"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: ciah

Zhvekongkao ciah-bøo sae | things done in a hurry cannot be done well; fail in goal by being hasty (Lit. If a dog eats to fast there is nothing to turn to excrement.) | 欲速則無達。
bad ciah | have the experience of eating | 曾吃
be ciah | not to be able to eat very much | 不食; 吃得很少
be ciah`tid | not fit to be eaten | 不可以吃; 不可食的
bøciah-bøkhuxn | forget oneself | 無食無睏; 廢寢忘食
bøkixm bøkhi ciah pahji | There is no taboo; you can live to be a hundred | 無禁無忌吃百二
bøo thafng ciah | having nothing to eat | 無得吃
ciah armpng | eat supper | 吃晚飯
ciah armtngx | eat supper | 吃晚頓
ciah axm | eat supper | 吃晚
ciah bextiaau | can't hold anything down | 吃不牢
ciah ciuo | drink wine or liquor | 吃酒; 喝酒
ciah hoxnglok | live on the government; receive a government pay; subsidy; or pension; have an official salary | 食俸祿; 俸祿
ciah iøh | take medicine | 吃藥
ciah iøqar | take medicine | 吃藥仔
ciah kaux... hoex | live to the age of… years | 活到 …歲
ciah khie | to start to eat | 開始吃
ciah laang ee png | be in a man's employ; dependent on him | 吃人的飯; 受雇
ciah løqpag | swallow down | 吃下肚
ciah sybie | loafer sometimes because of physical disability | 吃死米; 只吃無做
ciah sypng | loafer sometimes because of physical disability | 吃死飯; 只吃無做
ciah tee | drink tea | 喝茶
ciah thaukef | be fed by one's employer | 吃頭家; 膳食由主人供給
ciah tiafmsym | take refreshments; have tea or a light lunch | 吃點心
ciah tiongtaux | have lunch | 吃中晝; 吃中飯
ciah y bextør | his work is too heavy or difficult for me | 吃伊未倒; 勝無過他
ciah y bøextør | his work is too heavy or difficult for his strength or ability | 吃伊未倒; 賺無了; 幹不了
ciah y kaokaux | can easily overcome him because we are much more powerful | 吃他夠夠; 吃定了他
ciah y koeakoex | have the upper hand; be able to overcome him with the utmost ease; hold a person cheap; undervalue | 吃他過過; 吃定了他
ciah zaykhie | eat breakfast | 吃早飯
ciah zhvezhaw | have a banquet; eat a big dinner | 吃盛餐; 吃大餐
ciah | eat; hese | 吃; 食; 這麼; 即
ciah'ee | these; these | 這些; 遮的
ciah-bøe koeachiuo | get caught trying to deceive someone or steal something; get caught taking a bribe; no time to finish this meal | 吃無過手; 得不到手
ciah-bøe løqkhix | can't swallow; it won't go down; food that is not good or poor quality; have no appetite | 吃未落去; 吃無落
ciah-bøe siauhoax | slow of digestion; indigestible food | 吃未消化
ciah-bøe tiaupag | unable to retain food on the stomach | 吃未條腹; 無上胃
ciah-bøexkhix | can't eat that much | 吃未去; 吃無完
ciah-bøexliao | can't eat that much | 吃未了; 吃無完
ciah-bøexpuii | eat without getting fat; eats but doesn't grow or put on weight | 吃無肥
ciah-bøexsiaw | too much to take or endure | 食未消; 食袂消; 吃不消
ciah-bøextaf | cannot stand; unbearable; be unequal to the task | 吃未乾; 吃無消
ciah-bøextør | to be not afraid of consuming | 無怕吃; 吃未倒
ciah-bøkaux | not enough to eat | 吃無夠; 無夠吃
ciah-hør | eat good thing, feel nice after eating | 吃好; 食好
ciah-kaki | meals supplied by oneself | 食家己; 吃自己; 領乾薪水
ciah-kaq par | eat till satisfied | 吃到飽
ciah-kati | pay for one's own food | 吃自己; 膳食自備
ciah-kirn lorngphoax voar | Haste makes waste | 吃緊撞破碗; 欲速則無達
ciah-liao bøo twhør | stomach upset | 吃了無適好; 吃壞了肚子
ciah-liao | eat up the whole; leaving nothing | 吃完; 吃了
ciah-liawliao | eat up the whole; leaving nothing | 吃了了; 吃完
ciah-løqpag | ate | 食落腹
ciah-nngfpng | to live on the earning of a prostitute | 吃軟飯; 食軟飯
ciah-phorngpviar | to be scolded | 吃凸餅; 挨罵
ciah-phorngtefng | provoke the displeasure of one's master or superior; be blamed by one's superior | 吃凸釘; 挨罵
ciah-tauxhu | to make advances on a woman or girl | 吃豆腐; 食豆腐
ciah-thaukef | boss provides three meals | 吃頭家; 老闆供應伙食
ciah-thaulo | get a job; start a career | 吃頭路; 食頭路; 上班; 就業; 工作
ciah-thitthøo | eat munchies | 吃拭桃; 吃零食
ciah`khix | (v) work hard for sth; eat up | 吃去; 被騙
ciah`laang | cheapting on people | 食人
ciah`løqkhix | swallow down | 吃落去
e ciah`tid | edible | 可以吃; 可食的
hor tok bøe ciah kviar | No one is capable of hurting his own children (Even a vicious tigress will not eat its cubs.) | 虎毒未食囝
kvar ciah mxuix tok | acting recklessly | 敢吃無畏毒
mxcviaa-ciah | not a proper meal | 毋成食; 吃不好
oaizhuiekef ciah høfbie | A chicken with a crooked mouth eats good rice. A fussy eater eats well | 歪嘴雞吃好米; 雖窮又挑食
oar y ciah | have one's meals at someone's expense; depend upon someone for eating and costs | 跟他搭伙
of ciah of | one who would deceive; rob; cheat; is himself taken in; double-crossed | 黑吃黑
ozut'ar ciah-køeahøo | A pawn goes forth to capture the king.--A small fry tries a reckless invasion | 黑卒仔食過河; 非份的侵佔
suipien ciah | eat anything at all ─ not choosy | 隨便吃
tharnsiøf ciah | eat while the food is still hot | 趁熱吃
thaw ciah | eat secretly - having an affair | 偷食
thaxn kati ciah | earn just enough for one's own food; having nothing to spare for any one else | 賺自己吃
thaxn-bøo ciah | not making a living; not making ends meet | 趁沒食; 無法謀生
thiab laang ciah | pay for one's board | 搭伙
toaxzhuix ciah | gulp down; eat greedily | 狼吞虎嚥
tongtofng ciah | constantly eating instead of stopping (as he ought) | 吃個無停

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