"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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but bie kex liaam | excellent quality and reasonable price for merchandise | 物美價廉
but cin kii iong | Every thing should be used to its full extent | 物盡其用
but ie hy uii kuix | A thing is valued if it is rare | 物以稀為貴
but ie lui zu | Birds of a feather flock together | 物以類聚
but kek zeg hoarn | As soon as a thing reaches one extremity; it reverses its course. (Lit. The pendulum swings both ways.) | 物極則反; 物極必反
but kog iuo lui | Each thing has its classification | 物各有類
but kog iuo zuo | Everything has its owner | 物各有主
but kuy goanzuo | An object must be returned to its owner | 物歸原主
but | thing; article; object | 物; 東西
but'afhii | whitebait | 魩仔魚
but'afhuu | whitebait | 魩仔魚
but'ar-hii | minute edible fishesthe little silverfish ; | 物仔魚; 魩仔魚; 魩子魚
butø | moral order or chaos; tyranny; tyrannical; injustice; unjust | 無道
chiekeg-but | irritant, simulant | 刺激物
ciarm'iuo-but | something has been taken | 佔有物
hoafn'exng-but | reactant | 反應物
honggai-but | a deterrent, an obstacle | 防礙物; 妨礙物
kieliam-but | a keepsake, a memento, a token | 記念物
kierntiog-but | a building; a structure | 建築物
linhoax-but | phosphide | 磷化物
sengseeng-but | product | 生成物
siin zhud kuie but | appear and disappear quite unpredictably like gods and demons | 神出鬼沒
sofiuo-but | possessions, belongings | 所有物

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