"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Baxn'oong cy Oong | King of kings | 萬王之王
Enghioong buu ioxngbuo-cy-te | The hero has no chance to use his might.--no opportunity to use one's talent(s) | 英雄無用武之地
Høpeeng cy Ho | Queen of Peace (Catholic) | 和平之后
Ioong iuo kuixjuo cy wn | filial piety (Lit. The lamb has the grace to kneel to suck.) | 羊有跪乳之恩
Serngbør butiaxm cy sym | Immaculate Heart of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母無玷之心
Serngbør cirnkaux cy iu | Auxilium Christianorum (Catholic) | 聖母進教之佑
Sioxngthiefn cy Ho | Queen of Heaven (Catholic) | 上天之后
Sitpai uii sengkofng cy bør | Failure begets success If at first you don't succeed; try; try again | 失敗為成功之母。
Thiensiin cy Ho | Queen of the Angels (Catholic) | 天神之后
baxnbut cy leeng | man (Lit. Wisest of all creatures) | 萬物之靈
baxnzuo cy zuo | Lord of Lords | 萬主之主
boggek cy kaw | uninterrupted friendship | 莫逆之交
bonglieen cy kaw | friendship in which the difference in age between the friends is forgotten | 忘年交; 忘年之交
bubong cy zay | unexpected misfortune; uncalled for disaster or calamity | 無妄之災
bukex cy pør | priceless treasure | 無價之寶
bukhef cy taam | groundless rumor | 無稽之談
bøfzuo cy zeeng | love between mother and child | 母子之情
cienchiaf cy kaxm | learn from the failure of one's predecessor | 前車之鑑
ciwseg-cy-too | libertine; debauchee | 酒色之徒
cy | of; pay | 之; 膣; 陰部; 支
cy'iaux | only, provided | 只要
cy'irn | to point, to guide, to show | 指引
cy'ix | purpose, will | 指意; 旨意
cy'u | only | 只有
giengoa-cy-ix | overtones; hidden meaning between the lines; innuendo | 言外之意
hexng'un-cy-siin | Lady Luck; goddess of fortune | 幸運之神
hietkhix-cy-iorng | foolhardiness; courage or bravery emanating from emotion not from cool judgment or the sense of righteousness | 血氣之勇
hisex-cy-pør | very rare treasure; an invaluable gem; timeless treasure | 稀世之寶
hiøxkox-cy-iw | worry about the past and the future | 後顧之憂
hoaciog-cy-ia | the wedding night | 花燭之夜
hoarn`cy | on the contrary, on the other hand | 反之
hoaxnlan-cy-kaw | friendship cemented in adversity | 患難之交
hof cy iok zhud | obvious; almost certain (said of the identity of a person who remains behind the scene or a criminal suspect against whom no evidence has yet been found) | 呼之欲出
hofloong-cy-nii | a woman from the early thirties to early forties when her sexual desires are the strongest; wolfish years | 虎狼之年; 狼虎之年
huihuy-cy-siorng | wishful thinking | 非非之想
hux-cy-itchiaux | laugh it off | 付之一笑
hux-cy-itku | reduce to ashes; to burn | 付之一炬
huxbiør-cy-pafng | one's own country; one's native land | 父母之邦
iekhix-cy-zefng | quarrel over a matter of emotion (rather than reason) | 意氣之爭
iofngsefng-cy-tø | regimen; formula for healthy living | 養生之道
isym-cy-lun | insincere utterances; comments | 違心之論
itbien-cy-kaw | have met but once; nodding acquaintance | 一面之交
itbien-cy-suu | one-sided statements | 一面之詞
itkaf-cy-zuo | head of the household; head of the family | 一家之主
itliam-cy-kafn | just at the moment | 一念之間
itliam-cy-zhaf | (full adage: ‘itliam cy zhaf, ciongsyn cy hoex') a wrong decision made in a moment of weakness; a false step | 一念之差
itlieen-cy-kex zaixuu zhwn | Spring is the best time to do the year's work | 一年之計在於春
itpix-cy-lek | help; assistance | 一臂之力
iuthiofng-cy-gieen | words uttered in sincerity | 由衷之言
iwhu-cy-hw | married man | 有婦之夫
iwhw-cy-hu | married woman | 有夫之婦
jienbii-cy-kib | matter as urgent as if the eyebrows had caught fire | 燃眉之急
jiin ui baxnbut-cy-leeng | The human being is the most intelligent among creatures | 人為萬物之靈
jujip bujiin-cy-kerng | like walking into a no man's land; encounter little resistance (usually said of a victorious army) | 如入無人之境
kengsex cy zaai | great ability; statesmanship | 經世之才
khiefnmar cy løo | labor of a dog or a horse (literally) ─ one's own work; I have merely rendered you the services of a dog or of a horse (depreciatory phrase) | 犬馬之勞
khimseg-cy-lok | pleasures of married life | 琴瑟之樂
khorng thvajiin cy khaix | show generosity of unselfishness with another's wealth; be generous at the expense of others | 慷他人之慨
khurnsiux cy tox | fight desperately like a cornered wild beast; desperate fight | 困獸之鬥
kimlaan cy kaw | intimate; close friendship; friends with one aim and ambition | 金蘭之交
kiongtiofng-cy-niao | Lit. a bird before the hunter's bow; I.e.; extremely fearful | 弓中之鳥
kiwzoaan cy ha | underworld; Hades | 九泉之下
kixjiin ii chienlie cy goa | keep people a thousand miles away ─ extremely indifferent and cool (literally) | 拒人於千里之外
kutjiok cy zeeng | ties of blood; family feeling | 骨肉之情
liaugoaan cy hoea | great prairie fire | 燎原之火
libciog cy te | standing room; a footing; foothold | 立足之地
libzuy cy te | space just enough for the point of a drill ─ very small space | 立錐之地
liw cy taixkied | leave stealthily; to leave without notifying others; slip out | 溜之大吉
loexkox cy iw | worries about trouble at home | 內顧之憂
loexkox-cy-iw | worries for trouble at home | 內顧之憂
loexzo cy kofng | through the assistance of one's wife | 內助之功
lok putkhør cy | be beside oneself with happiness | 樂無可支
niao tiofng cy hong | phoenix among birds ─ preeminent | 鳥中之鳳
nngxhwn-cy-id | half | 二分之一
o'hap-cy-cioxng | undisciplined mob (Lit. people assembled like crows) | 烏合之眾
oaxnpefng cy kex | strategy of delaying the approach of the enemy--to gain by the delay; delaying tactics | 緩兵之計
ohap cy-cioxng | a rabble, a mob | 烏合之眾
pahhwn cy paq | one hundred percent | 百分之百
pektiong cy kafn | nearly equal; be fifty-fifty | 伯仲之間
phengzuie cy kaw | short acquaintanceship | 萍水之交
putgi cy zaai | ill gotten goods | 無義之財
putmoo cy te | sterile (barren; waste) land | 無毛之地
putpek cy oafn | false charge which has not been righted | 無白之冤
putsiaux cy too | worthless rascals | 無肖之徒
putsioong cy tiau | Handwriting on the wall | 無祥之兆
putsog cy-kheq | uninvited guest; unwelcome visit | 無速之客
putti cy zexng | incurable disease | 無治之症
putzheg cy zay | unforeseen disaster; unexpected calamity | 無測之災
pyzhuo cy kafn | between this one and that one; between you and me; among them | 彼此之間
seeng jiin cy bie | help fulfill another's cherished hopes; assist others in achieving an objective | 成人之美
sengsad cy koaan | power of life and death | 生殺之權
sengsuo cy kaw | deep friendship (implying the sharing of each other's fate) | 生死之交
serngpai pengkaf cy sioong | alternate victory and defeat is the common lot of soldiers; win one; lose one | 勝敗兵家之常
siehwn-cy-id | quarter; one-fourth | 四分之一
simpag cy hoan | the threat from within (the organization; nation); the fifth column | 心腹之患
siux tiofng cy oong | king of the beasts ─ lion | 獸中之王
suo buu zorngsyn cy te | die without a place for burial (a phrase usually used as a warning to somebody) | 死無葬身之地
svahwn-cy-id | one third | 三分之一
texzuo cy gii | friendship or hospitality of a host | 地主之誼
thiefn buu zoat jiin cy lo | God will not close all doors. Heaven will always leave a door open | 天無絕人之路
thien'iefn cy piet | the difference is like the sky and the bottom of a pit | 天淵之別
thienjiorng cy piet | as different as heaven and earth; vastly different; poles apart | 天壤之別
thienluun cy lok | family love and joy | 天倫之樂
thienzog cy hap | match made by heaven; a match blessed by God (used in congratulatory messages or greetings to a couple on their wedding) | 天作之合
thvy bøo zoadjiin cy lo | unexpectedly rescued from a desperate situation | 天無絕人之路
tihii cy iofng | disaster brought on by others; calamities suffered by innocent bystanders | 池魚之殃
tix cy putbun | to treat with indifference; not to bother asking | 置之無問
tix cy putlie | disregard it totally | 置之無理
tix cy toxgoa | leave it out of the calculation; ignore it utterly | 置之度外
tongbu cy kib | pressing obligation; business or task of the greatest urgency at present | 當務之急
tornglioong cy zaai | great statesmanship person | 棟樑之才
tuu zhuo cy goa | besides this (or these); in addition | 除此之外; 除此以外
tøo cy iauiaw | escape without leaving a single trace behind | 逃之夭夭
wnkw-cy-sor | hermitages | 隱居之所
zaixthiefn-cy-leeng | in the heaven | 在天之靈
zeksien-cy-kaf | virtuous family | 積善之家
zhesyn cy sor | place to stay | 棲身之所
zo itpix-cy-lek | lend a hand | 助一臂之力
zorng-jii-gieen`cy | in summary | 總而言之
zorngsyn-cy-tøe | burial ground | 葬身之地
zoxjiin uii khoaelok-cy-purn | Happiness lies in rendering help to others. Service begets happiness | 助人為快樂之本。

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