"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: hoan

Høzuie put'hoan zvefzuie | One should mind his own business. (Don't mix river water with well water.) | 河水無犯井水
chiap'hoan | a person commit larceny; thief; burglar | 竊犯
chiok'hoan | touch a sore spot, offend unintentionally | 觸犯
hengsu-hoan | a criminal | 刑事犯
hoan zabkaix | break the Commandments of God | 犯十誡
hoan | change; to exchange; replace | 換; 凡; 犯; 患; 易; 範; 氾
hoan'afhea | matchbox | 番仔火
hoan'afhoea | matches | 番仔火; 火柴
hoan'afhøea | match | 番仔火; 火柴; 洋火
hoan'afiuu | kerosene | 番仔油; 煤油
hoan'afkuie | foreign devil | 番仔鬼; 洋鬼子
hoan'afkviw | pimiento; cayenne; capsicum; hot pepper | 番仔薑; 辣椒
hoan'aflaau | western-style house | 番仔樓
hoan'afmoaf | cloak | 番仔幔
hoan'afoe | aborigine dialect; unlawful talk | 蕃仔話; 蠻橫話
hoan'aftau | flat beans with pod; like the ordinary pea | 番古豆; 番仔豆; 留豆; 蕃仔豆; 鵲豆
hoan'aftiin | morning glory | 番仔藤
hoan'afzhafng | onion | 番仔蔥
hoan'aq | duck; imported duck; ducks lay less egg yet stronger type; wild duck | 番鴨
hoan'ar | chief mourner's flag | 番仔; 幡仔; 番人; 旛; 土人; 生蕃
hoan'ar-phiaq | quick tempered; quick temper | 番仔癖; 急性子
hoan'axn | to reverse a previous judgment or accepted conclusion; reverse a previous verdict | 翻案
hoan'eeng | thrive; flourish; thrift; prosperity | 繁榮
hoan'egciar | translator | 翻譯者
hoan'egkoaan | translation rights for a book | 翻譯權
hoan'egpurn | translation of a book; translated version | 翻譯本
hoan'egsia | translation club | 翻譯社
hoan'ek | interpret; translate; interpret | 翻譯
hoan'ek-kvoaf | translation officer | 翻譯官
hoan'ek-oaan | a translator, an interpreter | 翻譯員
hoan'iern | reproduce oneself; breed; propagate | 蕃衍
hoan'iet | thumb through a book or magazine; turn over the leaves of a book | 翻閱
hoan'iok | overjoyed; dancing with joy | 歡躍
hoan'ioong | to return from the grave; return | 還陽
hoan'iuu | globetrot | 環遊
hoan'ixn | reprint (a book with or without proper permission) | 翻印
hoan'o | big-leaf taro | 番芋; 臺灣姑婆芋
hoan'oong | tribal leader | 番王
hoan'ui | locant on a ring, position on a ring (chemistry) | 番位
hoan`tiøh | violate | 犯著
hoan’afpeq | the lingo used in trading. 販仔白 | 7921
kiap'hoan | to hijack a criminal or a prisoner; criminal; culprit (of plunder pillage) | 劫犯; 搶劫的兇犯
kok'hoan | state offender | 國犯
ok'hoan | criminal | 惡犯
satjiin-hoan | murderer | 殺人犯
siaolieen-hoan | a juvenile delinquent | 少年犯
simpag cy hoan | the threat from within (the organization; nation); the fifth column | 心腹之患
thongchip'hoan | criminal wanted by the law | 通緝犯
tøhoan | fugitive; fugitive from the law; escaped criminal; jail breaker; wanted; criminal | 逃犯
yaix-hoan'aix | love for love; repay love with love | 以愛還愛
ynto tøhoan | extradition | 引渡逃犯
zvefzuie put'hoan høzuie | not to interfere in the affairs of another | 井水無犯河水

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