"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Log'eg hongciw | Ark of Noah | 諾厄方舟
bu'eg | unprofitable; useless | 無益
bø'eg | no good; not good for; not beneficial | 無益
chien'eg | one thousand billions | 千億
cibsw kofng'eg | canvass various opinions and benefit from them | 集思廣益
cirn'eg | beneficiary improved | 進益
eg | difficulty; to hiccup; to repress; to curb; to benefit; a yoke; to spill or overflow; narrow; a hundred million; to recall to the mind; the breast or chest; a strategic position; benefit | 厄; 呃; 扼; 抑; 益; 軛; 溢; 隘; 億; 憶; 臆; 阨
eg'iongsut | art of disguise | 易容術
eg'ioong | disguise | 易容
eg'oaan | translator; dragoman | 譯員; 睪丸
eg'uu | to be easy to, to be apt to | 易餘; 易於
eg'ym | sound transcription | 譯音
hoe'eg | recollect; to recall; look back upon; recollection; memory | 回憶
hø'eg | What advantage? | 何益
iong'eg | filled or fraught with | 洋溢
iw'eg | beneficial, useful | 有益
khoan'eg | right arising from ownership | 權益
kie'eg | memory; recollection; bear in mind | 記憶
kie'eg-iusyn | memory is still fresh | 記憶猶新
koan'eg | right arising from ownership | 權益
kong'eg | public interests or welfare; public good; public benefit (interest); common good; the common weal | 公益
luxn'eg | profits; gains; returns; earnings | 潤益
pah'eg | ten billion | 百億
sid kie'eg | amnesia | 失記憶
siu'eg | gain, profit, to benefit, to profit | 收益
sun'eg | net profit | 純益
swn'eg | profit and loss | 損益
texhngf kong'eg | local public utilities | 地方公益
tui'eg | to recollect | 追憶
ut'eg | depressed, blue | 鬱抑; 憂鬱
zab'eg | 1 billion | 十億
zefng-eg-kiuzefng | strive for perfection | 精益求精

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