"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: hiøh

hanzuu-hiøh | sweet-potato leaf | 蕃薯葉
hiøh løh kuy kyn | The leaves fall and return to the roots--everything reverts to its original source | 葉落歸根
hiøh | leaf; a petal (of a flower); period; era or epoch | 葉; 瓣; 片
hiøh'auxguo | have the last word of a well-known phrase understood and not spoken | 歇後語
hiøh'axm | put up for the night; lodge | 歇暗; 過夜
hiøh'ngr | stop work in the shade | 歇影; 乘涼; 蔭工休息
lak'hiøh | shed leaves; shed leaves (in fall) | 落葉
lak'hiøh-chiu | deciduous tree | 六葉樹; 落葉樹
lut'hiøh | trees and plants lose their leaves | 落葉
paciøhiøh | banana leaf | 芭蕉葉
poghøhiøh | mint leaf | 薄荷葉
sngzaai-hiøh | mulberry leaf | 桑葉
tek'hiøh | bamboo leaves | 竹葉

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