"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: cit

cit | this ~ (classifier) | 這; 一
cit'afhii | a crucian carp; crucian carp; fresh water fish | 鯽仔魚
cit'afhuu | crucian carp | 鯽仔魚
cit'aq | assign something as security under an arrangement; to mortgage | 質押
cit'ar | a crucian carp | 鯽仔; 鯽魚
cit'ar-hii | golden carp | 鯽仔魚; 鯽魚
cit'e | this doing | 這下
cit'ee | this; this one | 這個
cit'exar | recently | 這下仔; 近來
cit'haam | post and title | 職銜
cit'hagkii | this semester | 這學期
cit'hang | this sort | 這項
cit'heeng | this style | 這型
cit'hek | area of responsibility | 這域; 責任範圍
cit'hii tiøx toaxtai | use a minnow to catch a whopper use a little bait to catch a big fish | 鯽魚釣鯉魚; 以小釣大; 以少誘多
cit'hii | a crucian carp | 鯽魚
cit'hngf | this side | 這方
cit'hoee | this round, this time | 這回
cit'hoef | weave figures into fabrics | 織花
cit'hun | a position; duty; official duties | 職分; 份內職責; 職份
cit'huxn | vocational training | 職訓
cit'hwn | this minute, this point on score | 這分
cit'hø | this kind of | 這號
cit'iah | this page | 這頁
cit'laixbin | in here, inside this | 這內面
cit'lefpaix | this week | 這禮拜
cit'nngxjit | those two days | 這兩日
cit'oaan sioksiax | company officers dormitory; apartments of housing units built for employees | 職員宿舍
cit'oaan | staff member, faculty member | 職員
cit'oanlok | roster of staff members | 職員錄
cit'poxhun | this part | 這部分
cit'sielaang | this life | 這世人
cit'ui koaan ee kaosu | high rank priest | 職位高的教士; 修道院院長
cit'ui | rank; position; one's office; one's position in an office | 職位; 這位
cit'viu | in this way; so; thus | 這樣
cit'ym | this tone | 這音
cit-nng-jit | the last two days | 這兩日
cit-tiafmzefng | this hour | 這點鐘
luo-cit'oaan | female officer; employee | 女職員
siehun-cit | a quarter, one fourth | 四分一; 四分之一
svahun-cit | one third | 三分一; 三分之一
thøx cit'ee armhø | agree on a secret sign; arrange a signal | 套一個暗號
zabhun-cit | one tenth | 十分一; 十分之一

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