"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: chiuo

chiuo baa | hand sleeping | 手痲
chiuo bapix | hand sleeping | 手痲痺
chiuo bøo zhurnthiq | totally unarmed (Lit. Hand does have an inch of iron.) | 手無寸鐵
chiuo cien | cannot take hands off stuff | 手踐; 愛觸弄物品
chiuo iap'au | cross the hands behind the back; hand(s) behind the back | 手揜後; 手藏在背後
chiuo kaw chiuo | personally; with one's own hands | 手交手; 親手
chiuo khafn chiuo | made in hand | 手牽手
chiuo kiw`khylaai | withdraw one's hand; withdraw | 手縮起來; 撒手
chiuo lao`tiøh | sprained one's arm | 手扭著; 扭傷手
chiuo phex`leq | arm in a sling | 手臂著
chiuo sngf | arm tired and sore; as after lifting a heavy weight | 手酸
chiuo voae`tiøh | sprained an arm | 手扭著; 手扭傷
chiuo zhah'iøf | put one's hands on the hip joints; arms akimbo | 手插腰
chiuo zhahkøq | put one's hands on the hip joints; arms akimbo | 手插腰
chiuo | a hand; to select; the head; a broom; ugly; hand; of the hand; a person; personally | 手; 手臂; 醜; 首; 取; 掃
chiuo-exzad | lower arm | 手下節; 手下臂
chiuo-hongkhiim | accordion, concertina | 手風琴
chiuo-tefngzad | upper arm | 手上節
eng chiuo thvar`khix | carry away on the open palm; a sharp pushing blow delivered with the open palm(s) (Chinese boxing) | 用手推去; 用手頂去
exkhaf-chiuo | subordinate, assistant | 下跤手; 部下
garn zefng chiuo khoaix | sharp of sight and quick of hand; see things clearly and act speedily | 眼清手快
iøchiuo nihbak | give secret signals by waving the hand and winking | 搖手眨目
iøchiuo | wave the hand to show disagreement; move the hand from side to side with fingers up and palm forwards (as in declining; refusing or warning not to do); gesture of negation | 搖手
khaf sngf chiuo nngr | limbs weak with sickness or exhaustion | 腳酸手軟
kikoafn-chiuo | locomotive engineer | 機關犛; 機長
køchiuo | an expert; skilful person | 高手
lawtiøh chiuo | sprained one's arm | 扭傷手
lok sie suii chiuo | At whose hand did the deer die ? ─ After all, who got it ? Who will win ? | 鹿死誰手
sym tok chiuo loah | callous and cruel; cold blooded; merciless in heart and deed | 心毒手辣
søchiuo | empty handed (lose all the money); touch the hand | 疏手; 搓手; 形容輸光光
søkhasøchiuo | slow to act; lazy | 趖跤趖手
zøfiu-chiuo | an assistant | 左右手
zøfiuo-chiuo | an assistant | 左右手

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