ciøh tiim toaxhae | completely without information or response; no news at all; without a trace (Lit. rocks falling into the sea) | 石沉大海
ciøh | stone | 石
ciøh'eng | borrow | 借用
ciøh'iong | borrow; borrow to use | 借用
ciøh'ix | figuratively; metaphorically | 借意
ciøh'mng | may I ask | 借問
ciøh'oe-korng | suggest with hint, for instance | 借話講
ciøh-boftafn | a kind of sundew | 茅膏菜; 錦地羅
hae kof ciøh noa | for ever and ever | 海枯石爛
kakthaau-ciøh | cornerstone | 角頭石; 房角石
tøciøh | hone; whetstone; grindstone | 刀石; 磨石
tøexky-ciøh | foundation stone | 地基石
zuie løh ciøh zhud | Stones come into view with a drop in the water line (literally) The truth comes to light eventually | 水落石出
zuyphøciøh | type of decorative porous stone | 水波石
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Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]