"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: efng

Harn'efng jixtiern | Chinese-English dictionary | 漢英字典
Hoarn Serng'efng | La Nina | 反聖嬰
Serng'efng | The Infant (Catholic) | 聖嬰
biauthau'efng | the owl | 貓頭鷹
efng tøar chied | to slice with a knife. | 用刀切
efng | infant; baby | 嬰; 坱; 揚; 鶯; 鷹; 飛揚; 塵埃起; 癰
efng'afn | eternal peace | 永安
efng'ek | be at ease and free from trouble forever | 永逸
efng'erng | forever; permanently; at times; occasionally; sometimes; oftentimes; frequently | 往往; 永永; 永遠
efng'erng-putli | inseparable | 影影不離
efng'iet | be at ease and free from trouble forever | 永逸
efng'iorng-phirn | sustenance | 營養品
efng'oah | forever living | 永活
efng'oarn zociøq | perpetual leasehold | 永遠租借
efng'oarn | forever; eternally; perpetually | 永遠
eng'efng | dusty | 煙煙; 坱坱; 灰塵
hay'efng | sea-eagle | 海鷹
haylog'efng | heroin | 海洛因; 海洛英
hie'efng | osprey | 腺鷹; 肺癰
hog'efng | admire; render homage; remember(advice) at heart | 服膺
iog'efng | nursing | 育嬰
itløo-efng'ek | make a great effort to accomplish something once for all to save future trouble | 一勞永逸
iu'efng'y | swimming suit | 游泳衣
kapzw'efng | goshawk, Horsfield's sparrow hawk | 赤腹鷹; 蒼鷹
kawthaau-efng | Chinese cinereous vulture | 九頭鷹; 禿鷲; 狗頭
keg'efng | Arctic yellow willow warbler (bird) | 極鷹; 小鴓
khie'efng | abandoned infant | 棄嬰
kim'efng | precious heros; precious and great man | 金英; 金櫻; 金櫻子; 黃鸝
kun'efng | a large number of brilliant minds | 群英
køsoa'efng | Hume's shikra, Accipiter badius poliopsis | 高沙鷹; 高砂鷹
lamlo-efng | eagle in the back of mountain | 南路鷹; 灰面鵟鷹; 灰面鷲; 山後鳥
ng'efng | Japanese goshawk; oriole; the golden oriole | 黃鶯; 蒼鷹
niauthau'efng | owl | 貓頭鷹
peh-so'efng | mountain jasmine | 白蘇英
phokong'efng | dandelion; cow weed | 蒲公英
phoxngphoxng'efng | dusty | 蓬蓬揚; 灰塵飛揚
po'efng | dandelion | 蒲英
pokong'efng | dandelion | 蒲公英
sin'efng | eagle, falcon, hawk | 神鷹; 兀鷹
svi'efng | have a large abscess or ulcer | 生癰; 長瘡
thut'efng | cinereous vulture | 禿鷹; 禿鷲
zeng'efng | elite | 菁英; 精英
zhong'efng | Japanese goshawk | 蒼鷹
zhun'efng | spring warbler | 春鶯

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