"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: hong

hong sefng hoxngjii | fine son born of a fine father | 鳳生鳳兒
hong | by authority of; broil; phoenix; receive with both hands | 奉; 烘; 鳳; 哄; 俸; 騙
hong'axn | a scheme; blue print; a proposal; plan; a design; a program | 方案
hong'eeng | full and rich; plump | 豐盈
hong'ek | prevention of epidemics | 防疫
hong'erng | stormy waves | 風浪; 風湧
hong'iap | red leaves; maple leaf | 紅葉
hong'iar | wilderness; a desert | 荒野
hong'iar`ee | savage | 荒野的
hong'iim | dissolute; licentious; debauched; dissipated; profligate | 荒淫
hong'iky | sewing machine | 縫衣機
hong'ioong | further develop or expand | 宏揚
hong'ixn | a seal; a cachet; a sealing stamp | 封印
hong'oaan | square and round, surface area of a land | 方原
hong'oe | guard; defense; protect | 防衛
hong'oexciexn | defensive war; defensive operation | 防禦戰; 防衛戰
hong'oexpefng | Red Guard from Red China | 紅衛兵
hong'ui | point of the compass; direction | 方位
hong'uie | great; grand; vast; immense | 宏偉
hong'un | charm and tone of person's style; appearance; charms; poise and bearing; shipping | 風韻; 航運
hong'uo buzor | take place on schedule regardless of weather changes | 風雨無阻
hong'uo tongciw | be in the same boat; sharing a common fate | 風雨同舟
hong'uo | wind and rain; trials and hardships | 風雨
hong'uo-phiau'iaau | be tossed about in wind or rain | 風雨飄搖
hong'vii | square and circles | 方圓
hong'wn | great grace; mercy; a significant favor | 鴻恩; 皇恩
hong'wpiør | barometer | 風雨表
hong'y cioksit | eat and dress well; live in affluence (good clothes and rich food) | 豐衣足食
hong'y | dustcoat; wind coat; wind jacket; waterproof overcoat for warding off wind and rain | 風衣
ioong hong ym uii | observe rules or obey orders ostensibly; pretend to obey | 陽奉陰違
khie hong'erng | sea rises high | 起風浪
mo hong'uo | face wind and rain | 冒風雨
niao tiofng cy hong | phoenix among birds ─ preeminent | 鳥中之鳳
zerngtofng hong'oe | legal self defense | 正當防衛

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