"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: hak

erng'iong-khøhak | applied science | 應用科學
gexsut-hak | art scholarship; creative art scholarship | 藝術學
gienguo-hak | philology | 言語學
gw'ym-hak | phonetics, phonology | 語音學
gwgieen-hak | Linguistics | 語言學
gygieen-hak | linguistics | 語言學
gyhoat'hak | syntax | 語法學
hak buu cykerng | There is no limit to what we can learn. We can always learn. You never know enough | 學無止境
hak ie tieiong | study for the purpose of application | 學以致用
hak iuo zoantiorng | have acquired a specialty from study | 學有專長
hak juu gegsuie hengciw | Move ahead or be pushed backwards. (Learning is like sailing a boat up stream.) | 學如逆水行舟
hak | learn; imitate; to practice so as to learn; school | 學; 礐; 屎坑
hak'hag`leq | buy in bulk | 購購咧; (大量)
hak'hoex | purchase big goods | 購貨; (大量)
hak'høex | purchase big goods | 購貨; (大量)
hengthaix-hak | morphology | 形態學
hoat'hak phoksu | Doctor of Law | 法學博士
hoat'hak | law | 法學
hoat'ym-hak | phonetics, phonology | 發音學
iong huy sor hak | be engaged in an occupation not related to one's training | 用非所學
iøqbut-hak | pharmacology | 藥物學
jinlui-hak | anthropology | 人類學
jinsefng-tiet'hak | philosophy of human life | 人生哲學
jintix-hak | anthroposophy | 人智學
kangge-hak | technology | 工藝學
kengzex-hak | economics | 經濟學
khiesiong-hak | meteorology | 氣象學
khorngbut-hak | mineralogy | 礦物學
khunthioong-hak | entomology | 昆蟲學
khøhak | science | 科學
khøhak-gikhix | scientific instruments; apparatus | 科學儀器
khøhak-hoax | scientifically, scientific | 科學化
khøhak-kaf | scientist | 科學家
khøhak-kaoiok | science education | 科學教育
khøhak-koarn | science building | 科學館
khøhak-sitai | scientific age | 科學時代
khøhak-tieseg | scientific knowledge | 科學知識
kierntiok-hak | architecture | 建築學
kiubien-kyhøhak | spherical geometry | 球面幾何學
kok'hak | national literature; classical literature; the study of the national classics | 國學
kokkaf khøhak uyoanhoe | National Science Council | 國家科學委員會
kut'hak | osteology | 骨學
kutsioxng-hak | phrenology | 骨相學
kyhøo-hak | theory of geometry | 幾何學
lunlie-hak | moral philosophy, ethics | 倫理學
luxnlie-hak | moral philosophy, ethics | 論理學
lylun khøhak | theoretical; pure sciences | 理論科學
lylun-khøhak | theoretical or pure sciences | 理論科學
oan'ge-hak | horticulture | 園藝學
oexsefng-hak | Public Health | 衛生學
phok'hak | well-read; erudite; well read; erudite; well versed in a wide range of learning; erudition; deep and wide education | 博學
sengbut-hak | biology | 生物學
senglie-hak | physiology | 生理學
siaxhoe khøhak | social science | 社會科學
siaxhoe tiet'hak | social philosophy | 社會哲學
sibbut-hak | botany, botanical | 食物學; 植物學
sidbut-hak | botany | 食物學; 植物學
simlie-hak | psychology | 心理學
simzong-hak | cardiology | 心臟學
sin'oe-hak | mythology | 神話學; 神話(學)
sit'hak | uneducated | 失學
søeapaw-hak | cytology | 細胞學
texcit'hak | geology | 地質學
texlie-hak | geography; geomancy; good or bad luck of graves | (學); 地理
thienbuun-hak | astronomy | 天文學
thojiorng-hak | pedology | 土壤學; 塗壤學
tiet'hak phoksu | Doctor of Philosophy; PhD | 哲學博士
tiet'hak | philosophy | 哲學
tiet'hak-ciar | philosopher | 哲學者
tiexnkhix-hak | learning of electricity | 電氣學; 電學
tiexnzuo-hak | electronics | 電子學
tok'hak | a supervisor of schools | 獨學; 督學
toxngbut-hak | zoology | 動物學
tøexcid-hak | geology | 地質學
tøexlie-hak | geography | 地理學
tøhak | play truant | 逃學
wtiu-hangkhofng-hak | astronautics | 宇宙航空學
zaai sof hak chiern | wanting in ability and little learning (a self deprecating expression said by oneself to be polite and humble about one's talent) | 才疏學淺
zengsiin khøhak | mental science | 精神科學
zengsinpvi-hak | psychiatry | 精神病學
zhekliong-hak | surveying | 測量學
zocit'hak | histology | 組織學
zuxjieen khøhak | natural sciences | 自然科學

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