"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Gvohong-biø | a temple | 五皇廟
Khofngzuo-biø | Confucian temple | 孔子廟
Koantex-biø | a shrine dedicated to General Kuan Yu | 關帝廟
bae bi | bad smell | 䆀味
bi khaihoax | uncivilized | 未開化
bi | not or not yet; taste flavor; riddle | 未; 沬; 謎; 猜; 潛水; 味
bi'uo | not raining; not giving; not together | 未雨; 微雨; 未與
bi-sii | 1~3 p.m | 未時
biø | temple | 廟
biø'ar | temple | 廟仔
biø'oe | to draw, to depict, to portray, to design | 描畫
biøar | smal temple | 廟仔
biøfchyn | mother | 母親
biøfciafm | second hand for clock or watch; second hand on the dial of a clock or watch | 秒針
biøfzefng | second | 秒鐘
biøhoef | to delineatea figure | 描繪
biøji | sketch writing; trace writing | 描字
biøo | trace a copy on transparent or thin paper | 描
biør | (a measure word); second | 秒
biøsiar | describe; copy by tracing | 描寫
biøsiar-zu'yn | descriptors | 描寫茲因; 描寫??
biøsut | to outline, to describe | 描述
biøxciog | temple attendant in charge of incense and religious service; temple superior | 廟祝; 廟住
biøxhoe | temple fair; temple fair on fixed days of the month | 廟會
biøxkhao | temple court or entrance | 廟口
biøxkofng | temple-keeper; temple superior | 廟公
biøxlai | in the temple | 廟內
biøxmngg | temple's gate | 廟門
biøxsi | temple | 寺廟; 廟寺
biøxtviaa | temple environs or courtyard; temple environs or courtyard | 廟埕
biøxuo | temple; temple building; temple | 廟宇
bøbi | insipid; tasteless | 無味
bøbi-bøsox | extremely devoid of flavor | 無味無素; 毫無滋味
khitciah kvoar biøxkofng | A homeless beggar expelled the superior of the Buddhist temple in which he asked for a night's lodging ─ usurp what is asked for a night's lodging ─ usurp what is other's. The camel got his head into the tent | 乞丐趕廟公; 鳩佔鵲巢
peqcviafbøbi | plain and tasteless | 白汫無味
peqcviar-bøbi | tasteless (food); insipid | 淡而無味
zhaophoarpox-bi | stingy | 臭破布味
zhaozhøbi | smelly | 臭臊味
zhaozuykorng-bi | has the taste of old bamboo water pipes | 臭水管味

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