"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Bonghøef-jit | Ash Wednesday; a Christian holy day of prayer and fasting | 望灰日; 蒙灰日; 聖灰星期三
Løzuykhøef | muddy river; name of a river in Taiwan | 濁水溪
Siangkhøef | a city in Taipei County | 雙溪
Thauliah køef iaxtiøh cidpea bie | You have to prime the pump. To do business you need capital. (Lit. To steal chickens you need a handful of rice.) | 偷雞也得一把米。
Toaxkhøef | place in Tho'hngg-koan | 大溪
auxkøef | next street; rear street | 後街
axmsøef | scarf | 圍巾
bøahbøef'ar | toward the end | 尾尾仔
chixkøef | streets of a city | 市街
chiøkøef | rock, rooster | 雄雞; 𪁎雞
chiørkhøef | a laughing stuff | 笑詼; 笑話; 笑稽
chvihøef | raw ash | 生灰
cidphøef | passel; a crop of; a set of; batch | 一批
ciernphøef | letter of recommendation | 薦信
cihphøef | receive letter | 接信
ciøqhøef | lime | 石灰
cviagøeh-zhøef | beginning of Lunary January | 正月初
cviuxkøef | to go into the street | 上街
e'ef-khehkheq | jostling and pushing each other out of the way; very crowded | 摩肩接踵; 擁擠
ef hien'ar | play a Chinese fiddle | 拉弦仔; 拉胡琴
ef mixhurn | mill flour | 碾麵粉
ef siøfthekhiim | play a violin | 拉小提琴
ef | earthen or metal cooking pot | 鍋
ef`tør | to topple | 推倒
goaxkøef | external street | 外街
gøeqzhøef | the beginning of the month | 月初
hangkhofng-phøef | air mail | 航空批
haxnsiphøef | special delivery (in Chinese postal service) | 限時信
hoakøef-liwhang | the red-light district | 花街柳巷
hoephøef | write back; reply | 回信
hongzhøef | kite | 風箏; 風吹
hui'øef | porcelain pot | 磁鍋
hunphøef | separate into lots; batches; shipments or groups | 分批
hunzhøef | tobacco pipe | 煙斗; 薰吹; 旱煙袋; 煙吹
høef | lime; ash; flower | 灰; 花; 囉嗦
høefkøef | turkey | 火雞
høehøef | spotty, scarcely, unreasonable | 花花
høephøef | to reply a letter | 回批; 回信
høkhøef | a small stream | 河溪
iafkøef | pheasant | 野雞; 雉雞; 山雞
iamkøef | capon | 閹雞
iamsokøef | Taiwanese crispy salty chicken | 鹽酥雞
ienhøef | cigarette ashes; ashes | 煙灰
iofngkøef-tviuu | poultry-farm, chicken farm | 養雞場
iukøef | a procession or parade; to parade somebody through the street | 遊街
kalykøef | curried chicken | 咖哩雞
kaphøef | home letter | 家信; 家書
kauxkhøef | hard to please, peevish | 厚刮; 脾氣乖戾
kefphøef | fake mail | 假信; 偽函
khax hunzhøef | knock the tobacco (ash) out of a pipe | 敲煙斗; 敲煙吹
khvøef | chasm, crater, crevasse, pit, pitfall, sheer drop | 坑
khypøef | to take off (in an airplane) | 起飛
khøef | creek; take advantage; flirt | 溪; 虧; 刮
kiarphøef | to send or mail a letter | 寄信; 寄批
koarhø-phøef | registered letter | 掛號批
koarhøxphøef | registered letter | 掛號信
kofzhøef | trumpet | 鼓吹; 喇叭
kudkhøef | humor, joke, funny, comical, humorous | 滑稽
kut'høef | bone ashes | 骨灰
kviuxsøef | coarse bamboo broom | 粗竹掃帚; ?梳
køeakhøef | cross the stream | 過溪
køef | street | 街; 雞
køef`nih | on the street | 街裡
laixkøef | inner ally | 內街
laksøef | declined | 落衰
lakthngf-køef | all wet; drenched through; like drowned chicken | 落湯雞
liaukhøef | to wade across a river | 涉溪
lutkøef | pluck a fowl | 拔雞; 甪雞; 拔雞毛
ng'kogkøef | play hide-and-seek | 掩咯雞
parngpøef | let go (fly away) | 放飛
peqhøef | white flowers | 白花; 白灰
phaohøef | debris and death caused by gunfire | 砲灰; 炮灰
phofthofng-phøef | ordinary letter | 普通批; 平信
phøef | letter | 信; 批
pøef | to fly | 飛
pøef`khix | flew away | 飛去
saokøef | street-sweeping | 掃街
saosøef | bamboo broom | 掃梳; 竹掃把; 掃帚
sarngphøef | to carry letters | 送批; 送信
saypøef | use bamboo leaf for toilet paper | 屎批; 小竹片用於擦屁股
siafphøef | write a letter | 寫信; 寫批
sibjixkøef | cross streets; intersection | 十字街
siøfkhøef | a brooklet | 小溪
siøhøef | burn flower | 燒花
siøkøef | roast chicken | 燒雞
suykøef | frog | 水雞; 田雞; 青蛙
svi'nng-køef | laying hens (Leghorn, etc.) | 生卵雞
svoakøef | Swinhoe's Blue peasant (hen) | 山雞
søef | separated; distant; comb | 梳; 疏
tafngkøef | Kora, water cock | 東瓜; 董雞; 鶴秧雞
taokøef | fight with cocks | 鬥雞
tekkøef | scamp; corner boy; gaolbird; vagabond | 竹雞
tekøef | scamp; cornerboy; gaolbird; vagabond | 竹雞; 流氓
thaikøef kax kaau | kill a fowl as a warning to monkey ─ make an example of a man | 殺雞儆猴
theqphøef | mailperson | 提批
theqphøef`ee | mailman; postman | 提批的; 郵差
thiahphøef | open a letter | 拆信
thih'øef | iron pot | 鐵鍋
thikøef | pheasant | 雉雞; 啼雞
thongphøef | send information by letter | 通信; 通批
thøef | a kind of hair pin | 釵
tiphøef | young pig, 40~80 [[kyn]] | 豬胚
tixkøef | Swinhoe's blue peasant (bird) | 雉雞
tixm'ef | saucepan | 燖鍋
tixmkøef | double boil a fowl | 燉雞
toaxkøef | main street, wide street | 大街
toaxphøef | large batch of; a good deal of | 大批
turnkøef | White's ground thrush | 頓鶇; 頓雞; [*]; 虎鶇
tuxnkøef | stewed chicken; to stew chicken | 燉雞
unkøef | march through the street | 緩街; 巡街; 遊行; 穿過街道
viuhøef | Portland cement | 洋花; 洋灰
zahkøef | fried chicken | 炸雞
zengphøef | previous letter; love letter | 前批; 情書
zhaesøef | vegetables | 菜蔬
zhankøef | paddy frog | 田蛙; 田雞; 虎皮蛙
zhasøef | wooden comb | 柴梳; 木梳子
zhøef | blow; cooking; initial; steaming | 吹; 炊; 初; 蒸
zhøef-kawlee | dog howling | 吹狗螺
zhøef`køex | to blow over | 吹過
zhøef`nih | in the beginning (of a month, season) | 初裡; 在上旬
zoexkhøef | chief offender, ringleader in crime | 罪魁
zuykøef | frog | 水雞; 耕秧雞; 青蛙
øe'øef`leq | do push, jostle, play, grind | 擠擠咧; 挨挨咧
øef | push steadily; play (violin; etc.); grind; jostle a person; push; a pot; a pan; a type of vegetable; a short people | 推; 挨; 萵; 倭; 鍋
øef`tør | push to fall | 推倒
øeføea | short | 矮矮

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