"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: bad

bad bexthaux | can't know thoroughly | 識無透; 不能盡知
bad bøkaux | do not know sufficiently | 識無夠; 學得不夠
bad ciah | have the experience of eating | 曾吃
bad høfphvae | know the difference between good and evil | 識好歹; 識善惡
bad khix | have the experience of going | 識去; 曾去
bad laang ee jinzeeng | know or understand the value of being grateful; know how to show gratitude | 識人的人情; 知恩
bad laang mxbad miaa | recognize a person but not remember his or her name | 認人無識名
bad seasu | to have seen much of the world | 明世事
bad thaity ciaq zaiviar tølo | learn by experience (Idiom. He who slaughters pigs knows how meat should be cut.) | 曾殺豬才知道刀路
bad thaothaux | know thoroughly | 識透透
bad | ever; had the experience; know; recognize; discern; know; recognize; be acquainted with; understand | 曾; 捌; 知道; 曾經; 識
bad-bøexkaux | can't know sufficiently | 識未到
m bad | pretend not to recognize, pretend not to know | 毋捌
siøbad | acquaintance; know each other; acquainted (with a person) | 相識; 相捌

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