bøhaux | unfilial | 無孝
haux kafmtong thiefn | filial piety can move Heaven | 孝感動天
haux | compare; to correct; proofread; revise (books); collate; (hau means a school; field-grade) | 校; 孝; 祭祀
haux-kongmar | family shrine for ancestors | 孝公媽; 祭供祖先
jixsix haux | twenty-four examples of filial piety | 二四孝
jixzabsix-haux | twenty four filial piety | 二十四孝
peksien haux uisiefn | of all virtues filial piety is chief | 百善孝為先
put'haux | unfilial; undutiful; want of filial piety; unfilial; undutiful; disobedient to parents | 無孝; 不孝
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Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]