"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: hien

ef hien'ar | play a Chinese fiddle | 拉弦仔; 拉胡琴
hien zuxcie | one's present address | 現住址; 住所
hien | show; present; appear | 炫; 現; 現有; 縣; 衒; 硯; 馬上
hien'afkhaf | people who play string instrument | 絃仔腳; 提琴手
hien'ar | Erhu; Chinese-string fiddle; alto fiddle; Chinese fiddle | 絃仔; 胡琴; 弦; 二胡
hien'axn | pending question; an old problem | 懸案
hien'gak | string music | 弦樂
hien'iau | show off; splurge | 炫耀
hien'oo-zeasex | practice medicine or pharmacy | 懸壺濟世
hien-kaukoafn | deal in dash | 現交關; 現金交易
hien-twhien | obviously | 顯然地; 現抵現
hiexntuo-hien | clear, manifest, a plenty of cash | 現拄現; 有現款
hoat'hien | to find; discovery; to discover; find out or discover new facts | 發現
liongsym hoat'hien | The conscience is moved | 良心發現
thiap'hien phiørkix | discount on checks | 貼現票據
thiap'hien | bank discount | 貼現
zhut'hien | appear | 出現

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