"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: hu

Kok'hu | father of the country, Father of the Republic (Dr. Sun Yat-sen) | 國父
ciet'hu | widow of chastity | 節婦; 貞節婦
hu pud hu | Fathers neglect their duties as fathers while sons neglect their duties as sons | 父無父; 子不子
hu zekjim | same as hu-chek | 負責任
hu | father | 父; 負; 婦; 賦; 阜
hu'afzuie | water casting evil spell | 符仔水
hu'ar | spell; incantation; written Taoist charm | 符仔
hu'eeng | vanity; empty glory | 虛榮
hu'guii-zeakhuxn | help those in danger and relieve those in distress | 扶危濟困
hu'iern | to put off; to be perfunctory | 敷衍
hu'iofngciar | supporter; sustainer | 扶養者
hu'iofnghuix | family supporting expenses | 扶養費
hu'ioong | hibiscus; lotus | 芙蓉
hu'iorng ee gixbu | duty of supporting | 扶養的義務
hu'iorng kazok | dependent | 扶養家族
hu'iorng | to bring up; provide with means of livelihood; provide subsistence or sustenance for; to support | 扶養
hu'iuu-toxngbut | a mayfly; an ephemera | 蜉蝣動物
hu'ui | a vacant seat, a vacancy | 虛位
hu-lixzuo | negative ion, anion | 負離子
hu-sengtiorng | negative grow | 負成長
hw chioxng hu suii | harmony between spouses (husband leads and wife follows) | 夫唱婦隨
it'hw-it'hu | a husband and a wife | 一夫一婦
iwhw-cy-hu | married woman | 有夫之婦
kharnho-hu | nurse; ; care taker | 看護婦
khek'hu | bad luck women | 剋婦
kok'hu | Father or founder of a nation; father of the country | 國父
phoat'hu | virago; a shrew; a termagant; a woman that hard to deal | 潑婦
poat'hu | shrew | 潑婦
siaolieen soxng hu | three greatest misfortunes in youth to lose one's father; in middle age to lose one's wife; in old age to have no son | 三無幸; 少年喪父; 中年喪妻; 晚年無子
tøhu | polyandry | 多夫; 一妻多夫
zhosarn-hu | prinipara, woman having her first child | 初瘦婦; 初產婦

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