"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Zw'au | A.D | 主後
ah'au | thereafter; defer; to delay | 押後; 延後
au Zwjit | next Sunday | 下個主日
au geqlit | next month | 後月日
au goeqjit | next month | 後月日
au køx geh | next month | 後個月
au køx goeh | next month | 後個月
au | after; behind; back; rear | 後; 下一個
au'afkvii | brim of a cup | 杯仔墘; 杯緣
au'ar | tea-cup; small cup | 甌仔; 小茶杯; 杯子
au'aw`leq | put (clothes) under improper order | 拗拗咧
au'mr | om | 歐姆
au'un | the aftertaste left in the mouth after drinking tea or alcohol | 喉韻
au'ym | guttural sound; phonetic glottal | 喉音
au-lefpaix | next week | 後禮拜; 下禮拜
au`jit | the day after tomorrow | 後日; 後天
au`laai | afterwords | 後來
au`lit | the day after tomorrow | 後日
au`nii | year after next | 後年
bag'au | behind; at the back; in the rear; behind somebody's back | 目後; 背地裡; 背後
binzhngg-au | behind headboard | 眠床後
chiu'au | to square accounts after the autumn harvest | 秋後
chiuo iap'au | cross the hands behind the back; hand(s) behind the back | 手揜後; 手藏在背後
ci'au | after that | 之後
cien'au | before and after; in a period of | 前後
ciern'au | after the war; postwar | 戰後
hiarng'au | in the future; turn around | 向後
hiorng'au | turn around | 向後
hun'au | after marriage | 婚後
iap'au | with one's hands behind the back | 掩後; 手藏在背後
ien'au | after that | 延後
ji'au | then; later; thereafter; afterward (see jian-au) | 而後
jien'au | then; and then; afterwards; after that | 然後
kaciah'au | behind one's back | 尻脊後; 背後
ke'au | wife | 家後; 妻子; 妻室
kea'au | afterwords | 過後
kha'au | (follow) footstep | 腳後
khaciah'au | behind one's back | 尻脊後; 背後; 腳脊後; 後面
khaciah'au-oe | backbiting | 腳脊後話; 尻脊後話
khaciaq-au | behind the back, at the back of someone | 尻脊後
khazhng'au | behind; at the back; behind somebody's back | 尻川後; 背地裡; 背後
khazhng'au-oe | backbiting | 尻川後話; 背後話; 私詆
kim'au | hereafter; henceforth; in the future; from now on; henceforth | 今後
kin'au | from now on, hereafter | 今後
koea'au | later on; some later | 過後
kox zeeng bøo kox au | Take care of what is in front of you but not what is behind you. ─ Not to consider consequences | 顧前無顧後
kuynaxnii-au | several years later | 幾若年後; 數年後
kygoaan-au | after Christ, A.D | 紀元後
køea'au | later; afterward | 過後; 以後
liaw'au | after that | 了後; 以後
lien'au | afterwards | 然後
løh'au`jit | three days from now | 落後日
løh'au`lit | two days after tomorrow | 落後日
løh'au`nii | two years later | 落後年
mng'au | behind the door | 門後
mngsvie'au | leaf of a doorr | 門扇後
ni'au | after a few years, years after | 年後; 數年後
pag'iap'au | hands tied behind the back | 綁隱後
pahni'au | after death | 百年後
pahnihoea'au | after one is dead | 百年身後
safn'au | after childbirth | 產後
sin'au | after death | 身後
soah'au | afterwards | 息後
svoa'au | on the other side of the mountain; the east coast of Taiwan | 山後
sy'au | after death | 死後
te'au'ar | tea cup | 茶甌仔
teazengtea'au | follow closely | 綴前綴後
thea'au | go backwards | 退後
thoea'au | go backwards | 退後
thøea'au | retreat, go back | 退後
tiarm'au | shop back | 店後
tngcia'au | | 堂遮後
toeazeeng-toea'au | follow about everywhere; a small child following closely before and after its mother | 跟前跟後; 孩子硬纏著母親
toeazengtoea'au | follow closely | 綴前綴後
tøea'au | follow, succeed | 隨後; 綴後; 跟在後面
tøeazeeng-tøea'au | follow closely | 隨前隨後
y'au | from now on, afterward, after | 以後
zai'au | after the disaster | 災後
zat'au | postganglionic fibers | 節後
zeng'au | about certain date; fore and after | 前後
zhun'au | saved for the future | 存後
zhw'au | after this, from now on | 此後; 今後
zoea'au | finally; at last; the last; ultimate; final | 最後
zoea'au-thongtiap | ultimatum | 最後通牒
zun'au | save money for future use | 存後; (錢財)

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