"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: cix

bøtai-bøcix | does not have the matter | 無代無誌; 沒事情
bøtaixbøcix | nothing wrong | 無代無誌
cix toong tø hap | share the same ambition and purpose of a group of people; of one mind | 志同道合
cix | until; will; to write down; will | 至; 志; 誌
høcix | no less than, much more than | 何止
jiin cix gi cin | Everything to be expected in the light of benevolence and duty has been done | 仁至義盡
jiin kioong cix toarn | Poverty stifles ambition | 人窮志短
pyn cix jukuy | visitors came as if they were returning home ─ feel at home in a place | 賓至如歸
zu suo cix ciofng | from the beginning to end | 自始至終

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