"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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gi put'ioong suu | duty-bound | 義無容辭
gi | four ethical principles; i.e.; le; gi; liam; thi | 義; (禮, 義, 廉, 恥)
gi'axn | unsettled case; puzzling case | 疑案; 擬案
gi'ioong | appearance and deportment | 儀容
giø | buckwheat | 蕎
giøar | clam | 蟯仔
giøfzhuix | make signs with the mouth | 仰嘴; 噘嘴
giøh | to obstruct; to crack a joke; jeer | 礙; 謔
giøo | pinworm | 蟯; 蛤
giøo`ee | of same name | 蟯的; 同名的
giøpoef | flesh-water mussel, paddle for boat, external female sex organ | 蟯杯; 蟯桮; 蚌殼
giøqgeh | jeer or mock at | 瞟睨; 嘲弄
giøqsiøh | jeer, mock, taunt | 瞟俗; 嘲弄
giør | blink; glance; Look out of corner of eye; glance quickly at; glance at momentarily (as shy girl at a boy) | 瞟; 眽; 睨; 一瞥; 瞥; 瞟一眼
giør`laang | give a contemptuous look to a person | 睨人; 瞟人一眼
hwn'giøo | clam | 粉蟯
iefn'gi | offer for consideration, suggestion, to propose | 演義
jiin cix gi cin | Everything to be expected in the light of benevolence and duty has been done | 仁至義盡
jin'gi | love and righteousness | 仁義
lea-gi-liaam-thie | sense of propriety justice honesty and shame; the four cardinal virtues of the people | 禮義廉恥
lin'gi | benevolence | 仁義
pvoarsirn'gi'ar | half faith | 半信疑仔
sirn'gi | fidelity, loyalty | 信義
un'gi | gratitude | 恩義
wn chym gi tiong | The spiritual debt is deep and great | 恩深義重

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