"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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angsiøhii | fish cooked in brown source | 紅燒魚
but'ar-hii | minute edible fishesthe little silverfish ; | 物仔魚; 魩仔魚; 魩子魚
chiahzafng-hii | red sea bream | 赤鬃魚
chiukof-hii | red-mullet | 鰍鮚魚
chvihoef-hii | a kind of sardine | 青花魚
chvilaan-hii | fresh sarmon | 青鱗魚
chviliin-hii | a kind of herring; any number of the genus Herklotsichthys | 青麟魚
ciefn hii | fry fish | 煎魚
cit'ar-hii | golden carp | 鯽仔魚; 鯽魚
cit'hii tiøx toaxtai | use a minnow to catch a whopper use a little bait to catch a big fish | 鯽魚釣鯉魚; 以小釣大; 以少誘多
cit'hii | a crucian carp | 鯽魚
engkøhii | parrotfish | 鸚哥魚
gokøeq-hii | tilapia | 五郭魚; 吳郭魚
gvofar-hii | four-rayed threadfin (fish) | 五仔魚; 四絲馬魚拔
gvokøeq-hii | tilapia | 伍郭魚; 吳郭魚
hee-hii | both fish and shrimp | 蝦魚
hii | fish | 魚
kabafng-hii | black croaker (fish) | 加網魚
kimchviw-hii | bluefin tuna | 金菖魚; 金槍魚; 鮪
lauxbang ee hii | fish that has escaped the net ─ said of criminal who has escaped punishment | 漏網之魚
logkak'hii | trigger fish | 漉角魚; 曳絲單棘魨
lomoaa-hii | common wax-plant | 流氓魚; 櫻蘭
moasat'hii | milk fish | 麻虱魚; 虱目魚
o'ar-hii | Mugil cephalus; grey mullet | 烏仔魚; 白梭; 前鱗梭; 鯔; 烏魚; 大鱗梭; 腦
peqput'ar-hii | minute edible fishes the little silverfish | 白物仔魚
peqtoax-hii | white hairtail | 白帶魚
peqtøhii | some type of fish | 白刀魚
piøhii | some kind of fish | 標魚
pvoa'ar-hii | golden-skinned pargo (fish) | 盤仔魚; 血鯛
pybok-hii | one species of halibut | 比目魚
pøftøf-hii | long-tailed anchovy, wolf herring, silver-bar fish | 寶刀魚
sek'hii | lizard fish | 色魚; 蜥魚
siøhii | burn fish | 燒魚
soaberng-hii | trigger fish | 沙猛魚
soat'hii | cod | 鱈魚
soatøhii | long tailed anchovy | 沙鱭魚
tai'ar-hii | common carp, cyprinus carpio | 呆仔魚; 𩸙仔魚; 鯉魚
tek'ar-hii | trigger fishes | 竹仔魚; 多棘皮剝魨; 棘身皮剝魨
toaxto-hii | top-minnow (fish) | 大都魚; 大肚魚
tøhii | white herring, long-finned herring (fish) | 棹魚; 長鰳
zhngrar-hii | bluefin tuna | 槍仔魚; 串仔魚; 黑鮪
zva hii | block fishes with net | 㨻魚

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