"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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bysut-he | department of fine art | 美術系
cidbut-he | the department for plant science | 植物系
cvix he'afcvix | deep fry breaded shrimp | 炸蝦仔煎
he peng'afn | pray for peace | 求平安
he pwncvii | invest | 投下本錢; 下本錢
he togchiuo | lay violent hands on | 下毒手
he | put; place; lay down or leave a thing | 放; 下; 放下; 系; 繫; 係; 留
he'afkee | pickled shrimp | 蝦仔醬; 蝦醬
he'apin | hairpin | 簪 [*]
he'ar | shrimp; prawn | 蝦仔; 蟹仔; 蝦子; 螃蟹
he'ar-bang | shrimp net | 蝦仔網; 蝦網
he-auxchiuo | action afterwards | 下後手
he-kanghw | to devote much time and energy to a task | 下工夫
he-sviemia | to risk one's life | 下性命; 賭命
he-togchiuo | to lay violent hands on someone | 下毒手
he`løqkhix | to put down; into | 放落去; 落落去
hiet'he | to throw away; to discard | 棄下; 棄置
hulør-he'iux | help the aged along; and lead the young by the hand; go or appear with one's whole family regardless of age | 扶老攜幼
kehzoat-he | isolated system | 隔絕系
khorng'iar-he | Mining and Metallurgy dept. | 礦冶系
khøhe | college department or division | 科系
kioxngleg-he | conjugating system | 共軛系
piøhe'ar | Taiwanese community loan club | 標會仔
sidbut-he | department of botany | 食物系; 植物系
thofbok-he | civil engineering dept. | 土木系
tiexnky-he | electrical engineering department | 電機系
zek'he | accumulate | 積下

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