"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: chiaf

Løchiaf | Nezha (deity) | 哪吒
chiaf porpvy | selvage | 車布邊
chiaf | vehicle; to push forward; extravagant; wasteful; to shout with anger | 吒; 車; 捙; 奢; 搬運; 推
chiaf-purntao | to suffer a setback | 車糞斗; 翻筋斗
chiaf`khix | pushed away | 推去
chiaf`løh | push down | 推落
chixlai-chiaf | city bus | 市內車
cylaam-chiaf | a compass; a guiding principle | 指南車
goxhwn-chiaf | narrow gauge railway | 五分車; 小火車
gyn'ar-chiaf | baby carriage; stroller | 囡仔車; 童車; 兒車
kauthofng-chiaf | private bus (school, factory) | 交通車
khengpien-chiaf | push-car on a narrow track | 輕便車; 手推車
kikoafn-chiaf | a locomotive; an engine | 機關車
kip'heeng-chiaf | express train | 急行車; 快車
kiuoho-chiaf | an ambulance; a wrecker | 救護車
kvoar chiaf | to drive a cart or carriage; to catch a bus or train | 趕車
lafsab-chiaf | a dirt-wagon, a dust cart | 垃圾車
lengbuo-chiaf | baby-carriage | 乳母車; 奶母車; 嬰兒車
lengbør-chiaf | baby-carriage | 奶母車; 嬰兒車
lengkiu chiaf | motor hearse; funeral car | 靈車; 靈柩車
phofthofng-chiaf | local train, ordinary train | 普通車
purnsøx-chiaf | garbage track | 垃圾車; 糞埽車
sunløchiaf | patrol car | 巡邏車
svaliern-chiaf | pedicab | 三輪車
zah chiaf | stop the car | 閘車
zha'iuu-chiaf | diesel train | 柴油車; 柴油火車

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