"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: cip

bøcip'ix | didn't make a decision | 無執意; 沒有下定決心
cip iuphiøx | stamp collection | 集郵票
cip | sip; lonesome; to gather; assemble; gather together; compile; edit; collection of works by one or more authors | 啜; 嚐; 集; 寂
cip'ao | stubborn | 執拗
cip'heeng piesw | executive secretary | 執行秘書
cip'heeng syheeng | execute a convict | 執行死刑
cip'heeng uyoaan | administrative officers; persons appointed by a ruling party or an assembly to carry out their decisions; members of an executive committee | 執行委員
cip'heeng | to carry out; to execute; execute an order; carry into effect | 執行
cip'heeng-piesw | executive secretary | 執行秘書; 執行祕書
cip'heeng-uy'oaan | executive committee member | 執行委員
cip'hengkvoaf | executioner | 執行秘; 執行官
cip'hoad juu safn | uphold the law strictly; to adhere to legal principles without letup or fear usually referring to law enforcing officials or judges | 執法如山
cip'hoad | to enforce the law; uphold the law | 執法
cip'iaux | outline; a summary; bring together the important items | 輯要
cip'id | stick up; stand to; persist in | 執一
cip'iuo | honorific; bosom friend | 執右; 執友
cip'ix | to be determined to; stick to one's own view; hold on stubbornly to one's own ideas | 執意; 固執
cip`cide | sip; to take a sip | 啜一下; 啜飲
ciøcip | to call for (military) service; gather together | 招集
kiongzex-cip'heeng | compulsory action (legal); forcible execution | 強制執行
løcip | logic | 邏輯
put'hap-løcip | illogical | 不合邏輯

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