"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: heeng

Sarmsw jihiø heeng | Think thrice before you act | 三思而行
bøheeng | invisible; without leaving a trace; The egg of an animal not fertilized | 無形; 無受孕
cip'heeng piesw | executive secretary | 執行秘書
cip'heeng syheeng | execute a convict | 執行死刑
cip'heeng uyoaan | administrative officers; persons appointed by a ruling party or an assembly to carry out their decisions; members of an executive committee | 執行委員
cip'heeng | to carry out; to execute; execute an order; carry into effect | 執行
cip'heeng-piesw | executive secretary | 執行秘書; 執行祕書
cip'heeng-uy'oaan | executive committee member | 執行委員
cit'heeng | this style | 這型
cviarhofng-heeng | a rhombus | 正方形
gieen zhud pid heeng | He's as good as his word. If you promised; do it | 言出必行
goxkak'heeng | pentagon | 五角形
heeng aikefng | corporal works of mercy (Catholic) | 行哀矜
heeng cvii | back the money | 還錢
heeng siaux | back the money | 還數
heeng | cross grained; perverse; presumptuous and unreasonable | 橫; 行; 恆; 型; 衡; 刑; 還; 形
hiet'heeng | blood-type | 血型
hoat'heeng | issuance; publish; publication | 發行
it'heeng | a group, a party | 一行
jit heeng itsien | do one good deed a day | 日行一善
kafcip'heeng | false execution (in law); sequestrate | 假執行
kefcip'heeng | false execution (in law); sequestrate | 假執行
khok'heeng | inhuman punishment; cruel; unreasonable; violent; torture | 酷刑; 殘忍; 痞情; 無講理
kiongzex-cip'heeng | compulsory action (legal); forcible execution | 強制執行
kip'heeng | to walk hurriedly; to start doing something immediately | 急行
kip'heeng-chiaf | express train | 急行車; 快車
kip'heeng-kwn | rapid march, forced march | 急行軍
lagkak'heeng | hexagon; hexagonal | 六角形
liap'heeng | to act for another; to act in some capacity | 攝行
liusvoax-heeng | streamlined | 流線型
ok'heeng | looks vicious and despicable | 惡形
patji-heeng | figure eight | 八字形
pehkak'heeng | octagonal (figure) | 八角形
pek'heeng | torture | 迫刑
perngkiefn jii heeng | walk abreast | 並肩而行
poafngoat-heeng | crescent-shaped | 半月型
poahcvii heeng laang | make an effort to get money to pay a debt; e.g.; taking money that was set aside for some less urgent purpose | 撥款還人
poarngoat-heeng | half moon shape | 半月形
put'heeng | impracticable, no good | 無幸
siekak'heeng | quadrangular | 四角形
siet'heeng | cuneiform | 楔形
svakag-heeng | triangular shape | 三角行; 三角形
svakak'heeng | triangle | 三角形
svie'heeng | a sector of a circle | 生形
tefngkag svakak'heeng | equiangular triangle | 等角三角形
tefngpvy svakak'heeng | equilateral triangle | 等邊三角形
tek'heeng | virtue; principle | 德行
thaukhak'heeng | head shape | 頭殼型
tidkag svakak'heeng | right angled triangle | 直角三角形
tidsvoax-heeng | linear | 直線形
tngkøheeng | long rod shape | 長篙形
tøkak'heeng | polygon | 多角形
tøpvy-heeng | a polygon | 多邊形
y-sit-zu-heeng | clothing; food; housing; and transportation | 衣食住行
zernghofng-heeng | a square | 正方形
zhohoat'heeng | first issue (of postage stamps) | 初發行
zhut'heeng | travel | 出行; 往旅行

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