"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: hoef

ak'hoef | water flowers; water flowers | 澆花
bagciw-hoef | blurred vision | 目睭花
bagni-hoef | Arabian jasmine | 茉莉花
barn hoef | defloration | 挽花
biøhoef | to delineatea figure | 描繪
boftafn-hoef | tree peony | 牡丹花
boglaan-hoef | magnolia flower | 木蘭花
boglieen-hoef | magnolia | 木蘭花
bogpid-hoef | zephyranthes | 木筆花
chie'ar-hoef | acacia flower | 刺仔花; 洋紫茉莉
chiekiuu-hoef | sweet acacia | 刺球花; 刺毬花
chviubii-hoef | tea-rose | 薔薇花
cit'hoef | weave figures into fabrics | 織花
cybii-hoef | crape myrtle flower | 紫薇花
gioglaan-hoef | a magnolia | 玉蘭花; 白蘭
gubyjiin-hoef | corn poppy | 虞美人花; 虞美人
gukak'hoef | sweet acacia | 牛角花
hoef hør gøeh vii | ideal time for a wedding (The flowers are in full bloom; and the moon is full.) | 花好月圓
hoef sia`khix | withered | 花謝去
hoef | ashes; powder; dust | 灰; 粉末; 花
hoef-lyløo | confusion; chaos; (idiom) in a mess | 花哩囉; 混亂; 亂七八糟
hoxngsiefn-hoef | balsam | 鳳仙花
høhoef | lotus; water lily | 荷花
høpaw-hoef | oyster plant | 荷包花
iafkiok'hoef | wild chrysanthemum flower | 野菊花
iar-kiok'hoef | chamomile | 野菊花
iutaang-hoef | tung flower | 油桐花
khek'hoef | carve flowers or ornaments (in wood etc.) | 刻花
kiok'hoef | chrysanthemum | 菊花
kiok'hoef-tee | infusion made from dried chrysanthemums | 菊花茶
kok'hoef | national flower | 國花
kukak'hoef | name of poisonous snake (viper) | 龜殼花; (毒蛇名)
kukhak'hoef | name of poisonous snake (viper) | 龜殼花; (毒蛇名)
kut'hoef | bone ashes | 骨灰
lai'ar-hoef | pear flower | 梨仔花
lak'hoef | flowers falling (so as not to produce fruit) | 落花
lienciøhoef | lotus banana flower | 蓮蕉花
logsiin-hoef | roselle (flower) | 洛神花
ohwn-hoef | opium poppy | 罌粟花; 鴉片花
otiap-hoef | the iris | 蝴蝶花
peh kiok'hoef | feverfew | 白菊花
peqkiok'hoef | a flower head of an ornamental chrysanthemum | 白菊花
soat'hoef | snowflakes | 雪花
taethøhoef | a woman with a lustful looking face | 帶桃花
teng'ar-hoef | fringed hibiscus (flower) | 亭仔花; 燈仔花; 裂瓣朱槿
terngchirn'ar-hoef | rough-leaved holly | 釘秤仔花
thiøhoef | pick flowers | 挑花; 刺繡
thøhoef | peach blossom; floozie | 桃花
toax-thøhoef | a woman fated to lead a licentious life | 帶桃花
toaxaang-hoef | Chinese hibiscus, Rose of China | 大紅花; 朱槿
toxkoafn-hoef | azalea, ericaceae flower | 杜鵑花
zek'hoef | candle flower | 燭花
zuylieen-hoef | aquatic plant with violet colored flowers | 水蓮花
øhoef | lotus | 蓮花

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