicken not yet weighing one pound; fryers | 雞桃仔; 中雞 (未成熟的雞)
kexzhuo'ar | simple and small house | 低厝仔
kha'ar | assistant for low or coarse work; follower; subordinate | 腳仔; 跤仔; 部下
khafm'ar | terrace | 坎仔; 高低處
khafn sai'ar | discipleship | 牽師仔
khah'ar | basket an angler wears when fishing | 簍仔
khahtheng'ar | in a very short time | 較停仔; 待一會兒; 過一會兒
khak'ar | shell; hard surface; housing | 殼仔
khan'ar | luggage tag | 籤仔; 標籤
khangkeh'ar | empty shelf (as of a bookcase); blank in a form | 空格仔
khangkoafn'ar | empty bottle | 空罐仔; 空瓶子
khankau'ar | agent; broker; pimp | 牽猴仔; 皮條客; 仲介; 掮客
khankong'ar | lead a man to a house of ill repute; to pimp | 牽公仔; 拉皮條
khasaukeng'ar | brothel | 跤梢間仔
khasaw-keng'ar | brothel | 跤梢間仔; 娼館
khat'ar | scoop | 戛仔; 杓子
khau'ar | a planer tool; a carpenter's plane; peeler | 刨仔; 剾仔; 削皮器; 刨子
khautøar | vegetable peeler | 刨刀仔; 削皮刀
khaw phe'ar | pull up darnell from rice fields | 拔稗仔
khe'ar | a brook | 溪仔; 小溪
kheg irn'ar | engrave a seal or a stamp | 刻印仔; 刻圖章
kheh'ar | box | 篋仔
khek'irn'ar | engraved seal | 刻印仔
khekøar | river fish | 溪哥仔; (溪魚)
kheng'ar | a crate | 筐仔; 桕仔
khi'ar | small persimmon | 柿仔; 臺灣黑壇
khi'ar-seg | persimmon color | 柿仔色
khiam'ar | nip | 鉗仔
khiang'ar | thief | 鏘仔; 騙子
khiaxmkhiam'ar eng | frugal | 儉儉仔用
khidko'ar | boil paste | 樁糊仔; 煮漿糊
khien'ar | hinge; chain; catenary; catch; hook; or ring (as curtain rings; door catch etc.) | 牽仔; 圈仔; 鏈扣; 鈎子
khiet'ar | stairs, steps | 階仔; 碣仔; 階梯
khinkhin'ar | gently; lightly | 輕輕仔
khiøh'angtiafm'ar | car game to gather diamonds and hearts | 抾紅點仔
khiøhgyn'ar | gives birth to the child; to reproduce; deliver; give birth to a child; child birth | 生孩子; 拾囝仔; 接生
khiøhkie'ar | sharpen sawteeth | 拾齒仔; 將鋸齒磨利
khiøq bah'iuo'ar | take advantage of occasion | 拾肉幼仔; 趁機會
khiøq gyn'ar | deliver a child | 拾囝仔; 接生
khng'ar | bran from rice | 糠仔; 米糠
kho'ar | residue of rapeseed or soybeans; made into discs | 麩仔; 箍仔
kho'si'ar | whistle | 呼哨仔
kho'uh'ar | to hiccough; to hiccup | 呼噎仔; 打嗝
khoaekhoae'ar | very easy | 快快仔; 容易的
khoekøar | stream fish in Taiwan | 溪哥仔
khof-eh'ar | to hiccup | 打嗝仔
khof-pi'ar | whistle | 呼啡仔; 吹哨子
khof-si'ar | whistle | 呼哨仔; 呼口哨; 吹口哨
khof-uh'ar | to hiccup | 呼嗝仔; 打嗝兒
khofleng'ar | pity | 苦苓仔; 苦楝仔
khofløar | servant | 苦勞仔; 傭人; 差役
khofmng'ar | downy hair; silky tresses | 苦毛仔; 乳毛; 汗毛
khofmo'ar | fine hair on human body | 苦毛仔; 乳毛; 汗毛
khofng vikho'ar | draw a circle | 圈圓箍仔; 劃圓圈
khofphoe'ar | epidermis | 苦皮仔; 表皮
khog'ar | mokugyo; wooden fish (percussion instrument) | 涸仔; 木魚
khok'ar | cocoon | 殼仔; 繭仔
kholøar | servant | 箍絡仔; 傭人; 差役
khopi'ar | hiccup | 呼啡仔; 打嗝
khosi'ar | whistle | 呼哨仔; 吹口哨
khosut'ar | whistle | 呼哨仔; 吹口哨
khouh'ar | hiccup; hiccough | 呼噎仔; 打嗝; 打噎; 打呃
khuiesi'ar | almost die; one's breath become to weak | 氣絲仔; 微弱的氣息
khut'ar | small pool; puddle; hole in the ground; mud puddle | 窟仔; 洞; 池; 水窟
khva'ar | a pot; a cooking pot | 坩仔; 鍋子
khve'ar | mountain valley | 澗仔; 山谷
khvi'ar | mountain valley | 澗仔; 鉗仔; 山谷; 鉗子
khvoa'ar | slow; gradual; to delay; to slacken; to put off | 寬仔; 緩緩
khvoakhvoa'ar kviaa | walk slowly (leisurely) | 寬寬仔走; 款款仔走; 緩緩仔走
khvoakhvoa'ar si | take one's time; Take it easy. Don't hurry! | 寬寬仔是; 款款仔是; 緩緩仔是
khvoakhvoa'ar | do leisurely | 寬寬仔; 款款仔; 緩緩仔
khvoarmia-sien'ar | fortune-teller | 看命先仔; 命相師
khybyn'ar | tooth brush | 齒抿仔
khykhok'ar | mouthwash cup | 齒觳仔
khythok'ar | tooth pick | 齒戳仔
khøe'ar | stream; creek; brook | 溪仔; 小溪
khøeh'ar | small box | 盒仔; 篋仔; 篋子
ki'ar | flag; banner | 旗仔; 小旗
kia'ar | ramp; slope; incline | 崎仔; 小斜坡; 斜坡
kiaam-pau'ar | salty bun | 鹹包仔
kiammoai'ar | pickled plum | 鹹糜仔; 鹹梅仔; 酸梅
kiammoe'ar | pickled plum | 鹹糜仔; 鹹梅仔; 酸梅
kiamvi'ar | salty rice ball | 鹹圓仔
kiap'ar | a clamp, a clip | 夾仔; 鋏仔
kiarkimpho'ar | bankbook; passbook | 寄金簿仔; 存摺
kiarsve'ar | hermit (soldier) crab | 寄生仔; 寄生蟹
kiarsvi'ar | a hermit crab | 寄生仔; 寄生蟹
kiau'ar | overseas Chinese; person living abroad | 僑仔
kiawla'ar | disturb; to ruffle; disarrange | 攪亂仔
kie'ar | a saw | 鋸仔; 鋸子
kiefn'ar | cocoon | 繭仔
kiet'ar | small orange; lime | 桔子; 桔仔; 橘仔
kim'ar | gold; a sister-in-law who is the wife of one's younger brother | 金仔; 妗仔; 弟妹; 弟媳; 金子
kimkiet'ar | the cumquat | 金橘仔
kimku'ar | beetle, scarab beetle, gold bug | 金龜仔; 金龜子
kimlien'ar | gold chain | 金鍊仔
kimtawarng'ar | urn | 金斗甕仔
kin'ar | apron, handkerchief, napkin | 巾仔
kin'ar-hurn | quinine powder | 奎寧粉
kin'ar-oaan | quinine pill | 奎寧丸
kiok'ar | chrysanthemum | 菊仔; 菊花
kipsiøar | porcelain medicine pot; small thin flat-bottomed earthen pan for warming things quickly | 急燒仔
kirmcie-pai'ar | prohib sign | 禁止牌仔
kiwkiong'ar | tree that is good for making cane | 九芎仔
kixn'ui'ar | nearby; neighboring; vicinity | 近位仔; 無遠的地方
kiø'ar | egg-plant | 茄仔
kiøar | eggplant | 茄子
kiørkheh'ar | person who canvases (solicit) | 叫客仔; 招攬客人的人
kng'ar | a cistern; a crock; jar | 缸仔
kngfle'ar-hofng | a tornado; a cyclone; a twister | 捲螺仔風; 龍捲風
kngrhvi'ar | pierce the ears | 穿耳仔
ko'ar | starch; paste; paste for gluing; paste-like food | 糊仔; 罟仔; 魚網; 漿糊
koa'ar | a song; a kind of poem with rhythms and rhymes suitable for use as lyrics in songs | 歌仔
koa'ar-hix | Taiwanese opera | 歌仔戲
koa'ar-kheg | a song; to tune; a ballad | 歌仔曲
koad hvi'ar | slap the ears | 打耳仔
koafn'ar | a can; a jar; a jug; small wide-mouthed jar | 罐仔
koahtin'ar | wild inedible grass that creeps and spreads fast | 割藤仔; 野生的一種蔓草仔
koarn'ar | bottle, jar | 罐仔; 罐子
koe'ar | general name of melon (gourd) | 瓜仔
koefte'ar | flour sack | 粿袋仔
koeh'ar | sickle | 鍥仔
koekui'ar | ballon | 雞胿仔
koenoa'ar | a hen that has not laid eggs yet | 雞僆仔
koethøar | midsize chicken | 雞桃仔
kofng'ar | a tube; a pipe; pot; tank; jar | 管仔; 廣仔; 落水金剛; 罐子
kor zhek'ar | winnow un-hulled rice | 簸穀仔
korngkhva'ar | sodomy (slang) | 槓坩仔; 雞姦; 男色
korngthui'ar | hammer | 鎚子仔
koteazhuo'ar | house alone by itself | 孤塊厝仔; 獨屋
koxng-khva'ar | buggery, sodemy | 摃鍋仔; 男色; 雞姦
ku'ar | brother-in-law ( wife's young brother); beetle | 舅仔; 甲蟲; 龜仔; 金龜子; 小龜; 小舅子
kui'ar | a cabinet; a sideboard; chest of drawers | 櫃仔; 櫃子
kuie kho'ar | several dollars | 幾箍仔
kuietek'ar | laurel; bay tree | 桂竹仔
kun'ar | cloth towels | 巾仔
kuo'ar | a saw | 鋸仔; 鋸子
kurn'ar | club, cudgel | 棍仔
kut kim'ar | dig; mine for gold | 掘金仔仔
kut'ar | small hole, pit, pool | 坑仔
kuye'ar | only a few | 幾個仔; 很少仔
kvea'ar | fishing tool | 桱仔
kvi'ar | edge; fringe; verge; brink; periphery; marginal; borderline | 墘仔; 邊緣
kvia'ar | I fear that; I am afraid of that. Probably; perhaps | 驚仔; 恐怕仔
kviu'ar | tiny deer | 羌仔
kvoa'ar | a reed | 菅仔; 塞芒; 蘆葦
kvoaxsip'ar | light perspiration | 汗濕仔
kvoaxthafng'ar | barrel with handle | 捾桶仔
kwn'ar | stick; stick; cudgel; club; rascal | 棍仔
kø'ar | rice flour biscuit | 膏仔; 糕仔
køar | cake | 糕仔
køe'ar | chicken | 雞仔; 街仔
køe'ar-bak | clavus; corns on the foot | 雞仔眼
køeh'ar | sickle, reaping-hook | 鐮仔; 鍥仔; 鐮刀
køekui'ar | balloon | 氣球仔; 雞胿仔
la'ar | fresh water shell-fish somewhat like a cockle | 螺仔; 蜊仔; 似海扇動物
lafng'ar | coop; cage; hutch; cage; basket; bamboo ware | 籠仔
lahsap'ar | rubbish | 垃圾仔
lahsapmih'ar | garbage | 垃圾物仔
lai'ar | pear | 梨仔; 梨子
lai'ar-hoef | pear flower | 梨仔花
laixkah'ar | internal vest | 內䘥仔
laixli'ar | inner fence | 內籬仔
lakte'ar | bag; pocket in any kind of garment | 橐袋仔; 口袋; 荷包; 袋子
lam'ar | a fine hardwood | 楠仔; 臺灣雅楠
lammng'ar | South gate | 南門仔
lang'ar | basket | 籠仔; 籠子; 簍子
lang-gyn'ar | play with the kids; get the child will | 弄囡仔
langkhehkeng'ar | guest room | 人客間仔
langku'ar | stunted | 人瓢仔; 發育無全的人
lasam'ar | dirty | 垃儳仔
lau'ar | funnel | 漏仔; 漏斗
laun'ar | warm | 拉溫仔
lauxangkongpøar | old couple | 老翁公婆仔
lauxhea'ar | old people | 老歲仔
lauxhoea'ar | old person | 老人仔
lauxhøea'ar | old man; senior citizen; old father | 老歲仔; 老頭子; 老傢伙; 老翁; 老爹
lauxkong'ar | old man | 老頭仔; 老人
lauxo'ar | people who immigrant to Taiwan from China | 老芋仔
lauxpøar | old lady | 老婆仔
lauxpøar-sym | kind and compassionate heart; excessive solicitude; useless precaution | 老婆仔心
law'ar | swindler | 佬仔; 拐仔; 騙仔
le'ar | conch; spiral shell | 螺仔; 貝殼
leeng hvi'ar | pull by the ear | 擰耳仔
lefab'ar | gift box | 禮盒仔
lefngzeng'ar | calm down | 冷靜仔
lefpaesi'ar | Sunday | 禮拜時仔
leng'ar | breast; bell | 奶仔; 鈴仔; 乳房
lenggiang'ar | bell | 鈴鈃仔
lengphea'ar | brassiere; bra | 胸罩仔
li'ar | a bamboo fence; reed; bamboo or thorn fence | 籬仔; 驢仔; 籬笆; 簾子
liab'ar hoaxntong | boil recurring after apparently healed | 粒仔發炎; 瘡疔發炎
liab'ar | swelling; boil | 粒仔; 腫物; 疔
liab'ar-phie | scab | 粒仔痂
liabmixang'ar | make characters with flour | 捏麵尪仔
liam'ar | sickle | 鐮仔; 鯰魚; 鯰仔; 鎌刀
liamleg'ar | sickle for rice harvesting | 鐮刀仔; 鎌刀; 割稻刀
liammi'ar | just a second | 連鞭仔
liang'ar | little bell | 鈴仔; 喨仔; 鈴鐺; 鈴噹
liangliang'ar | coo, breaze | 涼涼仔
liangsea'ar | easy | 涼勢仔
liangteng'ar | pavilion | 涼亭仔
liau'ar | slowly; [[liauliauar]] | 聊仔; 寮仔
liauzhakeng'ar | timber room | 撩柴間仔
liaxmkoa'ar | sing | 唸歌仔
lidsi'ar | Japanese er | 日時仔
liefn'ar | wheels | 輪仔
liefnkiøar | sedan chair used for an idol; carved sedan for an idol | 輦轎仔
liefntaao'ar | throu dices | 撚骰仔
lien'ar | chain; catenarian; chain | 鍊仔
lienlogpho'ar | contact book | 聯絡簿仔
lienthea-ve'ar | Siamese twins | 連體嬰仔
lili'ar | tiny | 釐釐仔; 毫釐
limsikang'ar | temporary workers | 臨時工仔
linkezhuo'ar | regular household | 人家厝仔
linlong'ar | bells | 玲瑯仔
linphea'ar | bra | 奶帕仔
liogsiog'ar | almost; good enough | 略俗仔; 差無多
liong'ar-giin | old coin | 龍仔銀; 古錢幣
lioxng'iok'ar | roughly | 量約仔
lioxngki'iok'ar | roughly | 量其約仔
lirnzu'ar | ball rolling | 輾珠仔
lit`si'ar | day time | 日時仔
liuhengkoa'ar | pop songs | 流行歌仔
liukhau'ar | draw lots | 抽鬮仔
liuosok'ar | rope with running noose (to catch animals) | 套節仔
liw pai'ar | draw cards from the pack | 抽牌仔
liw'ar | button, stud | 鈕仔; 鈕扣
lixpoxchit'ar | skillful | 二步七仔
liøxphea'ar | diaper | 尿帕仔
liøxzu'ar | diaper | 尿苴仔
lo'ar | stove | 爐仔
loaqthvisi'ar | summer days | 熱天時仔
loaxnzeng'ar | alarm clock | 亂鐘仔
log'ar | deer | 鹿仔
logkobe'ar | muddy | 漉糊糜仔
logkomoai'ar | muddy | 漉糊糜仔
logkomoe'ar | muddy | 漉糊糜仔
lok'ar | paper bag | 橐仔; 紙袋
lomoagyn'ar | gangster | 鱸鰻囡仔
lomoasap'ar | juvenile delinquent | 小流氓仔
long'ar | cage; jail | 籠子; 櫳仔; 牢仔; 囊仔; 監牢
longbinleg'ar | lunar calendar | 農民曆仔
loxhun'ar | road mark | 路痕仔
loxliefn'ar | wheel | 路輪仔
loxpvitva'ar | street vendors | 路邊擔仔
loxpvy-tiafm'ar | roadside stores | 路邊店仔
loxteng'ar | street lights | 路燈仔
lu'ar | ass, burrow, donkey | 驢仔; 驢子
lun'ar | hill; small hill | 崙仔; 小山坡; 丘
luo'ar | brush | 鑢仔
lut'ar | swindler; cheater; cheat; a swindler; impostor | 甪仔; 拐子; 郎中; 騙子
lymlirm`ar | almost | 臨臨仔
lymlym'ar | just; barely; scarcely; close to; (adv) almost; just about to; just enough; be approaching; just barely enough | 斂斂仔; 臨臨仔; 略少於; 幾乎; 僅僅; 差點兒
lysi'ar | tiny amount | 哩少仔; 極少
løar | small gong | 鑼仔; 小鑼
løea'ar | file | 鑢仔
løharnkha'ar | single- typically about male | 羅漢跤仔
lørkha'ar | tall guy | 躼跤仔
m'ar | plum | 梅仔; 梅子
mafsun'ar | grand nanny and grand kids | 媽孫仔
mechi'ar | night market | 暝市仔
meni'ar | next year | 明年仔
mfpøar | grandaunt(wife of father's older brother | 姆婆仔
mi'ar | cotton; cotton batting; cotton wadding | 綿仔; 棉仔; 綿花
miapai'ar | brand name | 名牌仔
mih'ar | stuff | 物仔
mimi'ar | wide stretches of; continuously; softly | 綿綿仔
min'ar-axm | tomorrow evening | 明仔晚; 明仔暗
min'ar-exhngf | tomorrow night | 明仔下昏; 明天晚
min'ar-zafkhie | tomorrow morning | 明仔早起; 明天早起
mixhwnte'ar | flour bag | 麵粉袋仔
mixpau'ar | dinner roll | 麵包仔; 小麵包
mixpausap'ar | crumbs of bread | 麵包屑仔
mixtiarm'ar | noodle shop | 麵店仔
mng'ar | a fern | 梅仔; 芒其骨
mngkhafm'ar | doorstep | 門階仔
mngli'ar | curtain | 門簾仔
mngmng'ar | drizzle; fury | 毛毛仔
mngsui'ar | hair hanging down at side of woman's head | 劉海仔
mngtauh'ar | door-latch | 門栓仔
mngtorng'ar | door stopper | 門擋仔
moa'ar | measles | 痲仔
moai'ar | plum | 梅仔
moakin'ar | small eels; hoodlum | 鰻巾仔; 小流氓
moalop'ar | hemp bag | 麻橐仔
moaphoe'ar | eel skin | 鰻皮仔
moasatbag'ar | milk fish | 麻虱目仔
moe'ar | plum | 梅仔; 酸梅
moelangpøar | atchmaker | 媒人婆仔
mohvo'ar | an evil spirit that bewitches people | 魔鬼仔
mokhi'ar | a small crab | 毛蜞仔
mosin'ar | specter; apparition; ghost; an evil spirit that bewitches people | 魔神仔
mui'ar | plum tree | 梅仔
muilangpøar | female matchmaker | 媒人婆仔
mxcviagyn'ar | bad kid | 毋成囡仔
na'aau-tih'ar | uvula | 嚨喉蒂仔
na'ar | basket; basket with handles | 籃仔; 籃(子)
na'auleng'ar | Adam's apple | 嚨喉鈴仔
na'autie'ar | adam's apple | 嚨喉蒂仔
na'auzeng'ar | adam's apple | 嚨喉鐘仔
nauxzeng'ar | alarm clock | 鬧鐘仔
ne'ar | breast; milk | 奶仔; 乳房
ng'ar | seedling; young rice plants | 秧仔; 秧苗; 禾苗
ng'geg'ar | topaz; chrysolite | 黃玉仔
nghoe'ar | yellow flower | 黃花仔
ngkoe'ar | musk melon; cucumis melo | 香瓜仔
ngsng'ar | yellow acid | 黃酸仔
ni'afzeh'ar | New Years Day | 年仔節仔
ni'ar | breast; mamma; udder | 奶仔; 乳房
niau'ar | small cat | 貓仔
niaubi'ar | katy | 貓咪仔
niaumi'ar | kitten | 貓咪仔
niawchyphiag'ar | mousetrap | 鳥鼠擗仔
niawchytak'ar | mousetrap | 鳥鼠觸仔
niawzhwphiag'ar | mousetrap | 鳥鼠擗仔
niawzhwtak'ar | mousetrap | 鳥鼠觸仔
nibea gyn'ar | kids born at the end of the lunar calendar | 年尾囡仔
niboea gyn'ar | kids born at the end of the lunar calendar | 年尾囡仔
niphea'ar | bra | 奶帕仔
niu'ar | large steelyard for heavy weights; silk silkworm | 娘仔; 秤; 量仔; 蠶
niu'ar-sy | silk fiber | 娘仔絲; 蠶絲
nizehsi'ar | New Yearjj | 年節時仔
nizhuie'ar | milk mouth | 奶嘴仔
nngfsi'ar | soft | 軟絲仔
nngfthng'ar | soft gelatinous candies; sweetmeats | 軟糖仔
nngrkawkhang'ar | clim through small hole | 穿狗空仔
nngxe'ar | two | 兩个仔
nngxhun'ar | two centimeter | 兩分仔
nngxkang'ar | two days | 兩工仔
nngxki'ar | two sticks- a little bit | 兩支仔
nngxkoarn'ar | two cans | 兩罐仔
nngxkuo'ar | two sentences | 兩句仔
nngxpo'ar | skillful | 兩步仔
nngxpoxchit'ar | skillful person | 兩步七仔
nngxsi'ar | a little bit | 兩絲仔
nngxsu'ar | two sets | 兩軀仔
nngxsvakang'ar | two to three days | 兩三工仔
nngxsvaliab'ar | two to three | 兩三粒仔
nngxsvia'ar | two sounds | 兩聲仔
o'ab'ar | airplane black box | 黑盒仔
o'ah'ar | crow; raven; rook | 烏鴉仔
o'ar | taro | 芋仔; 烏仔; 烏魚
o'ar-hii | Mugil cephalus; grey mullet | 烏仔魚; 白梭; 前鱗梭; 鯔; 烏魚; 大鱗梭; 腦
o'ar-pefng | taro icecream | 芋仔冰; 芋冰淇淋
oan'ar | a small ball; round; meat ball; medical pill | 丸仔
oaqtauh'ar | steel trap | 活篤仔; 捕獸器
obag'ar | Formosan backthorn | 黑目仔; 黑背刺
obui'ar | tick | 烏蝛仔
oe ang'ar | draws figures; draw pictures of persons | 畫尪仔
oe'ar | small earthen or metal cooking pot | 鍋仔
oebyn'ar | shoes brush | 鞋抿仔
oexang'ar | drawing a character | 畫尪仔
oexhu'ar | graffiti; scrawl; poor calligraphy; to write badly; to scribble | 畫符仔; 塗鴉
oexthng'ang'ar | painting sugar characters | 畫糖尪仔
oim'ar | cloudy | 烏陰仔
okam'ar | black orange, liriodendron | 黑柑仔; 臺灣假黃楊
okan'ar | black buttle | 烏矸仔
okeh'ar | black snapper | 烏格仔
okui'ar | turtle | 烏龜仔
oleng'ar | cricket | 蟋蟀仔
oliong'ar | black cricket | 烏龍仔
omoa'ar | black hemp seed | 黑麻仔
ongliog'ar | medicine hawder | 王絨仔; 王祿仔; 走江湖賣藥者
onglog'ar | swindler; cheater; incompetent physician or quack; a cheat or swindler; traveling medicine salesman | 王祿仔; 郎中; 江湖郎中; 走江湖賣膏藥的; 庸醫; 賣藥郎中; 騙子
oniaucie`ar | fashionably dressed woman | 烏貓姊仔
opangchit'ar | chalkboard eraser | 烏枋拭仔
otauxsvi'ar | black tempeh | 烏豆豉仔
othau'ar | sedan, car, limousine | 黑頭仔; 烏頭仔
othaukhok'ar | black head birdy | 烏頭觳仔
otorang'ar | dark red | 烏𪐞紅仔
ozhuiepit'ar | black pencil | 烏喙筆仔
ozut'ar ciah-køeahøo | A pawn goes forth to capture the king.--A small fry tries a reckless invasion | 黑卒仔食過河; 非份的侵佔
ozut'ar | common soldier; rank and file; pawn | 黑卒仔; 無名小卒
paai-kea'ar | a street vendor | 攤販仔
padni'ar | some other year | 別年仔
padui'ar | other place | 別位仔
pafn'ar | a bamboo or a birch for corporal punishment; a coffin usually made of wood; coffin | 板仔; 棺柩; 棺木
pai'ar | small tablet; signboard; playing card; bus stop; card; tag; playing cards | 牌仔; 牌子
paktofthafng'ar | stomach | 腹肚桶仔
pan konghoea'ar | play house; playing at house keeping | 辦公夥仔; 辦家家酒
pan'ar | jar, pitcher, vase | 瓶仔; 瓶子; 罐仔
pan-konghøea'ar | play | 辦公夥仔; 辦家家酒
pang'ar | blocks engraved for printing | 板仔; 枋仔; 房子
pangkeng'ar | bedroom | 房間仔
parngleng'ar | use one kind of long net to surrounding fish | 放鈴仔; 用一種長網圍魚仔
parngphao'ar | blaster | 放炮仔
parngthiap'ar | sent invitation | 放帖仔
pau'ar | Chinese hamburger; meat patty or dumpling; steamed pie | 包仔; 小包
pau'ar-øee | booties, shows with soft soles | 包仔鞋
pauhog'ar | cloth wrapper; package wrapped in cloth | 包袱仔
pauhogkin'ar | furoshiki | 包袱巾仔
paxng thiap'ar | distribute invitation cards | 發帖仔
pe'ar | a rabble; a rake | 耙仔; 耙子
peleng'ar | spinach | 菠薐仔
peng'ar | soldier | 兵仔
pengpeng'ar | so so | 平平仔; 馬馬虎虎
pengsi'ar | usually | 平時仔
pengsiongsi'ar | usually | 平常時仔
peput'ar | large toothless rake for spreading rice in the sun | 耙扒仔; 穀把
peqbixn'ar | prostitute; hooker | 白面仔; 妓女
peqbut'ar | small edible fishes | 白物仔; 小銀魚
peqhayti'ar | white dolphin | 白海豬仔
peqkhak'ar | white hulled rice | 白殼仔; 在來米(白殼); 白糙米
peqmoa'ar | white sesame | 白麻仔; 白芝麻
peqpak'ar | empty stomach | 白腹仔
peqput'ar-hii | minute edible fishes the little silverfish | 白物仔魚
peqthaukhok'ar | grackle (bird); gray starling | 白頭酷仔; 白頭翁
peqthiap'ar | funeral announcement card or letter | 白帖仔
peqthih'ar | stainless steel; galvanized iron; tin plate | 白鐵仔; 無銹鋼
peqthihlo'ar | stainless steel stove | 白鐵爐仔
peqzhadchid`ar | lier | 白賊七仔
peqzhat-chit'ar | lier | 白賊七仔
pexthaukhiet'ar | hite-headed owl | 白頭鵠仔
pexthih'ar | while iron panel | 白鐵仔
phafngse'ar | spinner | 紡紗仔
phah'uh'ar | belch | 打嗝仔
phahbixntøh'ar | play mahjong | 拍面桌仔
phahciaw'ar | shoot birds | 打鳥仔
phahciawkeng'ar | birdbow | 拍鳥弓仔
phahkho'ar | draw circle; make small circle to note perusal | 打箍仔
phahmi'ar | fluff cotton wool with a bow-like tool | 拍棉仔; 彈棉仔
phahphitphok'ar | clap | 拍匹噗仔
phahphog'ar hoangeeng | receive a person with applause; clap one's hands in applause | 打拍仔; 手歡迎
phahphog'ar | clapping of hands; hand clapping; applaud | 打拍仔; 鼓掌
phahphok'ar | clapping of hands; hand clapping; applaud | 打拍仔; 鼓掌
phahsøh'ar | make rope | 製繩仔
phahthih'ar | blacksmith | 拍鐵仔
phahzuyphiag'ar | stir up water | 拍水擗仔
phang'ar | chink, crack, opening | 縫仔; 縫口
phao'ar | firecracker | 炮仔; 爆竹
phaq kim'ar saihu | goldsmith | 打金仔; 金匠
phaq kim'ar | create a gold jewelry | 拍金仔
phaq-phog'ar | to applaud; clapping of hands, hand clapping | 打拍仔; 拍噗仔; 鼓掌
pharn'ar | fool | 呆仔
phaygyn'ar | bad kid | 歹囡仔
phe'ar | barnyard | 稗仔
phea'ar | tares; weeds; darnels | 稗仔; 帕仔; 手帕
phi'ar | coverlet | 披仔
phiag'ar | catapult; slingshot | 彈仔
phienphien'ar m | doggedly determined to oppose; refuse what is proposed | 偏偏仔無; 硬不
phienphien'ar | doggedly; obstinately; like or not | 偏偏仔
phiern'ar | deceiver | 騙仔
phiern'gyn'ar | deceive | 騙囡仔
phiernsien'ar | swindler; a cheat | 騙仙仔
phiet'ar | saucer; plate; dish | 碟仔; 𥐵仔; 盤子
phin'ar | winged insect always in foods | 蹁仔; 𥰔仔; 常在食物上的小飛蟲仔; 笛子
phiøar | an aquatic plant | 薸仔
pho'ar | notebook | 簿仔; 鋪仔; 簡單的床舖; 本子
pho'ar-siaux | ledger | 簿仔數; 記載的賬
phoarzhuo'ar | broken house | 破厝仔
phoarzhux thafng'ar | small; poor house; hovel | 破厝仔; 草茅
phoe'ar | barnyard | 稗仔
phoe'te'ar | leather bag | 皮袋仔; 革囊
phoeang'ar | puppet | 皮尪仔
phoeea'ar | barnyard | 稗仔
phoelok'ar | an envelope | 信橐仔; 信盒
phoelong'ar | an envelope | 批囊仔
phoephoe'ar korng | allude to a matter without giving much explanation; give only a hint | 皮皮仔講; 說點皮毛
phoephoe'ar | (adv) a little bit; slightly | 皮皮仔; 皮毛; 稍微; 約略; 略微
phoete'ar | leather bag; purse | 皮袋仔; 皮包
phof zng'ar | pave with bricks; brick pavement | 舖磚仔
phofthongsi'ar | normal time | 普通時仔
phog'ar | clap | 拍仔; 掌聲
phok'ar | bubbles | 泡仔; 泡(沫)兒
phuiethat'ar | fart | 屁窒仔
phun'ar | pots | 盆仔
phutin'ar | leaf-hoppers | 浮藤仔; 浮塵子
phvai'ar | package carried on back | 揹仔; 背包
phvarzha'ar | fluffy wood | 冇柴仔
phvaymih'ar | bad stuff | 歹物仔
phvaytangkofng'ar | bad copper tube | 歹銅管仔
phvaythih'ar | bad steel | 歹鐵仔
phvayun'ar | bad luck | 歹運仔
phvi'ar | nose | 鼻仔
phyn'ar | flute; pipes; flute (musical instrument) | 笛仔; 𥰔仔; 橫笛
phø gyn'ar | carry a child in the arms | 抱囡仔; 抱小孩
phø'ar | bubble | 泡仔
phøephøe'ar | only the outside, only the beginning | 皮皮仔
phøete'ar | leather pouch | 皮袋仔
phøfliog'ar | approximately | 頗略仔
phøh'ar | small evergreen shrub | 榎仔
pi'ar | a whistle ; pool; marish; a whistle | 哨仔; 觱仔; 水塘; 哨子; 埤仔; 沼地
piagpiag'ar | snap | 擗擗仔
piaq u hvi'ar | Beware of eavesdropping! Even the walls have ears | 牆有耳仔
piefn'ar | plaque; tablet; swindler; a cheat | 匾仔; 騙人者
piefnsien'ar | swindler; a cheat | 貶仙仔
pienphao'ar | firecrackers; banger | 鞭炮仔
piexntong'ab'ar | bento box | 便當盒仔
piexntongkheh'ar | bento box | 便當篋仔
piexntongkhok'ar | bento box | 便當觳仔
pin'nngzhve'ar | betel nut; areca nut | 檳榔果仔
pit'ar | pen | 筆仔
pitløar | Shrike | 伯勞仔
piøar | javelin | 標仔; 標槍
piøhe'ar | Taiwanese community loan club | 標會仔
piøhoe'ar | make bids or draw lots to determine who should get the loan from the private loan association | 標會仔
png'ar | maple | 楓仔
pngxab'ar | lunch box; rice container | 飯盒仔
pngxkheh'ar | lunch box | 飯篋仔
pngxkhok'ar | lunch box; rice container | 飯盒仔
pngxkhva'ar | rice crucible | 飯坩仔
pngxliab'ar | grain of cooked rice | 飯粒仔
poah'ar | shallow earthen dish or basin | 淺仔; 缽; 淺土盤
poah-tau'ar | gamble with dice | 賭骰仔
poaqpai'ar | play cards; to gamble with cards | 打牌仔
poaqtau'ar | throw dice; gamble with dice | 賭骰仔
poaqthafng'ar | water bucket | 拔桶仔
poarnpvi'ar | half sick | 半病仔
poe hun'ar | cure (tea; tobacco leaves) | 烘熏仔; 烘乾菸葉
poe'ar | cup | 杯仔; 杯子
poeako'ar | plaster paste | 塗糊仔
poeleng'ar | spinach | 菠薐仔
poexkutgyn'ar | betray child | 背骨囡仔
pofthaucvi'ar | axe wedge | 斧頭楔仔
pong'ar | scales (give weight in pounds avoirdupois) | 磅仔; 秤
poorng'ar | scale | 磅仔
porang'ar | puppet | 布尪仔
porchi'ar | clothes market | 布市仔
poriuo'ar | many pieces of cloth | 碎布仔
porkin'ar | cloth towel | 布巾仔
porli'ar | cloth curtain | 布簾仔
porliau'ar | narrow strip of cloth | 布條仔
porphvai'ar | cloth back | 布揹仔
porte'ar | cloth purse, money bag | 布袋仔; 小布袋
portexhix-ang'ar | puppet show figures | 布袋戲尪仔
potiu'ar | sowing rice | 播稻仔
poxng'ar | scale (weighing) | 磅仔
pu'ar | bottle gourd | 瓠仔; 匏仔; 壺盧
pud kim'ar | said of making great gain | 逐金仔; 大獲利益
puie'ar | prickly heat rash | 痱仔; 痱子
puie'ar-hurn | talcum powder | 痱仔粉; 痱子粉
puihiakhok'ar | gourd shell ladle | 瓠桸觳仔
puitibah'ar | fat pork | 肥豬肉仔
pulawkhok'ar | | 瓠佬觳仔
pun'ar | large cupboard for storing rice | 古時之穀倉仔
punkekui'ar | blow balloon- imply making up stories | 歕雞胿仔
punkoekui'ar | blow balloon- imply making up stories | 歕雞胿仔
punpi'ar | whistle | 歕觱仔
punpipi'ar | whistle | 歕觱觱仔
puntaxpi'ar | musician who play Taiwanese trumpet | 歕咑觱仔
puq liab'ar | have boils | 冒粒仔; 生瘡
purnki'ar | dustpan | 畚箕仔
purnsørchi'ar | dung market | 糞埽市仔
puun kekui'ar | blow up a toy balloon | 吹雞規仔; 吹氣球
puun koekui'ar | blow a balloon | 歕雞胿仔
puun phyn'ar | play the flute | 吹笛仔
puun pi'ar | blow a whistle | 吹哨仔
puun pipi'ar | blow a whistle | 吹哨仔
pvepo'ar | Taiwanese aboriginal | 平埔仔
pvete'ar | flat land people (vs. people who in the the mountain) | 平地仔
pvezhuo'ar | flat roof house | 平厝仔
pvi søh'ar | make a rope by hand | 編繩仔
pvi'ar ee laang | bystanders | 邊仔的人; 旁人
pvi'ar | side; at the side | 邊仔; 旁邊
pviafab'ar | cookie; box; case | 餅盒仔
pviafiuo'ar | crumbs | 餅幼仔
pviafkheh'ar | Taiwanese crepe | 餅篋仔
pviafsap'ar | scraps of cake | 餅屑仔
pviafsut'ar | small crumbs of bread or cake | 餅屑仔
pvoa bafng'ar | swat away mosquitoes | 拌蠓仔
pvoa'ar | dish; plate; tray | 盤仔; 盤子
pvoa'ar-hii | golden-skinned pargo (fish) | 盤仔魚; 血鯛
pvoarbag'ar | make believe you don't notice something (Lit. one eye open and one closed) | 半目仔; 睜一眼閉一眼仔
pvoarhofng'ar | child of mixed descent; mixed blood; child of an inter-racial marriage; half-breed | 半荒仔; 混血兒; 混種
pvoariafmmng'ar | un authorized prostitutes (not legally open for business) | 半野門仔; 私娼仔
pvoariammui'ar | half-yin and yang | 半陰陽仔
pvoarlamniu'ar | a bisexual person | 半陰陽仔
pvoarlo'ar | half way | 半路仔
pvoarmesi'ar | midnight | 半暝時仔
pvoarmi'ar | midnight | 半暝仔
pvoarpo'ar | half afternoon | 半晡仔
pvoarsirn'gi'ar | half faith | 半信疑仔
pvoarsvoa'ar | kids with parents from China and local Taiwanese | 半山仔
pvoarthafngsai'ar | half-bucket apprentice, imply the student is not there yet | 半桶師仔
pvoax-khafm'ar | half of a storefront | 半坎仔; 半間的門面
pvy`ar | side | 旁邊
pyn'ar | screen made of thin; flat slips of bamboo; small hanging bamboo screen; a room divider made of bamboo screen | 屏仔; 箅仔; 竹簾
pyn'ar-kud | a rib | 肋仔骨
pø'ar | old lady | 婆仔
pøfpoea'ar | baby | 寶貝仔
pølee kan'ar | glass bottle | 玻璃矸仔
pøleiuo'ar | tiny pieces glass | 玻璃幼仔
pøqpafn'ar | thin wood panel | 薄板仔
pøqpang'ar | thin planks; lath | 薄板仔
safnkau'ar | skinny guy | 瘦猴仔
sai'ar | an apprentice | 師仔; 獅子; 徒弟; 學徒; 獅仔
saikong'ar | Taoist priest | 師公仔
sam'ar | Japan cedar; various species of fir and pine; conifers | 杉仔
samchit'ar | rapporteur | 三七仔
sampafn'ar | sampan | 舢舨仔
samputgoxsi'ar | once in a while | 三無五時仔
samzan'ar | three layers | 三層仔
saosegym'ar | thin bamboo branches on the bamboo broom | 掃梳笒仔
saosoegiafm'ar | sweeping broom | 掃梳笒仔
sap'ar | sediment; mean person; worthless fellow | 屑仔; 渣仔
sapsap'ar | drizzle | 屑屑仔; 霎霎仔; 毛毛仔雨; 細雨霏霏
satbag'ar | milkfish | 虱目仔
sayhag'ar | outhouse; outdoor privy | 屎礐仔; 簡陋廁所; 茅坑
sayhag'ar-thaang | maggot | 屎礐仔蟲; 廁所蟲
saykhat'ar | shit hole | 屎舀仔
saythafng'ar | buket for dung | 糞桶仔
saythafngkhok'ar | shit ladle | 屎桶觳仔
se'ar | gauze, thin silk, yarn, untwisted thread | 紗仔
sea'i'ar | mistress | 細姨仔
seaciah'ar | small one | 細隻仔
seaharn'ar | little one | 細漢仔
seaharnko'ar | youngest aunty | 細漢姑仔
seaharnsi'ar | during the young age | 細漢時仔
seaji'ar | extremely careful | 細膩仔
seaki'ar | skinny | 細枝仔
seakim'ar | the youngest sunt on the mother side | 細妗仔
seako'ar | the youngest aunt on the father side | 細姑仔
seasea'ar | tiny | 細細仔
seaseaciah'ar | tiny | 細細隻仔
seaseaharn'ar | little guy | 細細漢仔
seaseakeng'ar | little room | 細細間仔
seaseaki'ar | little | 細細支仔
seasealiab'ar | little | 細細粒仔
seaseasvia'ar | whisper | 細細聲仔
seaseazhuie'ar | small bite | 細細喙仔
seaseazoa'ar | little strips | 細細逝仔
seatiaulo'ar | small ally | 細條路仔
seazek'ar | husband's younger brother; brother-in-law | 小叔仔
sefkim'ar | wash gold | 洗金仔
sefngsefng`ar | not wasted | 省省仔
sefsva'ar | wash clothes | 洗衫仔
sek'ar | millet | 黍仔
sese'ar | lose | 疏疏仔
si'ar | small spoon, small spoonful | 絲仔; 湯匙
sia'ar | scoop | 杓仔
siam'ar | cicada; locust | 蟬仔
siangsve'ar | twins | 雙生仔; 雙胞胎
siangsvi'ar | twins | 雙生仔; 孿生
siaolien'ar | young people | 少年仔
siawkhiefn'ar | puppy; conventional phrase for my son | 小犬仔
siawsw'ar | crazy | 痟痟仔
siawthiw'ar | clown | 小丑仔
siawthviw'ar | clown | 小丑仔
sibpat'ar | dice | 十八仔
sie-ah'ar | dead duck | 死鴨仔
siekha'ar | frog, quadruped | 四跤仔; 四腳獸
siekhazoa'ar | l lizard | 四跤蛇仔
siekhoui'ar | surounding | 四箍圍仔
siekuolien'ar | quartet | 四句聯仔
sien'ar | cicada | 蟬仔
siephvie'ar | 4 pieces | 四片仔
siesiuo'ar | snacks | 四秀仔
siexn hvi'ar | slap the ears; to box the ears | 搧耳仔; 賞耳光
siexn'ang'ar | playing cards with characters- game played in the old day | 蟮尪仔
siexnlang'ar | gecko | 蟬蟲仔; 壁虎
siexntang'ar | gecko | 壁虎仔
siexnthang'ar | gecko | 壁虎仔; 蟮蟲仔
sihsut'ar | cricket | 蟋蟀仔
sim'ar | ginseng | 蔘仔
simkvoa'ar | sweetheart | 心肝仔
simkvoakhut'ar | pit of the stomach; region between the ribs | 心肝骨仔
simpu'ar | adopted girl as a future daughter-in-law | 媳婦仔; 新婦仔; 童養媳
sin'ang'ar | house lizard | 蟮蟲仔
sinkhupvi'ar | body side | 身軀邊仔
sinniuu bang'ar | bridal veil | 新娘網仔
sinzuo-pai'ar | tablet | 神主牌仔
sinzwpai'ar | worship wooden person object | 神主牌仔
siogsiog'ar | cheap | 俗俗仔
siong'ar | banyan | 榕仔
sipsip'ar-zuie | small quantity of water | 濕濕仔水; 一點點水
siuose'ar | thin bamboo stick that was used to punish kids that didn't behave | 秀梳仔
siuosoe'ar | thin bamboo stick that was used to punish kids that didn't behave | 秀梳仔
siøf zng'ar | bake bricks | 燒磚仔
siøfangbøar | little red hood | 小紅帽仔
siøfgiog'ar | small watermelon | 小玉仔
siøfgu'ar | a calf | 小牛仔
siøfhag'ar | elementary school | 小學仔
siøfkang'ar | an unimportant laborer | 小工仔
siøfkelang'ar | small chicken kage | 小雞籠仔
siøfko'ar | husband's younger sister | 小姑仔; 丈夫之妹
siøflo'ar | path | 小路仔
siøfmoe`ar | younger sister | 小妹仔
siøfthiw'ar | a clown, a jester, a buffoon | 小丑仔
siøfti'ar | young brother | 小弟仔
siøfviu'ar | a lamb | 小羊仔
siøfzek'ar | uncle | 小叔仔
siøfzhongbeng'ar | mortal wisdom | 小聰明仔
siøfzut'ar | little pawn | 小卒仔
siøsiø'ar | hot | 燒燒仔
sng'ar | embolus | 栓仔; 霜仔; 冰
sngbui'ar | sou | 酸微仔
sngkamtvi'ar | sweet and sour | 酸甘甜仔
sngrmia'ar | fortune teller | 算命仔
sngrmiaxsien'ar | fortune teller | 算命仙仔
soa'ar | six-grilled shark, cow shark,sharkling, sharp-nosed shark | 沙仔; 曲齒鮫
soafn'ar | garlic | 蒜仔
soaliab'ar | sand grains | 砂粒仔
soarn'ar | green garlic; green garlic; leek | 蒜仔; 大蒜
soatng'ar | whiting | 沙鮻仔
soeako'ar | younger sister-in-law on the husband side | 細姑仔
sok'ar | a string; a tie or rubber band for tying shut a bag of something | 束仔; 束圈
sokkaf lok'ar | plastic bags; vinyl bags | 塑膠橐仔
sokkaliab'ar | P.V.C. compound | 塑膠粒仔
sokkalok'ar | plastic bag | 塑膠橐仔
sokkate'ar | plastic bag | 塑膠袋仔
som'ar | ginseng | 參仔
songsong'ar | rube; hick | 倯倯仔
sosui'ar | hair hanging down at side of woman's head | 劉海仔
su'ar | soldiers | 士仔
sui'e'ar | one by one | 隨个仔
suizang'ar | every tree | 隨欉仔
sun'ar | nephew | 甥仔; 孫仔; 外甥兒; 姪兒; 甥.侄
sut'ar | gang member; a tool to flick dust | 屑仔; 捽仔; 鞭仔; 碎屑; 蟀仔
sut'sut'ar | crumbs; imply gang member | 屑屑仔
sutsut'ar | crumbs; imply gang member | 屑屑仔
suxnsun'ar | smoothly | 順順仔
sva'ar | clothes, clothing | 衫仔; 衣衫
svahoea'ar | toddler; naive | 三歲仔
svahun'ar | 30% | 三分仔
svahøar | 3rd | 三號仔
svakak'ar | triangule | 三角仔
svakea'ar | shirt frame | 衫架仔
svakeng'ar | shirt bow | 衫弓仔
svakha'ar | deceitful; (n) lackey; running dog; a person who helps someone harm people | 三腳仔; 台奸; 走狗
svani'ar | 3rd grader | 三年仔
sve'ar | pig iron | 生仔
svef gyn'ar | gave birth | 生囡仔
svef liab'ar | have a boil or swelling | 生粒仔; 生瘡疔
svegyn'ar | give birth | 生囡仔
sveliab'ar | inflammation | 生粒仔
svesvoai'ar | chancre | 下疳仔
sveteng'ar | have a carbuncle | 生疔仔
svi'ar | pig iron; type of cast iron; pot metal | 生仔; 生鐵
svieng'ar | carbuncle | 生癰仔
svigyn'ar | gave birth | 生囡仔
sviliab'ar | inflammation | 生粒仔
svisvoai'ar | syphilis | 生檨仔
sviu'ar | chest; cabinet; trunk; box; case | 箱仔; 箱子
sviu'ar-tøea | bottom of a box | 箱仔底
sviusi'ar | Taiwan acacia | 相思仔; 想思樹
svoa'ar | a mango | 芒果
svoaf-kiet'ar | Taiwan lemon | 山桔仔
svoai'ar | mango | 檨仔; 芒果
svoai'ar-zaang | mango tree | 檨仔欉; 芒果欉
svoakau'ar | ravine | 山溝仔
svoakhi'ar | Morris persimmon, red-flowered persimmon | 山柿仔; 油柿
svoakhve'ar | valley; gorge | 山坑仔
svoalun'ar | long, low, flat hill | 山崙仔
svoamoa'ar | dense-flowered false nettle | 山麻仔; 大苧麻
svoasvoai'ar | mountain mango | 山檨子
svoati'ar | wild boar | 山豬仔
svoatin'ar | mountain rattan | 山藤仔
svoazhat'ar | wax tree | 山賊仔; 山漆仔
svy gyn'ar | gave birth | 生囡仔
svy-liab'ar | have a boil | 生瘡仔; 生粒仔; 長瘡
svy-svoai'ar | have a bubo | 生檨仔; (淋巴結炎)
swn'ar | bamboo shoot | 筍仔
swnbag'ar | the joints in a bamboo stick | 筍節仔; 較長的竹筍長出的每一個節
sygyn'ar | common scolding for misbehaving child (Lit. damned kid ─ ought to die) | 死囝仔
sykhut'ar | lifeless | 死氣仔
sylog'ar | dead deer | 死鹿仔
syniau'ar | dead cat | 死貓仔
sø'ar | bobbin, shuttle | 梭仔; 線軸
søar | weaver's shuttle | 梭子
søf vi'ar | roll dumplings | 挲圓仔; 搓湯圓
søh'ar | band; rope; tie; cord; small rope | 索仔; 繩子
tafui'ar | where | 佗位仔
tagkekhaw'ar | every household | 逐家口仔
tahsim'ar | dear | 貼心仔; 親愛的
tai'ar | foxtail millet; Setaria italica; a type of millet (grain) | 栗仔; 台仔; 小米; 臺; 秮仔
tai'ar-hii | common carp, cyprinus carpio | 呆仔魚; 𩸙仔魚; 鯉魚
taixkhae`ar | perhaps | 大概仔
taixliog'ar | Chinese mainlander | 大陸仔
taixtong'ar | green peper | 大同仔
tamtam'ar | wet | 濕濕仔
tang'ar | canister; small earthen jar or pot | 筒仔; 小壼; 小寬嘴甕; 小壺
tang'ar-bykøf | glutinous rice preparation steamed in casserole | 筒仔米糕
tang'ar-mixsvoax | vermicelli boiled in a earthen jar | 筒仔米線; 筒仔麵線
tangboefsi'ar | end of year | 冬尾時仔
tangcvi'ar | copper coin | 銅錢仔
tangkofng'ar | an empty tin can | 銅管仔; 空鐵罐; 罐子
tangsai'ar | wives of husband's brothers; sisters-in-law | 妯娌仔; 同姒仔
tangsi'ar | at that time | 當時仔
tangsiefncvi'ar | copper coin | 銅仙錢仔
tangthvisi'ar | during the winter | 冬天時仔
tao'ar | the cover; small bucket | 罩仔; 小水桶
tapogyn'ar | boy | 查埔囡仔
tau'ar | beans, peas, any of several lequmes; dice for gambling | 豆仔; 骰仔
tau'ar-voar | bowl used to throw dice in gambling | 豆仔碗; 骰子盒
tauh'ar | a trap | 捕捉機仔
tauhliw'ar | a snap (used on a garment as a fastener) | 鬥鈕仔; 子母扣
tauxcviuo'ar | bean paste | 豆醬仔
taw'ar | dry measure of 1 tao capacity | 斗仔
taxmtam'ar | sip | 淡淡仔
tazhaw'ar | hay | 焦草仔
te'ar | bag | 袋仔; 袋子
te'au'ar | tea cup | 茶甌仔
teahe'ar | join a private saving club- which is popular in Taiwan | 綴會仔
tebie koarn'ar | tea leaf container; tea caddy | 茶米罐仔
teeahuuo'ar | young brother-in-law | 弟婦仔
tefkhorzat'ar | shorts | 短褲節仔
tefng'ar | nail | 釘仔; 戥仔; 戥子
tefngzam'ar | previous stop | 頂站仔
tek'ar | bamboo; bamboo cane | 竹仔; 竹子
tek'ar-hii | trigger fishes | 竹仔魚; 多棘皮剝魨; 棘身皮剝魨
tek'ar-zhaix | a herb of a grass of Commerina | 竹仔菜
tek'ui'ar | bamboo garden | 竹圍仔
tekke'ar | gang | 竹雞仔
tekkofng'ar | bamboo tube | 竹管仔
tekkøe'ar | juvenile delinquent | 竹雞仔
tekna'ar | bamboo basket | 竹籃仔
tekoarn'ar | tea pot | 茶罐仔
tekpai'ar | rows of bamboos | 竹棑仔
tekphi'ar | a sheet of bamboos | 竹披仔
tekswn'ar | bamboo shoots | 竹筍仔
tekthafng'ar | bamboo tube | 竹桶仔
teng'ar | arbor; rest house; pavilion; booth | 亭仔; 釘仔; 釘子; 燈仔
teng'ar-hoef | fringed hibiscus (flower) | 亭仔花; 燈仔花; 裂瓣朱槿
teng'ar-khaf | arcade | 亭仔跤; 騎樓
teng'ar-thuii | hammer for driving nails or tacks | 釘仔鎚; 釘仔槌; 鎚子
teng'ar-zhao | corchorifolia (grass) | 亭仔草; 燈仔草
terng'ar | small steelyard | 釘仔
terngchirn'ar-hoef | rough-leaved holly | 釘秤仔花
tesi'ar | teaspoon | 茶匙仔
tetiafm'ar | teahouse | 茶店仔; 茶館
tetiarm'ar | tearoom; brothel; a teahouse | 茶室仔; 茶店仔
tetøh'ar | tea table | 茶桌仔
texlysien'ar | geography fairy | 地理仙仔
texng teng'ar | drive a nail; nail a nail; fix in place with a nail | 釘釘仔
thaau`ar | in the begging; just now | 頭仔
thafn'ar | a rug; carpet; blanket | 毯仔; 毯子
thafng'ar | bucket; barrel; tub; pail; bucket; pail a keg; a barrel | 桶仔
thagzhehtøh'ar | desk | 書冊桌仔
thai'ar | griddle; screen; screener; sieve; sifter | 篩仔; 篩子
thaisoa'ar | sift sand | 篩砂仔
tham'ar | a pool in a stream; a small lake or pond | 潭仔; 小潭
thang'ar | window; window | 窗仔
thao'ar | person who communicate enemy secretly | 解仔; 密通
thaozafsi'ar | dawn | 透早時仔
tharm'ar | scout; spy; detective | 探仔
tharnciaqkeng'ar | brothel | 趁食間仔
that'ar | a stopper; cork stopper | 塞仔; 窒仔; 塞子
thau'ar | the first; just now; a moment ago | 頭仔; 剛才
thauciam'ar | hairpin | 頭簪仔; 頭釵
thaukaxke'ar | affair | 偷咬雞仔
thaukaxkoe'ar | affair | 偷咬雞仔
thaukhiøhsai'ar | first disciple; the head disciple | 頭拾師仔; 大徒弟仔
thaumnggiap'ar | hair pin | 頭毛鋏仔
thaumnggveh'ar | hair pin | 頭毛鋏仔
thauphoea'ar | 1st run | 頭杮仔
thausve'ar | born fist of domestic fowl livestock | 頭生仔; 家禽家畜的頭胎仔
thauthai'ar | 1st born | 頭篩仔
thautw'ar | a moment ago, just before | 偷偷仔; 頭拄仔; 剛剛
thauzang'ar | hair | 頭鬃仔
thauzangkho'ar | head hoop | 頭鬃箍仔
theapvy`ar | to step aside | 退邊仔
theng'ar | shortly | 停仔; 停一會兒; 無久; 等一會兒
thiah'iøar | get medicine | 拆藥仔
thiaokeh'ar | jump on squares | 跳格仔
thiaokho'ar | jump on squares | 跳箍仔
thiaosøh'ar | jump rope | 跳索仔
thiap zng'ar | lay bricks | 疊磚仔
thiap'ar | invitation; card; notepaper | 帖仔; 請帖
thiau'ar | pimple on the face | 痘仔; 𤶃仔; 面皰
thiaux søh'ar | rope skipping | 跳索仔
thienseng'ar | born | 天生仔
thienthien'ar | in spite of any objection; whatever happens; must needs do something; unluckily | 顛顛仔; 不管如何; 偏偏要
thiethaupøar | female barber | 剃頭婆仔
thih'ar | iron | 鐵仔
thih'voafbøar | iron ball shape hat, imply life time job | 鐵碗帽仔
thihbang'ar | Iron net | 鐵網仔
thihki'ar | railway | 鐵枝仔
thihkurn'ar | iron club | 鐵棍仔
thihkut'ar-svy | skinny but strong | 鐵骨仔生; 瘦壯
thihlang'ar | iron cage | 鐵籠仔
thihlien'ar | iron chains | 鐵鍊仔
thihlong'ar | iron cage | 鐵籠仔
thihpang'ar | sheet iron | 鐵枋仔
thihpe'ar | type of iron harrow | 鐵耙仔
thihteng'ar | nails | 鐵釘仔
thihthafng'ar | iron bucket | 鐵桶仔
thihthang'ar | iron window- prison | 鐵窗仔
thitthøgyn'ar | young fellow fond of low; licentious and vicious pleasures | 拭桃囝仔; 小太保
thiw'ar | clown | 丑仔; 小丑
thng'ar | candy; sweets | 糖仔
thngkam'ar | candy | 糖含仔
thngsi'ar | spoon | 湯匙仔
thngsng'oan'ar | icing | 糖霜丸仔
tho'ang'ar | clay doll; clay toy figurine | 土尪仔; 泥人
tho'arng'ar | urn | 塗甕仔
thoa'ar | slippers | 拖仔; 拖鞋
thoah'ar | drawer | 屜仔; 抽屜
thoahlien'ar | chain | 挩鍊仔
thoahpang'ar | tart | 挩坊仔
thofkaw'ar | dog | 土狗仔
thofkong'ar | grave diggers (put the body in the coffin and bury it); a rowdy; a roughneck; unpolished and unlettered; vulgar; clownish | 土管仔; 撿骨的; 挖墓穴或抬棺的人
thofpau'ar | a country bumpkin | 土包仔; 土包子
thofsve'ar | Animal or plant indigenous to a particular region | 土生仔
thofsvoai'ar | Taiwanese mango | 土檨仔
thoftixkongbiø'ar | temple for land god | 土地公廟仔
tholangkeng'ar | place of hand mill for cleaning rice; separating husk and kernel room | 碾米間仔
thongke'ar | the whole town | 全街仔
thooan'ar | mud ball | 土丸仔
thosoa'ar | master mason | 塗沙仔
thosoahwn'ar | dust; powder | 塗砂粉仔
thuh'ar | type of straight hoe; spade; shovel | 鏟仔; 黜仔; 鏟子
thui'ar | hammer | 槌仔; 槌子
thunthun'ar | medium; middling | 吞吞仔; 無大不小
thvoariuo'ar | pieces of charcoal | 碎炭仔
thø'ar | peach | 桃仔
thø'ar-hngg | peach orchard | 桃仔園; 桃園
thøar | peah | 桃子
ti'ar | pond, pool | 池仔; 豬仔; 水池
ti'ar-kviar | piglet | 豬仔囝
ti'iuu-phøh'ar | browned residue from rendered fat; cracklings | 豬油粕仔
tiafm'ar | speck, spot | 點仔; 斑點
tiafmzeng'ar | an hour | 點鐘仔
tiah zhek'ar | buy unhulled rice | 糴穀仔
tiam'ar | cushion, kneeling pad | 墊仔
tiao'ar | snare | 吊仔 陷阱
tiap'ar-kuo | a moment, a short time | 摺仔久; 一會兒
tiarm'ar | small shop; store | 店仔; 小店
tiarm'ar-kaf | a song | 點仔膠; 點膠
tiarmteng'ar | shop | 店亭仔
tiaxm'ar | cushion, kneeling pad | 墊仔
tiaxmtiam'ar jip`khix | in silently; steal into; enter without knocking | 恬恬仔進去; 偷偷地進去
tiaxmtiam'ar kviaa | walk along very leisurely | 恬恬仔走
tiaxmtiam'ar | quietly | 恬恬仔; 安靜
tiaxmzeng'ar | very quiet | 恬靜仔
tibwleng'ar | sow tax | 豬母奶仔
tibøfleng'ar | sow milk | 豬母奶仔
tibøflin'ar | sow milk | 豬母奶仔
tiebøar | wear a hat | 戴帽仔
tiexnhefkiu'ar | light ball | 電火球仔
tiexnhefphog'ar | light ball | 電火泡仔
tiexnhoefkiu'ar | light ball | 電火球仔
tiexnhoefphog'ar | light ball | 電火泡仔
tiexnhøea kui'ar | electric bulb | 電火球仔
tiexnkui'ar | electric (light) bulb; unwanted third party accompanying courting couple | 電球仔
tiexntoxngmih'ar | electric objects | 電動物仔
tih'ar | small drop | 滴仔
tiiuphøh'ar | crunchy pork crackling | 豬油粕仔
tin'ar | vine | 藤仔
tithun'ar | half grown pig; piglet; shoat | 豬豚仔; 中豬
titng'ar | pig intestines | 豬腸仔
tiu'ar | silk stuff; silk fabric | 綢仔; 稻仔; ?仔
tiu'ar-svoax | silk thread | 綢仔線; 絹線
tiuotiuotang'ar | a Taiwanese folk song | 丟丟銅仔
tix bøar | wear a cap or a hat | 戴帽子
tiørkvoa'ar | fishing pole | 釣竿仔
tng'ar siøphoah | intestinal malfunctions | 腸仔相纏; 腸纏住
tng'ar thad`leq | intestinal obstruction | 腸仔塞咧; 腸阻塞
tng'ar | the bowel; small intestine; entrails | 腸仔; 小腸
tngkang'ar | farm laborer hired for a long time | 長工仔
tngrirn'ar | seal; to stamp (a document) | 蓋章仔
tngx irn'ar | stamp with a seal or stamp | 搥印仔; 蓋章
to'ar | an undergarment covering chest and abdomen | 肚仔; 肚兜
toa paktor-thafng'ar | a woman's stomach protrudes either before or after pregnancy; a man or woman has dropsy; undernourished or starving child with big belly | 大肚仔 (病態的); 小腹大
toaxcympøar | big aunty | 大嬸婆仔
toaxi'ar | elder sisters of one's wife | 大姨仔
toaxko'ar | big aunty on the father side | 大姑仔
toaxpeh'ar | eldest uncle on the father side | 大伯仔
toaxtng'ar | the large intestine | 大腸仔
toaxtoxhi'ar | big belly fish | 大肚魚仔
toaxzhuie'ar | big mouth | 大喙仔
toeahoe'ar | participate in a Money club | 綴會仔
toex-hoe'ar | participate in a Money club | 搭會仔
togsin'ar | bachelor | 單身仔
tokphvi'ar | person with an aquiline (hook) nose ─ foreigner | 大鼻仔; 洋人
tonghoan'ar | spiritualism | 幢幡仔
tongzhoesi'ar | back then | 當初時仔
torng'ar | brake | 擋仔
tote'ar | students; apprentice | 徒弟仔
toxkoai'ar | tadpole | 蝌蚪仔; 肚胿仔
toxkui'ar | toad | 肚胿仔
toxkwn'ar | earthworm | 杜蚓仔; 蚯蚓
toxnghoan'ar | bamboo pole with a piece of cloth attached carried by the second son in the funeral procession of his parents; in order to lead the soul to the grave | 引幡仔; 靈幡
toxpeh'ar | cricket | 土爬仔; 杜伯仔; 蟋蟀
toxpit'ar | cricket | 土裂仔; 蟋蟀
toxui'ar | frog | 杜蝛仔
toxwn'ar | earthworm | 杜蚓仔; 蚯蚓
tu'ar | a closet; a cabinet | 櫥仔; 櫥
tubwni'ar | sow milk | 豬母奶仔
tubøfni'ar | sow milk | 豬母奶仔
tui'ar | pendant | 墜仔; 墜子
tuiebixnkhim'ar | opposite lapel | 對面襟仔
tuiekhim'ar | collars | 對襟仔
tuiuphøh'ar | lard | 豬油粕仔
tuphe'ar | pig embryo | 豬胚仔
tutng'ar | pig intestines | 豬腸仔
tva'ar | just now | 今仔
tvaf hør`ar | No more; thank you! Enough of that! | 夠了 謝了
tvaf tiøh hai`ar | darn it! | 糟了
tvaf tiøh sie`ar | darn it! | 糟死了
tvarthau'ar | load | 擔頭仔
tvikhi'ar | sweet persimmon | 甜柿仔
tviuxlaang-paa`ar | father-in-law; wife's father | 丈人爸仔; 岳父
tvoa'ar | bill; receipt; ticket; pieces of paper with written words on it | 單仔
tw'ar | just now | 抵仔; 剛才
twciah'ar | just now | 拄才仔
tø'ar | knife | 刀仔; 小刀
tøar | knife; small knife; dagger | 刀仔; 刀子
tøe'ar | ramie fiber | 地仔; 苧仔; 苧麻
tøfhe'ar | participate in a Money club and failed to pay back loan | 倒會仔
tøfui'ar | where | 佗位仔
tøh'ar | table; desk | 桌仔; 桌子
tøh'ar-pvy | side of a desk or table | 桌仔邊
tøh'ar-terng | top of a table | 桌仔頂
u`ar | I have; enough; there is; here it is; I got it | 有仔
ui'ar | seat | 位仔
uikun'ar | apron | 圍裙仔
uili'ar | fence | 圍籬仔
uisukin'ar | scarf | 圍軀巾仔
uisukun'ar | apron | 圍軀裙仔
un'ar thvoaheeng | pay a debt gradually by installments | 勻仔攤還; 慢慢的攤還
un'ar | slowly; cautiously; tardiness | 勻仔; 緩慢
un'un'ar | slowly; carefully; take your time to.. | 勻勻仔; 慢慢的
urn'ar | artificial fish pond | 塭仔
uxcidtea'ar | there is a piece; there is some distance | 有一塊仔
uxsi'ar | sometimes; now and then; sometimes; (adv) occasionally; often; but not at any fixed time; by chance | 勻時仔; 有時; 偶而
uxtangsi'ar | sometimes | 有當時仔
uxtangzun'ar | sometimes | 有當陣仔
vaixgyn'ar | holding baby with holder | 偝囡仔
ve'ar | [[vee'ar]]; beam; rafter | 囡仔; 楹仔; 嬰
vi'ar | infant; baby; dumplings | 圓仔; 楹仔; 嬰仔; 嬰孩
vi'ar`ee | rice ball | 圓仔的
vie'ar | spallow (bird) | 燕仔; 燕子
vikho'ar | circle; a ring | 圓圈仔
vikuo'ar | a circular saw; [[vikiear]] | 圓鋸仔
vipvoa'ar | round plate | 圓盤仔
visvoa'ar | rounded mountain which is a place in Taipei | 圓山仔
vitøh'ar | round table | 圓桌仔
viu'ar | lamb, kid | 羊仔; 小羊
viu'ar-kviar | small lamb, kid | 羊仔兒; 羊仔囝; 小羊
viuang'ar | doll | 洋尪仔
viumeh'ar | sheep | 羊咩仔
viutøar | start fruit | 楊桃仔
voafbø'ar | skull cap | 碗帽仔; (無邊便帽)
vy`ar | infant | 嬰仔
wn'ar | fish farm; artificial fish pond | 塭仔
wn'wn'ar | steady | 穩穩仔
wnsim'ar | retreat | 穩心仔
ykiøar | a stroller | 椅轎仔
ytiam'ar | chair cushion | 椅墊仔
yze'ar | chair | 椅坐仔
zabgoaxhea'ar | teen | 十外歲仔
zabgoaxhoea'ar | teen | 十外歲仔
zabhøar | something assembled from various manufacturers | 雜牌子
zabhøea'ar | grocery | 雜貨仔
zabofgyn'ar | girl | 查某囡仔
zabofkafn'ar | female servant | 查某𡢃仔
zabofsun'ar | granddaughter | 查某孫仔
zabor gyn'ar | girl | 查某囡仔
zabor-gyn'ar | girl | 查某囝仔; 查某囡仔; 女孩子
zabor-sun'ar | niece | 查某姪仔
zabpai'ar | less known and inferior brand | 雜牌仔
zabzefng'ar | hybrid | 雜種仔
zabzhe'ar | girl or office boy hired for miscellaneous duties | 雜叉仔
zafkhysi'ar | morning | 早起時仔
zafmbog'ar | sleepers supporting railway track; railway ties; sleepers | 枕木仔
zafmjien'ar | brand new | 嶄然仔
zafsi'ar | in the morning | 早時仔
zam'ar | chisel used in shaping or working stone or metal; a graving tool | 鏨仔
zan'ar | rectangle shaped fishing net | 罾仔
zangluo'ar | brush made by drying mellon | 棕鑢仔
zangzhefng'ar | brush made of palm fibers | 鬃刷仔
zao'ar | small stove for cooking | 灶仔; 小灶
zapof gyn'ar | boy | 查埔囡仔
zapof-gyn'ar | boy | 查哺囝仔; 查埔囡仔; 男孩子
zapof-sun'ar | nephew | 查哺甥仔; 外甥兒
zapogyn'ar | boy | 查埔囡仔
zapokafn'ar | male servant | 查埔𡢃仔
zaxm'ar | chisel; chipper | 鑿仔
zaykhysi'ar | in the morning | 早起時仔
zaysi'ar | in the morning | 早時仔
zefngkah'iuo'ar | fingernails | 指甲幼仔
zefngthau'ar | finger | 指頭仔
zek'ar | uncle on the father side and younger than father | 叔仔
zekpehhviati'ar | uncle brother | 叔伯兄弟仔
zeksun'ar | uncles and nephews (of father's side) | 叔孫仔; 叔姪
zeng'ar | hand bell | 鐘仔; 小的鈴
zengbøar | the pounding utensil with a sunken middle. | 舂磨仔
zexngzeng'ar | quite | 靜靜仔
zha'ab'ar | small wooden case or box | 柴盒仔
zha'ang'ar | wooden human object | 柴尪仔
zha'ar | twig | 柴仔; 樹枝
zhab-pai'ar | shuffle cards | 插牌仔; 洗牌
zhacidtiafm'ar | almost | 差一點仔
zhacvi'ar | wooden wedge | 柴楔仔; 樁
zhaechi'ar | market; market place | 菜市仔; 菜市場
zhaehng'ar | vegetable garden | 菜園仔
zhaehoarn'ar | greengrocer | 菜販仔
zhaekea'ar | vegetable rack | 菜架仔
zhaekeh'ar | vegetable vendor's stall (at farmer's market or traditional outdoor market) | 菜攤仔; 菜架仔
zhaeluo'ar | a tool for shredded daikon, yum, etc | 菜鑢仔
zhaena'ar | vegetable basket | 菜籃仔
zhaepofkin'ar | dry shredded radish | 菜脯根仔
zhaetiam'ar | chopping block (cutting board) | 菜砧仔
zhag'ar | chisel; chisel; a gouge | 鑿仔; 鑿子
zhah'ng'ar | planting seedlings | 插秧仔
zhahhoe'ar | kibitzer at a mahjong game; sometimes more than just a kibitzer; sometimes he also bets or invests in one of the players | 插花仔; (打麻將用語)
zhahki'ar | put out a flag; plant a flag | 插旗仔
zhahunhun'ar | differ a little | 差分分仔; 相差很小
zhaihongchia'ar | sewing machine | 裁縫車仔
zhakeng'ar | firewood room | 柴間仔
zhaki'ar | firewood | 柴枝仔
zhakurn'ar | wooden stick | 柴棍仔
zham'ar | silkworm | 蠶仔
zhan'ar | farm | 田仔
zhang'ar | scallions | 蔥仔
zhanhng'ar | farm | 田園仔
zhanhvoa'ar | rice farm pathway | 田岸仔
zhankap'ar | small land frog | 田蛤仔; 田雞; 虎皮蛙; 青蛙
zhanzhan'ar | decisive | 殘殘仔
zhanzheng'ar | rice farm green | 田青仔
zhaobah'eng'ar | carbuncle | 臭肉癰仔
zhaohixarng'ar | deaf | 臭耳甕仔
zhaohvixarng'ar | deaf | 臭耳甕仔
zhaoiøqoan'ar | smelly pills | 臭藥丸仔
zhaokau'ar | foul smell ditch | 臭溝仔
zhaokhi'ar | (n) tomato | 臭蜞仔; 臭柿仔; 蕃茄; 番茄
zhaothaau-køe'ar | be scolded often (Lit. stinky head chicken) | 臭頭瓜仔; 常常挨罵
zhaothau'ar | bald person (impolite) | 臭頭仔
zhaozhve'ar | smelly | 臭腥仔
zhaozhveku'ar | smelly bugs | 臭腥龜仔
zhapang'ar | firewood room | 柴枋仔
zhaphea'ar | woodend panels | 柴杮仔
zhaphoea'ar | chips of wood | 柴片仔
zhaphvie'ar | panel of wood | 柴片仔
zhapvoa'ar | wooden plate | 柴盤仔
zhasap'ar | chips of wood | 柴屑仔
zhasut'ar | wood chips | 柴屑仔
zhat'ar | eraser | 擦仔; 檫仔; 橡皮
zhateng'ar | wooden peg | 柴釘仔
zhathau'ar | wooden head | 柴頭仔
zhathauang'ar | wooden idol; wooden figure; people who have no feeling | 柴頭尪仔; 無感情的人
zhathui'ar | gavel, mallet | 漆陶仔; 木槌
zhaw'ar | common grass, grass or weed | 草仔
zhawchiøar | straw mat | 草蓆仔
zhawkeh'ar | grass wedge | 草鍥仔
zhawkoeh'ar | sickle | 草鍥仔
zhawmeh'ar | grasshopper | 草蜢仔
zhawnih'ar | grasshopper | 草蜢仔
zhawpo'ar | grassy plain; meadow; pasture ground | 草埔仔; 草坪
zhawsøh'ar | rope | 草索仔
zhawzhuo'ar | grass house | 草厝仔
zhe'ar | fork | 叉仔
zheakoe'ar | crispy melon | 脆瓜仔
zhefng'ar | soft brush for dusting; a feather duster | 撢仔; 刷仔
zheh'ar | notebook | 冊仔
zheh'ar-zoar | notebook paper | 冊仔紙
zhehkea'ar | bookcase | 冊架仔
zhehphvai'ar | satchel | 冊揹仔
zhehtøh'ar | desk | 冊桌仔
zhek'ar | paddy; rice; unhulled rice | 粟仔; 稻仔
zheng'ar | banyan | 榕仔; 榕樹
zhengpeh'ar | pine tree | 松柏仔
zhengtvi'ar | sweet | 清甜仔
zherng'ar | toy gun | 銃仔; 玩具槍
zhoa gyn'ar | baby sit | 看孩仔; 帶孩仔
zhoahpengki'ar | ice crusher | 礤冰機仔
zhoe'ar | long thin rod of wood or bamboo; a whip | 箠仔; 棍子; 鞭子
zhohui'ar | coarse porcelain | 粗瓷仔
zhokhng'iuo'ar | coarse chaff | 粗糠幼仔
zhosiogmih'ar | vulgar goods | 粗俗物仔
zhuie'ar | beak; mouth | 喙仔
zhuieciaqmih'ar | food | 喙食物仔
zhun'ar | spring | 春仔
zhunthøar | spring peach | 春桃仔
zhuo'ar | little house | 厝仔; 小屋
zhuociaw'ar | sparrow | 麻雀仔
zhuohia'ar | roof tiles | 厝瓦仔
zhuohoa'ar | roof tiles | 厝瓦仔
zhuokakciaw'ar | sparrow | 厝角鳥仔
zhuopvi'ar | neighbor | 厝邊仔
zhutmoa'ar | have the measles | 出麻仔
zhutphia'ar | measles | 出癖仔
zhve'ar | areca palm | 青仔; 檳榔樹; (種子)
zhvebie zwcviaa png`ar | fait accompli; What is done cannot be undone (Lit. The rice has been cooked.) | 生米煮成飯
zhvef-hoanciøar | bell pepper | 青蕃椒仔
zhvetek'ar | green bamboo | 青竹仔
zhvethi'ar | lettuce | 青苔仔
zhvezhaw'ar | medical herb | 青草仔; 草藥
zhw thafn'ar | spread blanket | 舖毯仔
zhøfkan'ar | olive | 橄欖仔
zhøfthat'ar | cork; plug; filters the mouth | 軟木塞; 草塞仔; 濾嘴
zng'ar | brick | 磚仔
zng'ar-iøo | brick kiln | 磚仔窯; 磚窯
zngfthau'ar | finger, toe | 指頭仔; 手腳指
zoa'ar | small snake, young snake | 蛇仔; 小蛇
zoafab'ar | carton | 紙盒仔; 紙匣
zoafiuo'ar | shredded paper | 紙幼仔
zoafkheh'ar | paper box | 紙篋仔
zoafkhok'ar | paper bag | 紙觳仔
zoafkin'ar | paper towel | 紙巾仔
zoafliau'ar | paper strip | 紙條仔
zoaflok'ar | paper bags | 紙袋仔; 紙橐仔
zoafpai'ar | playing cards | 紙牌仔
zoafpang'ar | pper factory | 紙枋仔
zoaftang'ar | paper tube | 紙筒仔
zoafte'ar | paper bag | 紙袋仔
zoaftiau'ar | a small piece of paper | 小紙仔
zoanbun'ar | specialized | 專門仔
zoansim'ar | concentrate | 專心仔
zoar-ang'ar | paper character | 紙尪仔
zoeakang'ar | as a worker | 做工仔
zofkong'ar | ancient | 祖公仔
zofsien'ar | ancient | 祖先仔
zofsun'ar | grandchildren | 祖孫仔
zokgiabpho'ar | workbook | 作業簿仔
zu'ar | tiny ball | 珠仔; 小珠子
zukea'ar | bookshelf | 書架仔
zun'ar | boat; small boat | 船仔; 小船; 舢板
zuosvi'ar | casting | 鑄生仔
zut'ar | soldier; soldier; a private | 卒仔; 小兵
zutøh'ar | desk | 書桌仔
zuxjien'ar | nature | 自然仔
zuxn'ar | spinner | 鏇仔
zuyang'ar | water red | 水紅仔
zuyarng'ar | water urn | 水甕仔
zuycvibut'ar | crystal | 水晶魩仔
zuyhiab'ar | manual water pump | 水拹仔
zuykefng'ar | conduit or aqueduct for water (bamboo) | 水間仔; 筧; (用竹子接水)
zuykhi'ar | water persimmon | 水柿仔
zuykhok'ar | dipper | 水舀仔; 舀水器
zuykhut'ar | small pool; puddle; hole in the ground; mud puddle | 水窟仔; 水窟
zuykhø'ar | Formosan alder, Taiwan breadfruit; Alnus japonica; Alnus formosana; zuykhø'ar | 水柯仔
zuylai'ar | peach | 水梨仔
zuyo'ar | arrowhead; water taro | 水芋仔
zuyphi'ar | water cape | 水披仔
zuyphøar | blister | 水泡仔
zuypit'ar | water pen | 水筆仔
zuypvi'ar | water side | 水邊仔
zuythafng'ar | bucket | 水桶仔
zuyti'ar | pool | 水池仔
zuyzvoa'ar | water splash | 水濺仔
zvoafviu'ar | how so | 怎樣仔
zwciaqkun'ar | apron | 煮食裙仔
zøfiu'ar | about; roughly | 左右仔
zørhie'ar | performer | 做戲仔
zørkang'ar | worker | 做工仔
zørkuypiern'ar | do it for a few times | 做幾遍仔
ø'ar | oyster | 蚵仔
øar | oyster | 蚵仔; 蠔
øar-ciefn | oyster omelette; a Taiwanese stir fry oyster dish | 蚵仔煎
øar-kvy | oyster soup | 蚵仔羹
øe'ar | small earthen or metal pot | 鍋仔
økhak'ar | oyster shells | 蠔殼仔

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Checking Exact will only show the specific term "zab". e.g. "zabor and "apzab" When input type is non-MTL, exact match is forced.
Checking Front with the search term "zab" will show all the vocabularies start with with "zab" such as "zabor".

The following example will get all the words start with a


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Select '1' will show you those words with one spelling error.
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