"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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ap'hok | subjugate; force a nation or person to his or her knees; suppress | 壓服; 制服; 壓伏
ciet'hok | to be convinced of by someone else with superior wisdom; logic; integrity; etc. | 折服
hoanhuun-hok'uo | as changeable as clouds and rain (said of human affection) | 翻雲覆雨
hok lø'ek | do society service or work as a form of punishment for a crime | 服勞役
hok lø'iah | do society service or work as a form of punishment for a crime | 服勞役
hok peng'ek | undergo military training; do military service | 服兵役
hok peng'iah | undergo military training; do military service | 服兵役
hok | submit and obey, take medicine, one dose of medicine | 服; 伏
hok'hap | compound, mix togethere | 覆合; 複合
hok'hun | fortune; one's share of happiness | 福份
hok'imthoaan | spread good news | 福音傳
hok'imtngg | chapel, Gospel hall | 福音堂
hok'imtoan | the Christian Gospel | 福音傳
hok'imtoong | a chapel | 福音堂
hok'ixm | I take advantage of your influence and assistance (in some danger; to get some benefit; or on going to see some influential man). I should like to share your luck | 福蔭; 托你的福
hok'oaan | dried longan (dragon's eyes or leng keng); dried fruit | 福圓; (龍眼乾)
hok'ym | Gospel; good news; the gospel | 福音
høhok | a kimino; Japanese kimono | 和服; 日本服
jit hok itjit | day after day; day in and out | 日復一日
kangzog-hok | working clothes | 工作服
kangzok'hok | working clothes | 工作服
khek'hok | through; cope with; get over; overcome; fetch through; conquer; subdue; overcome (difficulties) | 克服; 克復
khut'hok | to succumb; yield; or submit (to power; threat; etc); to give in; submission; surrender; acknowledge one's defeat | 屈服
kut'hok | to surrender, to submit, to yield | 屈服
moa'hok | clothing made of sackcloth (used in mourning; cf moa5-san) | 麻服; 喪服
ofng'hok | to and from | 往復
put'hok | to refuse to obey; object; disagree; dislike; disobey; resist | 不服; 無服
soat'hok | persuade; convince; prevail on | 說服
tap'hok | reply-to; respond to; in answer to; give a reply | 答復; 答覆
thoaan hok'ym | preach the gospel | 傳福音
zerngseg tap'hok | formal discussion | 正式答覆

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