"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: høex

bat'høex | able to evaluate wares correctly; able to judge the worth of an artistic work; able to tell good from bad | 識貨
bixnterng-høex | top merchandise | 面頂貨
chit'høex | seven years old | 七歲
ciok'høex | full age | 足歲
hak'høex | purchase big goods | 購貨; (大量)
hoat'høex | to send out goods | 發貨
høex | goods; age | 貨; 歲
khoat'høex | run out of stock (of merchandise) | 缺貨
kok'høex | homemade article; native goods; native products | 國貨
lak'høex | pick up the merchant | 落貨
lampak'høex | grocery | 南北貨
loat'høex | substandard goods | 劣貨
lun poex bølun høex | consider a person's generation; not his age | 論輩無論歲
mxbad høex | ignorant of the value of goods | 毋識貨
o'høex | opium; contraband goods | 黑貨
pah'høex | grocery | 北貨
pak'høex | grocery | 北貨
poecvii-høex | the goods that will suffer loss in sale | 賠錢貨
zabseg høex | various commodities | 雜貨
zawzuie-høex | black market merchants | 走水貨
zhadar-høex | stolen goods | 賊仔貨; 贓物
zhut'høex | unload cargo; put out a new product; shipment | 出貨; 上市
zhut'høex-tvoaf | deliver merchandise | 出貨單
zhutkhao-høex | products for export | 出口貨

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