"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: exng

bøleng'exng | inefficacious and powerless 'of a god' | 無靈驗
ci'exng | cope | 支應
ciao'exng | (v) take care of | 照應
ciap'exng | to stand ready for assistance; stand ready to assist | 接應
exng laang ee lixpien | to help people; to make things easier for people | 予人的利便
exng puii | fertilize | 壅肥
exng zhaan | fertilize | 壅田
exng | respond to; answer in words; to echo | 應; 壅; 甕
exng'eng`leq | after using | 用用咧
exng'oaan | to exhaust, to use up | 用完; 用完,用光
gia'exng | scoop (dig) out with the claws or hands | 夯壅; 挖地洞; (小動物)
hiafng'exng | echo in support; respond favorably; rise in support | 響應
hiefn'exng | reveal; clearly show | 顯應; 矚驗
hiofng'exng | in answer to; response; acknowledgement; echo in support; respond favorably; rise in support | 響應
ho'exng | response; act in coordination with each other | 呼應; 此彼呼應
hoafn'exng | responses; reaction; feed back; reflect | 反應
hoafn'exng-but | reactant | 反應物
hoarhak hoafn'exng | chemical reaction | 化學反應
hoarhak-hoafn'exng | chemical reaction | 化學反應
hoe'exng | respond; response | 回應
hudzuo-hoafn'exng | nuclear reaction | 核子反應
ie putpiexn exng baxnpiexn | cope with shifting events by sticking to a fundamental principle or policy | 以無變應萬變
imsexng-hoafn'exng | negative reaction; negative result | 陰性反應
in'exng | cope | 因應
iongsexng hoafn'exng | positive reaction; positive result | 陽性反應
iwkiuu-pit'exng | unable to say no to petitioners; a soft touch; to respond to every plea; never refuses a request | 有求必應
kafm'exng | reaction or response to some outer stimuli; feel and respond; induction (in physics) | 感應
kafm'exng-sexng | irritability | 感應性; 刺激感受性
kiofng'exng | provide, supply, provision, furnish | 供應
kiong'exng | supply | 供應
kiorng'exng | provide; furnish; supply | 供應
kioxng put'exng kiuu | supply is unable to meet the demand; deficiency of supply | 供無應求
kiuo'exng | to save and respond to; to save and deal with | 救應
liensør hoafn'exng | chain reaction | 連鎖反應
liensør-hoafn'exng | chain reaction | 連鎖反應
ng'exng | cover up | 掩映
put'sek'exng | to be unaccustomed to | 無適應; 不適應
sek'exng khoankerng | adapt oneself to the environment | 適應環境
sek'exng | to adapt; to accommodate; to suit; adaptation; adapt oneself to | 適應
simtien kafm'exng | mental telepathy; Extra sensory perception; ESP | 心電感應
siong'exng | to correspond, each other, to be in union, to be in harmony | 相應
siuxtiøh kafm'exng | be influenced by; be moved to do | 受到感應
sngsexng hoafn'exng | acid reaction | 酸性反應
suxn'exng khoankerng | adapt with one's environment | 順應環境
suxn'exng sitai | conform to the times | 順應時代
suxn'exng tiauliuu | conform to modern trends; go with the tide | 順應潮流
suxn'exng | adaptation; accommodation; accommodate oneself to (circumstances) | 順應
tah'exng | give promise; agreement; grant; to promise verbally; to grant | 答應
tap'exng | make a promise; agreement; grant | 答應
tuie'exng | correspondence; parallelism | 對應
u-leng'exng | efficacious and powerful (god) | 有靈應; 有靈驗
zexngtien kafm'exng | electrostatic induction | 靜電感應
zhek'exng | treat with courtesy | 款待
zuxiuky-hoafn'exng | radical reaction (chemistry) | 自由機反應; 自由基反應

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