"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: hun

bøhun | have nothing to do with it; be denied a share | 無份; 沒有份
cit'hun | a position; duty; official duties | 職分; 份內職責; 職份
hok'hun | fortune; one's share of happiness | 福份
hun | resent; hate; regret; hatred | 恨; 昏; 混; 暈; 份
hun'ab | separate pressure | 分壓
hun'ab'ar | tobacco box; cigarette case | 煙盒仔; 香煙盒
hun'afng | big cloud | 雲尪
hun'ap | a cigarette case | 煙盒
hun'ar | tobacco leaf | 熏仔
hun'au | after marriage | 婚後
hun'axm | dim; dusky; twilit | 昏暗
hun'ia | dusky night | 昏夜
hun'iar | distinction | 分野
hun'ieen | wedding banquet | 婚筵; 喜宴
hun'iefn | tobacco smoke; clouds and smog | 煙煙; 雲煙
hun'iexn | wedding banquet | 婚宴; 婚筵
hun'iog | marriage contract; betrothal | 婚約
hun'iuu | to roam; to wander; nicotine | 雲遊; 煙油
hun'iw | to share the cares and worries; share sorrows; worries; etc.; sympathize | 分憂
hun'ngf | to separate in transplanting rice seedlings | 分秧
hun'of | to blacken by smoke | 燻黑
hun'uo | cloud in a flash | 雲剎; 雲雨
hun'yn | marriage | 婚姻
hun'yn-hoad | the marriage law | 婚姻法
hun`khix | in faint; swoon; to faint; lose consciousness | 暈去; 昏去; 昏暈; 昏過去
hun`tør | block out | 昏倒
høhun | mixed up, confused | 和惑
kiap'hun | to nurse a grievance | 劫恨; 夾恨; 屈
kuxseg-hun'yn | old-style-marriage; old-fashioned wedding | 舊式婚姻
poe hun'ar | cure (tea; tobacco leaves) | 烘熏仔; 烘乾菸葉
soat'hun | revenge | 雪恨
zek'hun | accumulate hatred | 積恨

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