"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Bøfchyn-zøeq | Mother's Day | 母親節
Goxsunzøeq | Pentecost | 五旬節
Ju'oat-zøeq | the Passover Feast | 逾越節
Kafm'wn-zøeq | Thanksgiving | 感恩節
Køeq | Family name | 郭
Siuxlan-zøeq | Good Friday | 受難節
Tiong'ioong-zøeq | Double Ninth | 重陽節
Tiongchiuzøeq | Mid-Autumn Festival, Full-Moon Festival | 中秋節
aebøeq | want to; wish to | 愛要; 愛欲
aibøeq | cry in want of | 哀欲
bwchyn-zøeq | mother's day | 母親節
bøbøeq | not going to | 無要
bøeq | want; wish; intend to; about to | 欲; 要
bøeq`bøo | want or not | 要麼
bøeq`m | want or not | 要無
bøqsøeq | don't say | 莫說
ciongbøeq | to be going to, to be about to | 將要; 將欲
ciøfkhøeq | short of thing; rare | 少缺; 稀罕
eq | belch | 噎
gokøeq-hii | tilapia | 五郭魚; 吳郭魚
goxgøeh-zøeq | the festival of the fifth day of the fifth lunar month | 端午節; 五月節
goxjit-zøeq | the festival of the fifth day of the fifth lunar month | 五日節
gvexbøeq | importunity | 硬要; 硬欲
gvixbøeq | importunity | 硬要; 硬欲
gvokøeq-hii | tilapia | 伍郭魚; 吳郭魚
gvøehgvøeq`leq | pick up here and there | 箝箝咧
gvøeq | pick up with pincers; chopsticks | 夾
gvøeq`khylaai | pick up with pincers; chopsticks or fire tongs | 夾起來
hongsøeq | blizzard, snow-storm | 風雪
iuxbøeq | want to do something which has been done before | 又要
kafmbøeq | do (you) want it? | 感要; 是否要
kaosuzøeq | teachers' day | 教師節
kay'eq | ward off bad luck | 解厄; 消災
kaysøeq | explain; explanation | 解釋; 解說; 說明
kazøeq | joyous festival | 佳節
kek'høeq | stimulated blood | 激血
khiarmkhøeq | defect; defectiveness | 欠缺
khiehøeq | breath and blood? | 氣血
kho'eq | to hiccough; to hiccup | 呼嗝; 打噎; 夾; 篋
khøehkhøeq | crowded, feel confined | 擠擠
khøeq | lack; to be tired and to doze off | 缺; 瞌; 閉目
kiafmbøeq | Do you want...? | 減要
kiarm-bøeq | Do you want to...? | 減無
kiongbøeq | desire forcibly; almost going to be | 強欲
kiongto bøeq | doggedly determined on it; so that no entreaties or reasoning will move him | 硬要
kudsøeq | to ski | 滑雪
køefsøeq | explain, explanation | 解說
køeq | spread (butter, ink) evenly, scrape off | 刮; 莢
køh'oah-zøeq | Easter | 閣活節; 復活節
køhbøeq | need more | 又要
luo toa zabpøeq piexn | As a girl grows; her appearance changes all the time A girl changes fast in physical appearance from childhood to adulthood | 女大十八變
løqsøeq | snowing; snow | 落雪; 下雪
mimii-bøeq | ask importunately and persevering | 綿綿要; 硬要
nafbøeq-nafm | be of two minds | 哪要哪無; 又想要又想不要
nafexexng'eq | won't be able to use it | 哪會用著
niwkørgøeq | two months | 兩個月
nizøeq | annual festival; yearly festival | 年節
oaqbøeq | almost | 幾乎; 差一點
oarnzhøeq | repine, be displeased at oneself or one's fate | 怨慼
pangsøeq | an avalanche (of snow); a snowslide | 崩雪
parngkhøeq | close eyes | 閉眼; 放瞌; 闔眼
phah'eq | belch | 打呃; 拍呃
pizhøeq | sorrow | 悲慼
pofkhøeq | fill a vacancy | 補缺
pøehzøeq | eight seasonal festivals | 八節
pøeq | eight | 八
pøeq`gøeh | August | 八月
pørsøeq | telegraph | 通知; 報說
sarngzøeq | give presents on the occasion of a festival | 送節
serngzøeq | sacred festival | 聖節
siwzøeq | keep a feast, observe a festival | 修節; 守節; 過節
sizøeq | period, time | 時節
siøkhøeq | be jammed together be pressed against one another | 相擠; 相𤲍
sngsøeq | frost and snow | 酸雪; 霜雪
svakhøeq | be crowded together | 相擠; 相𤲍
sviasøeq | angry talk | 聲說; 氣話; 語氣
sviuxbøeq sie | long for death | 想死
sviuxbøeq | wanting | 想要; 想欲
syhøeq | blood become black because of injury; wound | 黑血; 外傷而變色的血
søeq | say; speak; talk; snow | 屑; 雪; 說
søeq-tøsia | say thanks | 說道謝; 說多謝
tangzøeq | midwinter | 冬至; 冬節
tangzøeq-vii | midwinter rice ball | 冬至圓
tauxgvøeq | bean-pod, pea-pod | 豆莢
tauxkøeq | bean-pod, pea-pod | 豆膎; 豆莢
tefngkhøeq | bring up to full vacancy; opening (job; position) | 頂缺
tehbøeq | be about to | 正要; 咧欲; 將要
tidtit-bøeq | insist upon with firmness; want resolutely; could not refrain from or resist | 直直欲; 硬要
titbøeq | be about to | 得欲; 將要正要
toangvofzøeq | the Dragon Boat Festival | 端午節
toaxsøeq | heavy snow | 大雪
uxbøeq | is about to; going to | 有要
uxn'eq | bad destiny | 運厄
zabpøeq | eighteen | 十八
zabpøeq-koniuu | pretty teens (female) | 十八姑娘
zabpøeq-løhaxn | the eighteen saints or disciples of Buddha | 十八羅漢
zabpøeq-texgak | the eighteen hells where the souls of evil persons are tortured (Buddhism) | 十八地獄
zai'eq | calamity | 災厄; 災禍
zhafmzhøeq | miserable, wretched, repining | 慘慼; 泣不成聲
zhunzøeq | the Spring Festival, the Chinese New Year | 春節
zhusøeq | ski | 滑雪; 趨雪
zhøeq | hate; complain | 慼; 怨恨; 厭惡
zøeq | festival | 節
øeakhøeq | crowded | 擠缺
øekhøeq | jostle, crowded | 挨擠
øeq | hello; hey | 喂
øeqkhøeq | crowded | 狹擠
øeqøeh | somewhat narrow or confined | 狹狹

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