"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Iongkofng-hoat'axn | sunshine law; I.e.; disclosure of assets | 陽光法案
Phvekofng axn | famous Chinese novel (fore-runner of modern detective stories) authored by 貪夢道人 of the Ching Dynasty | 彭公案
angpau'axn | bribery case | 紅包案
axn | to forecast; predict; to estimate; legal case; legal records; a legal offense | 按; 打從; 推估; 推斷; 預計; 案
axn-pyle | pro rata, in proportion | 按比例
beng'axn | famous case | 名案
bexng'axn | murder case; case of murder | 命案
bin'axn | civil case | 民案; 民事案
binkoaan hoat'axn | civil rights bill | 民權法案
bosat'axn | murder case | 謀殺案
bun'axn | office of official documents; documents | 文案
buthaau kong'axn | an unverified case | 無頭公案
bwpea'axn | corruption case (legal) | 舞弊案
bøthaau kong'axn | murder case which has no clue to its solution; a charge against a person or persons unknown | 無頭公案
bøthaau-kong'axn | unsolved misery | 無頭公案
chiap'axn | larceny; burglary; theft or larceny case | 竊案
chip'axn | case issued for arrest | 緝案
chviwkiap'axn | robbery case | 搶劫案
gi'axn | unsettled case; puzzling case | 疑案; 擬案
gixkoad-axn | resolution, act | 議決案
gixkoat'axn | resolution (at a meeting) | 議決案
goan'axn | proto project; original bill | 原案
gy'axn | draw up a plan, judge a criminal case | 擬案
heng'axn | criminal case | 刑案
hien'axn | pending question; an old problem | 懸案
hiet'axn | murder case; bloody incident | 血案
hiexn'axn | an unsettled case | 懸案
hiong'axn | incense-table | 香台; 香案
hiongsat'axn | murder case | 凶殺案
hoafn'axn | reverse the decision of a lower court | 翻案; 反案
hoan'axn | to reverse a previous judgment or accepted conclusion; reverse a previous verdict | 翻案
hoat'axn | legislative bill; bills; act | 法案
hoaxn'axn | to commit a crime | 犯案
hoeh'axn | murder, homicide | 血案
hog'axn | to bend over a table | 伏案
hong'axn | a scheme; blue print; a proposal; plan; a design; a program | 方案
huih'axn | murder, homicide | 血案
jinbexng'axn | murder case | 人命案
kan'axn | rape crime | 姦案
kao'axn | teacher's preparation for lessons; a teaching plan (before class time) | 教案
khan'axn | recommend cases (to someone) | 牽案; 介紹案件
kiap'axn | robbery case | 劫案; 搶劫案
kiet'axn | to conclude a case; wind up a case | 結案
kong'axn | a case of law | 公案
lexng'axn paxnlie | be handled as a separate case | 另案辦理
lib'axn | to accredit (a school; etc.); start a law case; prepare a law suit for judgment | 立案
paxn'axn | deal with lawsuits; handle a (legal or business) case | 辦案
pea'axn | a case of corruption | 弊案
phah'axn | to pound the table, a gesture of anger or surprise | 打案; 拍案
phiern'axn | case of fraud (legal); scandal | 騙案
phoe'axn | approval | 批案
pwn'axn | the case under consideration; this case | 本案
seng'axn | case | 成案
siab'axn | involved | 涉案
siau'axn | wind up a legal case or let it drop; close a case | 銷案; 消案
sinzhefng'axn | application | 申請案
siuzerng'axn | amended bill | 修正案
sun'axn | patrol | 巡按
sy'axn | murder case | 死案; 課殺案
sym'axn | try a case (archaic) | 審案
tap'axn | answer; key; answers (to examination questions; puzzles) | 答案
tau'axn | deliver oneself to the police; surrender | 投案
texng'axn | render a judgment; a decision on a case; to pass judgement; give judgment | 定案
the'axn | a motion; a proposal; bill | 提案
thøsek'axn | criminal case involving sex | 桃色案
tioxng'axn | serious case in law | 重案
to'axn | a design, pattern | 圖案
toarn'axn | decide a case | 斷案
toaxn'axn | to judge, to determine, to decide, to conclude | 斷案
tofng'axn | files | 檔案
torng'axn | archive; record; file | 檔案
u axn khøfzaf | can be checked against the files | 有案可查
uxsoarn'axn | budget (as a bill in the assembly) | 預算案
za'axn | investigate a legal case of law | 查案
zha'axn | examine the case from a legal standpoint | 查案
zhafm'axn | ghastly murder case; tragedy | 慘案
zho'axn | initial plan | 初案
zoan'axn | special case (to be dealt with separately) | 專案
zun'axn | registered case | 存案

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