Iok'han Hok'ym | The Gospel According to John (Protestant) | 約翰福音
Iok'han-Protestant | the four Evangelists: (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) | 四位聖使, 瑪竇或馬太, 瑪爾谷或馬可, 路加, 若望或約翰
Sisiefnciar Iok'han | John the Baptist | 施洗者約翰
bøhan | unlimited, infinite, boundless | 無限
bøhan-kongsy | an unlimited company, ordinary partnership | 無限公司
han liuu kiappoe | streaming with sweat | 汗流浹背
han | drought; dry; go by land route as opposed to waterway | 旱; 限; 汗; 悍; 捍
han'goan | to make trouble, a nuisance, silly | 三八, 搗蛋
han'iorng | live in leisure | 閒養
han'iuu | travel in leisure | 閑遊
han'uo | bitterly cold rain | 寒雨
hiet'han | blood and sweat | 血汗
hoat'han | to sweat; diaphoresis; to induce perspiration | 發汗
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