"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Angsibli-hoe | Red Cross | 紅十字會
Bykog kok'hoe | U.S.A. Congress | 美國國會
Koangoat-hoe | moon viewing party | 賞月會
Kok'hoat'hoe | national development council | 國發會
Kokkhøhoe | National Science Council | 國科會
Loxtek'hoe | Lutheran Church | 露德會
Pwntog Siulie hoe | OSB: Benedictine Srs. (Catholic) | 本篤修女會
Pwntok'hoe | OSB: Ordo Sti. Benedicti (Catholic) | 本篤會
Sexng Bixzengciok'hoe | Vincentians (Catholic) | 聖味增爵會
Tiofnglør-hoe | Presbyterian Church | 長老會
Tviwlør-hoe | Presbyterian Church | 長老會
bonglieen-hoe | meet with friends who are despite difference of age | 忘年會
bwcie-hoe | women's auxiliary of a primary school | 母姐會; 母姊會
bøfzea-hoe | women's auxiliary of elementary school | 母姊會
ciauthai-hoe | reception party | 招待會
cirnsiw-hoe | short refresher course | 進修會
ciøf hoe'ar | gather members to form a private mutual lending association | 招會仔
ciøhoe | to join a loan club | 招會
giefnsiw-hoe | study session, workshop | 研修會
hauxiuo-hoe | alumni association | 校友會
haxleng-hoe | summer conference, retreat | 夏令會
hoang'eeng-hoe | reception (welcome) | 歡迎會
hoangeeng-hoe | reception (welcome) | 歡迎會
hoansaxng-hoe | a farewell party | 歡送會
hoat'hoe | a ceremony; religious assembly (Buddhist) | 法會; 普渡
hoe mxtiøh | apologize | 道歉; 回無對
hoe sitlea | offer an apology | 說抱歉; 回失禮
hoe | meet; to gather; assemble; converge; meeting; society; convention; association; understand; comprehend | 會
hoe'afpox | printed cloth; floral cloth | 花仔布
hoe'ar | a private money saving established for a limited period by small group people; a small co-operative bank established for a limited period by small group people | 會仔
hoe'eg | recollect; to recall; look back upon; recollection; memory | 回憶
hoe'eklok | memoirs | 回憶錄; 回顧錄
hoe'exng | respond; response | 回應
hoe'iap | petals of flowers | 花瓣
hoe'ioong | revive from underground (death) | 回陽
hoe'iuu | return mail | 回郵
hoe'iøo | lime kiln | 灰窯; 石灰窯
hoe'mm | bud | 花萼; 花莓; 蓓蕾
hoe'oe | to reply; to answer | 回話
hoe'ym | echo | 回音
hoe-jinzeeng | to return a favor; to express one's thanks | 回人情; 答謝
hoghefng-hoe | revival meeting | 復興會
hoxoan-hoe | supporter's association | 後援會
huxjiin-hoe | women's association | 婦人會; 婦女會
huxluo-hoe | women's association, woman's society | 婦女會
høhoe | congregational, Presbyterian, a peace conference | 和會
imgak-hoe | concert | 音樂會
iok'hoe | a date; an appointment; appointment; engagement; make an appointment to meet | 約會
jit-hoe'ar | soft beams of sunlight | 日花仔; 暖陽
katviuo-hoe | parent association of students | 家長會
kernglør-hoe | party in honor of old people | 敬老會
kherngciog-hoe | a celebration party | 慶祝會
kherngciok'hoe | celebration; party | 慶祝會
khorngsox-hoe | an accusation meeting | 控訴會
khwnchyn-hoe | parent-teacher association or meeting; PTA | 懇親會
kiet'hoe | apply for purchase of foreign exchange from state banks; sell foreign exchange earned to state banks (said of importers) | 結匯
kip'hoe | class meeting (at school) | 級會; 班會
kitør-hoe | prayer meeting | 祈禱會
kiuozex-hoe | welfare association or agency | 救濟會
koanmoo-hoe | invited meeting of observation | 觀摩會
kok'hoe gixoaan | member of the National Assembly | 國會議員
kok'hoe | the parliament; diet; congress; etc. of a nation; national assembly | 國會
liengii-hoe | a fellowship meeting | 聯誼會
liensek-hoe | joint conference | 聯席會
lysu-hoe | board of directors | 理事會
pit'hoe | P. E. N. (the International Association of Poets Playwrights; Editors; Essayists; and Novelists) | 筆會
piøhoe | make bids or draw lots to determine who should get the loan from the private loan association | 標會
piøhoe'ar | make bids or draw lots to determine who should get the loan from the private loan association | 標會仔
pøexleeng-hoe | revival meeting; retreat | 培靈會
sarngpiet-hoe | a farewell gathering | 送別會; 惜別會
soankaux-hoe | missionary society | 宣教會
soantø-hoe | missionary society | 宣道會
sorngheeng-hoe | farewell service (encouraging a person who is undertaking a difficult assignment) | 送行會
sorngpiet-hoe | farewell meeting | 送別會
tafngsu-hoe | board of directors, board of trustee | 董事會
thøeasiw-hoe | religious retreat meeting | 退修會
thøflun-hoe | discussion meeting, debate | 討論會
tiefnlarm-hoe | exposition, exhibition | 展覽會
tiofngcib-hoe | session of elders and deacons | 長進會
toex-hoe'ar | participate in a Money club | 搭會仔
tuitø-hoe | memorial service | 追悼會
uxntong-hoe | games | 運動會
uy'oaan-hoe | committee | 委員會
zakefng-hoe | Bible class, Bible meeting | 查經會
zhek'hoe | surveying and mapping | 測繪
zuzhek'hoe | information council | 資策會

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