"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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ap'ha | press down | 壓下
at'ha | curb; stop | 遏下; 制止
ciok'ha | term of respect placed after the name when addressing another found usually in letters | 足下
ha hagkii | second semester | 下學期
ha texnggi | define; give a definition | 下定義
ha | summer (see ha) | 夏; 下
ha'iøf | tie the waist | 圍腰; 以帶綁纏腰上
ha'oar | tie up together | 繫倚; 捆在一起
ha-kietlun | to perorate, to draw a conclusion | 下結論
ha-koaxn | second volume, second book | 下卷
ha-texnggi | to define | 下定義
ha-zuytø | a sewer, sewerage, a drain | 下水道
hut'ha | under the buddha | 拂下
khiok'ha | reject | 屈下; 拒絕
khut'ha | to suffer an insult; humiliation; or disgrace under someone | 屈下
kiwzoaan cy ha | underworld; Hades | 九泉之下
kok'ha | sire; your (his) excellency; your honor! | 閣下
lefngtø-ha | under the guidance of | 領導下
pi'ha | base; mean; humble; depreciate oneself; humble oneself | 卑下
pit'ha liuzeeng | have some restraint when attacking others in writing; be merciful in writing | 筆下留情
sek'ha | on your knee | 膝下
siong tiofng ha | top; middle; bottom; best; medium; inferior; first; second; third | 上中下
siong'wn-ha | under normal temperature | 常溫下
zhek'ha | my dear parents (a greeting in a letter to parents) literally: kneeling down | 膝下
zhwn-ha-chiw-tofng | spring, summer, autumn and winter | 春夏秋冬

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