"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: hoex

bat'hoex | know the goods; able to evaluate wares correctly, able to judge the worth of an artistic work, able to tell good from bad | 捌貨
chiet'hoex | take the goods | 切貨
chymsit ku hoex | unable to eat or sleep because of deep worries or sorrow | 寢食俱廢
ciah kaux... hoex | live to the age of… years | 活到 …歲
ciok'hoex | have actually reached a certain age as distinct from the Chinese way of counting age; which makes a person one year old at the time of birth | 足歲
cirnkhao-hoex | imported goods | 進口貨
goaxkok'hoex | imported goods; commodities of foreign make | 外國貨
goaxsiaw-hoex | products for export | 出口貨
hak'hoex | purchase big goods | 購貨; (大量)
hoex cyn kex sit | commercial slogan meaning; goods of high quality sold at reasonable prices | 貨真價實
hoex | cargo ship; freighter; person's age | 貨; 廢
pat'hoex | knowledge of merchandise | 捌貨
sek'hoex | able to evaluate wares correctly; able to judge the worth of an artistic work; able to tell good from bad | 識貨
sia'hoex | buy on credit | 賒貨
suo jii buu hoex | die without regrets | 死而無悔
thiet'hoex | to repeal | 撤廢
toaxsek'hoex | common goods that sold everywhere | 大色貨
tosiaw zok'hoex | cancelled and regarded as waste paper | 塗銷作廢
ut'hoex | baby’s true age | 鬱歲
zaan jii put'hoex | disabled but useful; crippled but leading an active life | 殘而無廢
zhut'hoex | put a new product (on the market); unload cargo (from a ship) | 出貨
zok'hoex | make void; nullify; cancel | 作廢

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