"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: hoea

cidpak'hoea | very angry | 一腹火; 一肚子氣
hoat'hoea | catch fire | 發火
hoea cin'ong | the fire is burning well | 火旺盛
hoea siøf bagbaai | imminent crisis or emergency (fire singeing the eyebrows) | 火燒眉毛; 燃眉之急
hoea siøf koliaau | no hope; hopeless (Lit. the net house is burnt down; it's hopeless.) | 火燒罟寮; 形容無望了
hoea tøh | the fire blazes up or kindles | 著火; 火燃
hoea | fire; flames; burn with fire; fury; anger; urgency; urgent | 火
hoea'iog | abrogate treaties; to call off a contract | 廢約; 合同中止
hoea'ioong | ulcer | 潰瘍
hoea'oe | nonsense; persiflage | 廢話
hoea'un kongsy | forwarding agency | 貨運行; 貨運公司
hoea'un | shipment of commodities; transportation service | 貨運
hoea'uxnhaang | forwarding agency | 貨運行; 貨運公司
khiet'hoea | ignition | 戛火
kuipak'hoea | full of rage | 規腹火
laqzek'hoea | candle fire | 蠟燭火
liaugoaan cy hoea | great prairie fire | 燎原之火
siøhoea | make light, tend a fire | 烤火 (取暖)
ui-hoea'ioong | gastric ulcer | 胃潰瘍

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