"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: ciar

Pøciar | patron saint of children | 婆姐
aekog-ciar | a patriot | 愛國者
bøsixn-ciar | unbelieved person | 無神者; 無信者
chimliok-ciar | aggressor, invader | 侵略者
ciar | a general term for women; those who; a reddish brown color; germanium; elder sister; term of respect for a young lady; Miss | 姐; 者; 赭; 鍺; 姊
cichii-ciar | a supporter; an adherent, an upholder | 支持者
cysuo-ciar | an instigator | 指使者; 煽動者
hoafntuix-ciar | adversary, opponent | 反對者
hoxkex-ciar | successor, heir, inheritor | 後繼者; 後繼者,; 繼承者
iorngho-ciar | supporter, defender, protector | 擁護者
iwseg-ciar | learned, well-informed, intelligent person | 優勢者; 有見識者
ji`ciar | both | 二者
kerngkhea`ciar | begin ─ (opening phrase in correspondence or a letter) | 敬啟者; 啟者
kienjirm-zwgi-ciar | stoic | 堅忍主義者; 苦修者
koanhiexn-ciar | a contributor, a donor | 捐獻者
laai`ciar putku | grant favors to whoever asks | 來者無拒
laai`ciar | who came | 來者
leeng`ciar tøløo | capable are usually the busy ones (compliment to a busy person) | 能者多勞
lefngtø-ciar | leader | 領導者
leng`ciar | the other; in addition | 另者
lilan-ciar | victims | 遭難者; 罹難者
liulong-ciar | wanderer, drifter | 流浪者
lixnseg-ciar | a miser, a niggard | 吝嗇者
løtong-ciar | laborer, worker | 勞動者
phørhoai-ciar | destroyer | 破壞者
pikoafn-ciar | a pessimist | 悲觀者
poaxngek-ciar | rebel | 叛逆者
pongkoafn`ciar zhefng | The on looker is clear headed because he can see what's going on with detachment); the mind of the on looker is clear | 旁觀者清
pøciar | appraiser | 褒者
satjiin`ciar sie | Murder is punishable by death | 殺人者死
sitgiap-ciar | unemployed person | 失業者
sunkaux-ciar | martyr | 殉教者
thiauciexn-ciar | a challenger | 挑戰者
thofngti-ciar | ruler, sovereign | 統治者
thok'hofng-ciar | a pioneer | 拓荒者
thong'ek-ciar | interpreter | 通譯者
tiedhak-ciar | philosopher | 智學者
tiet'hak-ciar | philosopher | 哲學者
uu`ciar | remaining people | 餘者
uxgieen ciar | a prophet | 豫言者; 先知
zeakoaan-ciar | creditor | 債權者; 債權者(人)
zenghok-ciar | a conqueror | 征服者

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