"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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be ansym | heart or conscience filled with remorse or trouble; devoid of peace; uneasy; insecure; anxious | 無安心
be arnsngx | unpredictable | 袂按算
be arnsngx`tid | beyond the realm of calculation; unexpected; can not be anticipated | 未按算得; 無能預料
be bengpek | incomprehensible; cannot understand | 無明白
be bøcvii | sell below cost; to sell below value | 賤價; 賣無錢
be ciah | not to be able to eat very much | 不食; 吃得很少
be ciah`tid | not fit to be eaten | 不可以吃; 不可食的
be eng`tid | improper, not alright | 不行; 不能用的
be horngsym | heart or conscience filled with remorse or trouble; devoid of peace; uneasy; insecure; anxious | 無放心
be hunbeeng | unintelligible; incomprehensible; indistinguishable; indistinct; confusion | 無分明
be jin`tid | can not recognize; can not be recognized, do not recognize | 不認得
be jinzeeng | curry favor; do someone a favor for personal consideration | 賣人情
be koarnsix | detest; to disdain | 未慣勢; 無習慣
be koeachiuo | unable to do something successfully | 未過手
be koeagiexn | insatiable taste or craving for pleasure; never satisfied; always requesting or asking for more | 無過癮
be koeazuie | impervious to water; waterproof | 未過水; 無透水
be piernseg | color will not change or fade | 無變色; 不褪色
be pinzurn | groundless; improbable; unworthy of belief | 未憑准; 無能依據
be sengkofng | it will fail (not be successful) | 袂成功
be siauhoax ee mih | indigestible things | 袂消化的物
be sixn`tid | can not be believed, can not believe, do not believe | 袂信的
be sngrtid pae | innumerable times | 未算得次; 好多次
be thaohofng | wind proof | 未透風
be theaseg | it won't fade | 袂褪色
be tiaupag | cannot retain in the stomach; cannot keep in mind | 未條腹; 吃無上胃
be titthafng | the negative of e-tang; expresses physical or moral impossibility | 未得通; 無能
be zhengzhør | cannot see distinctly | 未清楚
be | see [[boe]], [[bøe]]; expresses interior, inherent or innate capacity or incapacity, a permanent capacity or incapacity, frequently translated in English by does or does not | 袂; 賣; 未; 無會
be`laang | sell 'to' someone | 賣人
chviar be khie | cannot afford to hire a teacher; cannot afford to invite a guest to a restaurant because of the expense | 請無起
chviar be laai | unable to make someone come by invitation | 請無來
chviax be khie | cannot afford to hire | 雇無起
ciaopurn be | sell at cost | 照本賣
cidee cvii poah-be taan | One can not fight without an opponent | 一個巴掌拍無響; 一個錢跌未陳
cvii bøo nngxee poah-be taan | Both parties share equally the blame for a quarrel. (Lit. A single copper coin cannot produce a jingling sound.) | 錢無兩個跋未鳴; 一個銅板拍無響
efngkiuo be hai | will never go out of order (never be broken) | 永不會壞

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