"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Kagi-koan-chi | Chiayi County-City | 嘉義縣市
bahburn-chiøx | give a wee smile | 含吻笑
bahbwn'chiøx | smile enigmatically | 肉吻仔
bibi'ar chiøx | smile; a smile | 微微仔笑
borng chi | feed for now | 罔飼
bwnbwn'chiøx | smile | 吻吻笑; 微笑
chi niawchie ka porte | to have someone you helped turn on you (Lit. Feed a rat and it bits a hole in the sack.) | 飼鳥鼠咬布袋; 吃裡扒外
chi niuar | engage in sericulture | 飼蠶仔; 養蠶
chi phafng | keep bees | 養蜂
chi sea'ii | keep a concubine | 飼細姨; 納妾
chi zabor | keep a concubine | 飼查某; 養女人
chi zengsvef | feed; raise and care for domestic animals | 飼畜生; 養畜生; 餵家畜
chi | city; to feed; cerium; market place; market; place for bartering goods; city; municipal | 市; 飼; 鈰; 餵
chi'ar | market; market | 市仔
chi-zernghuo | city government | 市政府
chiø | throw light on; shine on | 照; 炤
chiøchixn | cool oneself | 冷靜; 涼快
chiøchiøf | desiring (sexual) | 發情
chiøcid | ridge of roof turned upwards and pointed | 翹起; 翹脊(房脊)
chiøf kiakkiag | very energetic and vigorous; to be full of vitality (of males) | 精力旺盛
chiøf kokkog | very energetic and vigorous; to be full of vitality (of males) | 精力旺盛
chiøf | oestrus; rut; fond of wine and women; having a strong sexual feeling; lustful; horny | 發情; 發動春情; 好色; (男的); 性慾衝動
chiøh | woven mat; mat, straw mat, matting | 蓆; 蓆(子)
chiøh'ar | ruler | 尺仔
chiøhthaau | measurement | 尺頭; 尺寸
chiøhto | scales; measure; linear measure | 尺度
chiøhzhao | grass to make fine straw bas and hat | 蓆草
chiøhzhuxn | measurements; dimension; size | 尺寸
chiøkef | male of species of chickens; a rooster; a cock as opposed to a capon | 雄雞; 公雞
chiøkoef | puberty rooster | 𪁎雞
chiøkøef | rock, rooster | 雄雞; 𪁎雞
chiøkøf | satyr | 好色; 𪁎哥; 色迷
chiøq | a ruler; the foot; foot; one a rule | 尺; 呎; 胰
chiøqar | grass mat | 蓆子; 蓆仔; 蓆(子)
chiøqzhao | rushes or grass for making a hat or mat | 藺草; 蓆草
chiørbin | laughing face; smiling face | 笑面; 笑臉
chiørbin-hor | slick; person with kindly face and cruel heart | 笑面虎; 巧言令色
chiørbixnhor | friendly looking villain; wolf in sheep's skin; treacherous fellow | 笑面虎; 面善心惡
chiørbixsi | continually laugh or smile | 笑惟是; 嘻嘻哈哈
chiørchiøx | smilingly, with smile | 笑笑
chiørchiøx`leq | after singing the song | 唱唱咧; 唱唱`leq; 笑笑咧; 笑笑`leq
chiørhaihay | laugh | 笑咍咍
chiørioong | a smiling face; a smile; a smiling countenance; smiling facial expression | 笑容
chiørkhef | joke; funny; comical | 笑詼; 笑料; 詼諧
chiørkhoef | joke; jest; jocularity; comical; a comic or comedian; Nonsense! | 笑詼; 喜劇的; 滑稽
chiørkhøef | a laughing stuff | 笑詼; 笑話; 笑稽
chiøroe | joke; joke; funny story; ridiculous error; laughable mistake; Nonsense! | 笑話
chiørphoax laang ee zhuix | be overwhelmed with laughter; to roll with laughter | 笑破人的嘴
chiørphoax paktofphoee | overwhelmed with laughter; rock with laughter | 笑破腹肚皮
chiørpii | funny bone | 笑枇; 笑源地
chiørpoef | two ear-like bamboo devices used in divination; when one throw the devices and it touch down with both devices face upward; it means the God is laughing; he is allowed to throw the devices again.; cast two small moon-shaped pieces of wood; round on one side and flat on the other; to seek an answer from a spirit (When both flat sides come up; the answer is uncertain.) | 笑筊; 笑桮; 筊面朝上; 陽卦
chiørpvex | laughingstock; butt of a joke | 笑柄
chiørpvix | a matter of laughter | 笑片; 笑柄
chiørsiin | smile; smiling; kindly countenance | 笑神
chiørsviaf | laughing sound; laughter; laughter | 笑聲
chiørsylaang | shameless; make one laugh to death; extremely ridiculous | 笑死人
chiørtaam | joke, jest, funny story | 笑談; 笑話
chiørthaau chiørbin | very happy; joyful or jubilant | 笑頭笑面; 眉開眼笑
chiørthaau-chiørbin | alls smiles; smiles radiantly | 笑頭笑面
chiørthauchiørbin | smiling brightly | 笑頭笑面
chiørtøflaang | LOL | 笑倒人
chiøtiøo | vigorous; active; lively; spirited | 慾投; 活潑; 好動; 有活力
chiøx biby | be all smiles; beaming | 笑瞇瞇
chiøx bwnburn | be all smiles; beaming | 笑吻吻; 笑瞇瞇
chiøx gigy | grin | 笑咪咪
chiøx hahaf | laughing heartily; hearty; loud laughing | 笑哈哈
chiøx hihy | be all smiles; to look very happy; giggling | 笑嘻嘻
chiøx piin bøo chiøx chiofng | look down on the poor and look up to the rich no matter where their money come from | 笑貧無笑娼
chiøx | laughing; laugh; to smile; to giggle; to snicker; to ridicule; to jeer | 笑; 唱
chiøx-haihay | laughing loudly | 笑咍咍
chiøxkngf | shine; illuminate; shine light on some thing or into some place | 照光; 照亮
chiøxlo | light up a road; provide lighting for a thoroughfare | 照路
cid chiøqar | weave a mat | 織蓆仔
hahhah'chiøx | hearty laughter | 哈哈笑
honghwn-chi'ar | evening market | 黃昏市仔
høfiøchi | child very easy to raise (not sick much; obeys parents and teachers; does what is expected of him) | 好育飼; 小孩子毛病少
hør-chiørsiin | is always smiling | 好笑神; 笑口常開
hør-iøchi | infant is healthy and can be brought up easily; good raises; easy growing | 好育飼; 容易養
iøchi | to rear; to raise; bring up a child | 育飼; 養育
iøchiøq | pancreatic | 腰觸; 腰尺; 胰臟
iøchiøq-iam | pancreatitis | 腰觸炎; 腰尺炎
libhofng-chiøq | cubic foot | 立方尺
pan-chiørbin | pretending to be smiling | 扮笑面; 賠笑臉
pefngtharn-chiøx | to lie face up | 翻躺笑
phvae-iøchi | difficult to raise | 歹育養; 歹育飼; 難帶
phvayiøchi | hard to breed | 歹育飼
piøchiøx | joke; jest; sign; to signal; to fall | 標笑; 說玩笑
saxng baq chi hor | lose money by unwise speculation or by entrusting it to an irresponsible person | 送肉餵虎
siøchiøx | laugh at each other | 相笑
taixkaq-chiøh | Tachia grass mat | 大甲蓆
tengji-chiøq | a T-square | 丁字尺
tiøh chiørpii | always laugh much | 易笑的; 笑個無停
uxhaang bøchi | have goods on hand but no one wants to buy; supply but no demand | 有行無市
zusien-chi | charitable bazaar | 慈善市; 義賣場

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