"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: hor

chiørbin-hor | slick; person with kindly face and cruel heart | 笑面虎; 巧言令色
hoo kar hor uy | bully the weak because of one's relation with the powerful (behave like the fox that borrowed the terror of the tiger) | 狐假虎威
hor chirnthaau | cheat someone by rigged scales | 唬秤頭; 吃斤兩
hor sefng parjii | father who gives birth to excellent boys. (tiger has cubs like leopards) | 虎生豹兒
hor thaau, niawchie boea | start with enthusiasm, end up with gusto. | 虎頭鼠尾
hor tok bøe ciah kviar | No one is capable of hurting his own children (Even a vicious tigress will not eat its cubs.) | 虎毒未食囝
hor | no; not; negative | 否; 唬; 詐取; 虎; 騙
hor-kopøo | the tiger-lady | 虎姑婆
hor-parpax | bully | 橫霸霸
hor`laang | to cheat people; deceive people | 詐人; 騙人
loong thwn hor iexn | wolfish; tiger-like appetite; grasping | 狼吞虎嚥
peg hor siongjiin | tiger when pressed will injure a person ─ harass a man until he turns on his persecutor | 迫虎傷人
saxng baq chi hor | lose money by unwise speculation or by entrusting it to an irresponsible person | 送肉餵虎

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