"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: hab

hab | close; cover; catch an insect with the palm downward, to net a bird or butterfly | 合; 欱; 由上吃下; 捉; 蓋; 閒聊
hab'afthaxn | a business where the cost is equal to the gross profit; not counting operating cost | 合仔趁
hab'ar-thaxn | profitable in all | 合仔賺; 倍賺
hab'eeng | run a business in partnership with someone | 合營
hab'id | unite; become one | 合一
hab'iog | contract; agreement; to conclude a contract | 合約; 契約
hab'iong | to share (accomodations, facilities, services, etc); to use together; use in unison | 合用
hab'ix | to suit one's fancy; suit one's fancy | 合意; 同意
hab'oar | bridge close together | 合倚; 合攏
hab'uii | to encircle | 合圍
habøextør | can't help it; having no alternative; cannot cope with; cannot deal with | 下未倒; 奈何無了
hap'hab | covered | 合合
kongsw hab'eeng | state and private joint ownership | 公私合營
pek'hab'of | black-headed gull | 百合黑; 紅嘴鷗
tongliuu hab'ux | wallow in mire with somebody | 同流合污
tongsym hab'ix | of one mind | 同心合意
zerngkaux hab'id | unification of church and state | 政教合一

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