"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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an'ek | at easy | 安易; 安逸
biefn'ek | immunity; become immune; immunize | 免疫
ciap'ek | juice | 汁液
ciern'ek | a battle; a campaign | 戰役
efng'ek | be at ease and free from trouble forever | 永逸
ek | bathe | 浴; 譯; 役; 逸; 睪; 疫; 液; 易; 翌; 畫; 亦; 軼; 弋; 劃; 掖
ek'ioong | the rise and fall (of sound) | 抑揚
ek'iuo | a helpful friend | 益友
ek'ud | depressed | 抑鬱
ek'un | bad luck | 厄運
ekøea | grind rice (mostly glutinous rice) for making rice cakes | 磨粿
giaxm'ek | to inspect for epidemic disease; to quarantine | 驗疫
hayzuy'ek | sea bathing | 海水浴
hayzuy'ek-tviuu | ocean bathing beach | 海水浴場
hiefnsioxng'ek | photographic developer | 顯像液
hiet'ek | bloodstream; blood | 血液
hiet'ek-kiafmzaf | blood test | 血液檢查
hiet'ek-sunkhoaan | blood circulation | 血液循環
hoan'ek | interpret; translate; interpret | 翻譯
hoan'ek-kvoaf | translation officer | 翻譯官
hoan'ek-oaan | a translator, an interpreter | 翻譯員
hoeh'ek | blood | 血壓; 血液
hog'ek | serve in military service or prison term | 服役
hok lø'ek | do society service or work as a form of punishment for a crime | 服勞役
hok peng'ek | undergo military training; do military service | 服兵役
hong'ek | prevention of epidemics | 防疫
huih'ek | blood | 血液
huo'ek | epididymis | 附睾; 附睪
høe'ek | recall, remembrance, recollection | 回憶
høe'ek-lok | memoirs | 回憶錄
ie'ek | free translation | 意譯
iefn'ek | (Logic) deductive | 演繹
im'ek | transliterate, transliteration | 音譯
iong'ek | solution | 溶液
itløo-efng'ek | make a great effort to accomplish something once for all to save future trouble | 一勞永逸
iw'ek | the right wing | 右翼
jidkofng-ek | sun-bath | 日光浴
jidkong'ek | sun bath | 日光浴
juhor thiam'ek | like adding wings to a tiger (literally)--with added strength; greatly strengthened or reinforced | 如虎添翼
kau'ek | transaction; trading; bargaining; business | 交易
kay'ek | re-translate | 解譯; 重譯
ke'ek | chicken broth | 雞液
kea'ek | plan; a scheme; a program; to plan; to devise | 計畫; 計劃
kea'ek-sengsarn | planned parenthood; production according to plan | 計劃生產
keng'ek | change, alter | 更異; 換手
khawte'ek | foot and mouth disease | 口蹄疫
kiafm'ek | examine for communicable disease; examination; inquest; quarantine | 檢疫
kie'ek | memory, to remember | 記憶
koan'ek | one's right and advantage, right and profit | 權益
lefngzuy'ek | cold bath | 冷水浴
liam'ek | mucus; viscous liquid; mucilage | 黏液; 粘液
lim'ek | shower bath | 淋浴
limpa'ek | lymph | 淋巴液
liofng'ek | two flanks or wings (a military) | 兩翼
lo'ek | slavery | 奴役
log'ek-putzoat | people come one after another; in uninterrupted succession; continuous | 絡繹無絕
naw'ek'hied | brain hemorrhage | 腦溢血
oaxnchiong'ek | a buffer solution | 緩衝液
peng'ek | military service | 兵役
phien'ek | translate and compile; translator | 編譯
phun'ek | tub bath | 浮浴; 盆浴
pien'ek | to translate and edit | 編譯
pit'ek | written translation | 筆譯
siauhoax-ek | digestive fluid | 消化液
thong'ek | translate; translator; interpret; interpreter (archaic) | 通譯; 翻譯
thong'ek-ciar | interpreter | 通譯者
tiah'ek | translate partially | 摘譯
tin'ek | saliva | 沉液; 津液; 唾液
to'ek | flee; runaway; escape | 逃逸
tui'ek | to recollect, to recall, to remember | 推詢
tø ek iuo tø | Honor among thieves | 盜亦有道
tø'ek | flee; runaway; escae; to dodge | 逃逸
un'ek | epidemic; epidemic; plague; pestilence | 瘟疫
zang'ek | bathing by pouring | 棕浴; 淋浴
zeng'ek | sperm; animal semen | 精液
zhw'ek | bubonic plague | 鼠疫
zhøekøea | braise rice cake | 蒸粿; 炊粿
zoafn'ek | translation | 轉譯
zuyhog'ek | ascitic fluid | 水腹液

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